(Top moments:
January 14
January 15
January 16
January 22
January 28
January 29)~January 14th, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the next 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, grabbed the gift that I got for her birthday, and ran to the stairs. I waited for around 3 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I quickly ran down the stairs and ran into her classroom. When I saw her, I nearly screamed her name but she was talking to another kid so I waited and when she was done, I screamed her name again and she also screamed and she told me she missed me so much and I said the same as we were hugging eachother tightly 💕💕 It was seriously the best hug I received in the past 3 weeks 💕 She told me that my hair looked amazing and I thanked her lots 💕💕💕 Then, I gave her the gift and she absolutely loved it!! 💞💞 She told me that this was her first present that she got for her birthday then some of the students asked her if her birthday was today so she told them it was 2 days ago but I always remember her, she's seriously the sweetest 💗💗 We hugged one last time and then I ran to the field. I felt so happy that she loved it and how kind she was to me! 💗💗 I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. While I was working on my project, I also remembered that I needed to check the activity wall to know if I was with her in dance so I decided to leave extra early so at 2:41 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed so I immediately ran as fast as I could. As I was walking, I noticed some paint was on my shirt so I slightly zipped my jacket and kept going. When I made it to the activity board, I saw that she wasn't with me in dance and I was absolutely devastated.. I kept searching on the board for what activity she gave but I didn't find her name on anything which made me feel a little better since now I knew that nobody was with her and I needed to make a new plan to see her on the last session on Monday and Wednesday. Anyways, when I arrived to the bathroom, I used the toilet, tied my shoes, and packed my bags. It was still 2:50 P.M. so I kept walking around in the hallway until it was 2:53 P.M. so I grabbed my bags and ran to the stairs. I waited for around 7 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I immediately ran down the stairs, put my bags against the wall, and ran inside. I hugged her tight and she did the same while telling me that she absolutely loved the gift and thanked me alot 💗💗 She told me that she missed me alottt and asked me if I'd grown up or something so I said no while giggling 😂💕 However, she got a phone call so I waited for her to finish and when she finished, she told me that she wasn't going to the bus yet so I told her I knew and asked her how was Alexandria (she went to Alexandria for the whole break so we didn't meet up, but it was fine) so she told me it was amazing and it rained oj the last day. I was really happy that she had alot of fun and I told her how excited I was that our class was the 1st session tomorrow (the schedule changed because of our english teacher leaving) and she said the same! 💕💕 We hugged one last time, told each other love you, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt soooo happy that she was the kindest that she has ever been to me and everything!! 💗💗 I promised myself to wear the cutest things with my uniform tomorrow to impress her and also be the kindest and sweetest to her as much as possible! 💕💕 Later at night on that same day, she texted me thanking me for the gift so I told her you're welcome and all 💗💗 She asked me if I knew that I was the only who got her a birthday gift and how amazing I really was! 🤞🏻💗 I was soo happy when she said that and told her that she's my favorite person everr 💕 She even said that even when I grow up and become successful, she'll never forget me 🥹💗 Wow... that's one of the sweetest things she's ever said to me! 🫶🏻💞 However, she promised me something as well. She said that I shouldn't buy her anymore gifts since she wanted me to save up my money and get myself a huge present and to her, my notes were the best gifts to her 🥹💗💖💘💕 I genuinely started shedding happy tears after reading that message and promised her I would 💕💕 I went to sleep that day feeling the happiest I'd ever been 💗💕
~January 15th, 2024~
Today was seriously one of the best days ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I had her session anyways. I quickly ran through the reception to her classroom and when I arrived, I put my bags against the door and went inside. She didn't come yet unfortunately but as I was sitting down, she came so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and when she started unpacking her stuff, my classmates began talking to her and when everyone else came, we were supposed to pick a spain dance since our international day was in a month (February 22) and we needed to pick. Luckily, we chose by the end of the session and she was so relieved and so was I since we wouldn't be that late. When we got dismissed, I went up to her and hugged her and she did the same 💗💗 Some of my classmates went up to her and asked her about the costumes so I stood with them for a few minutes and when they left, I hugged her again and thanked her for the messages that she sent me yesterday and she said some really sweet things that I unfortunately can't remember but anyways, I hugged her one more time and went to my class. I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my bag, put my stuff in it, and ran to the stairs. As I was going down, her class was already coming up the stairs so I quickly ran towards her classroom. However, as I was running up to her, I accidentally tripped and I felt so embarrassed but I tried to keep my cool by getting up as if nothing happened and hugged her 💗💗 She asked me if I was okay so I said yes and told her that I missed her so much and I was thinking about her all day. She said some really sweet things that I unfortunately don't remember again, then we hugged one more time, and I went to the field. I still felt kinda embarrassed about falling but I got over it quickly. Anyways, I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. It was surprisingly fun dancing with my friends, laughing, and everything but obviously not as fun if I was with her. At 2:50 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom but she said there were already 2 people outside so I needed to wait. I wanted to tell her that it was urgent so that she'd let me go but I controlled my patience. Luckily, one of the girls came back so when I asked again, she let me go so I immediately ran up the stairs, to my locker, packed my bags, and ran to the stairs. I waited for around 6 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I quickly went down the stairs and as I was walking, one of the students (that I met before during winter show rehearsals) called my name and hugged me 🤍 I hugged her back, put my bags against the wall, and ran inside. I also made sure to run slower so that I didn't fall like the last time I saw her but anyways, I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗 She hugged me back and was so happy to see me and so was I! 💗💗 She asked me why I didn't come to her during the activity (she thought I was with her) so I told her that I unfortunately was with another teacher and she said it was fine. She told me that she missed me so much and I said the same!! 💗💗 Then, a girl from Grade 5 came to her and talked to her about how she wasn't with her in the activity and all and then, she told her (as a joke) to get out 😂😂😂. Then, she pretended that the gift that I got her that was on her desk was for her and took it and started snooping. She told her that nobody goes through her stuff and I told her that I was the one who got it for her. As the girl was snooping, another kid came inside and told her that they were with the head of music department and she said that he's OBVIOUSLY better, but then I said that she was wayyy better 💗💗 She told the girl that some people actually cared (she meant some people as me) and said that she can't stop looking at the present I got her everyday, she's seriously so sweet 💕💕 The other kid that came left and the girl told her that she didn't know what to do for the talent show and then I said that I only had a minute left in the song that I was doing for the talent show and she was so proud 💕💕 She sprayed some of her perfume on us before locking up her classroom and as we were going down the stairs, we talked to her a little bit and she told her alot of really sweet things about me which made me so happy 💗💗As we were still walking, the teacher that was with me in the activity was there and she told Myl that I was amazing in the activity today and Myl said that it was because she has an amazing teacher in her life 💕💕 When we kept walking, I told her that teacher was her and she blew a kiss at me 💞💞💞 When she picked up her daughter, it was 3:08 P.M. so we immediately ran through the hallway that we came from (since it was the fastest way to get to the reception) and started walking. I told her that her hair was amazing and she said mine was better and so stylish 💗💗 I thanked her alot and since she needed to scan her fingerprint, afterwards, we ran to our buses and we made it to hers, we hugged one last time and she kissed me! 💗💗 I ran to my bus and the whole ride home, I was so happy because I got to see her 3 times and of how kind she was to me and everything!! 💗💗 I promised myself tomorrow to do the exact same things that I did today to make her happy and be the sweetest and kindest ever!! 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💕
~January 16th, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. I went through the first 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran down the stairs towards her classroom as fast as possible (since I didn't have anything with me to put in my bag) and ran inside. When I saw her, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕💕 She asked me why I didn't style my hair in the stylish hairstyle I did yesterday, so I told her that I just wanted to try something different today and then I hugged her again and took a seat. When everyone else came, the girls started spinning and the boys just sat and started talking. She obviously yelled at them and told us that we needed to do the dance quickly since we didn't have much time. However, one of my classmates suggested to change the song and she told him that there was no time but he got many spanish songs and she had to keep checking if 1, it was actually spanish and 2, if there were no bad words. She luckily found one of them that was spanish and without bad words in it, so we picked it and she started adjusting our positions and we luckily got to work right away but everyone wasn't 100% serious unfortunately. When we got dismissed, I went up to her and hugged her telling her I love you and she said the same!! 💞💞 I hugged her one more time and ran to my class. I went through that session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran as fast as I could through the hallway, put my lunch bag on the bench infront of the library, (since it was the closest place I could find) and ran down the stairs. Keep in mind that bags weren't allowed against lockers or in the hallway in general so I left my bag in the classroom of the previous session and had to take my lunch bag to eat after leaving her classroom. Anyways, I ran inside her classroom and hugged her tight while telling her that I missed her so much and she said the same! 💕💕💕 I asked her what country was 3A doing for the international day and she said Peria. (I think)
We talked a little bit and then I noticed a lot of certificates awarded to her so I told her that she deserved them and she thanked me alot 💗💗 I told her that she smelled so good and what was the name of the perfume, so she took it out of her bag and told me it was called in the stars as she was spraying some on me. She told me that she needed to do something quickly so I walked with her and asked her where was she going, so she told me to the head or elementary, so I hugged her one more time and ran to the field. I went through the next 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately grabbed my bags and ran down the stairs. When I made it, I saw one of my classmates going to her as well so I expected that she wasn't inside so I quickly ran to the field, put my bags on the floor, and started searching for her. I unfortunately didn't find her anywhere so I decided to check her classroom again just incase I understood wrong and that's exactly what happened! When I was back upstairs, her door was open so I ran inside and hugged her tight 💗💗 I told her that I missed her so much and she said the same! 💕💕💕 I asked her what activity will she give tomorrow so she told me that she might be given a class instead but I didn't mind and instead relieved so that I wouldn't have to wait until next week for my activity to be changed. She told me I love you and I said the same! 💗💗💗💗 I asked her what she loved the most from the gift and she told me everything then I said I won't get her anything again like she told me and she was so happy to hear that! 💗💗 She told me that I was the best thing in her life and I said the same which made me so happy!! 💕💕💕 She told me that my hair looks amazing so I thanked her loadsss as she locked her classroom and then, I asked her if I could come with her in the elevator but she told me I shouldn't because of the school rule and we'll meet in the finger print area. I said okay, hugged her, and went down the stairs. A few minutes later, I saw her walking out of the door so I hugged her and she was smiling 💗💗💗 She told me she was going to pick her daughter up so I asked if I could come with her and she happily agreed 💗💗 When we made it to the playground, she told her daughter that it was time to go, but she kept begging to stay little longer but in the end, she said bye to her friends and came with us. When we were at the finger print area, I hugged Myl and she hugged me back before she did the scan. When we were leaving the gate, a person that I never met came up to us and hugged her daughter and I before we kept walking and when we made it to her bus, I hugged her while telling her that I'll miss her so much and she said the same in a really sweet way! 💗💗 I hugged her one last time and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy that I got to see her 3 times and everything!! 💗💗💗 I promised myself to be the kindest and sweetest as possible to her tomorrow and style my hair the cutest way possible! 💞💞 Wish me the best of luck 💕💕
~January 17th, 2024~
Today was seriously the so much fun!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to see her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran down the stairs. We unfortunately got dismissed at 12 P.M. since our class was very talkative. I knocked on the door and tried to enter but it was locked unfortunately however, as I was going downstairs, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 I told her I was sorry for being late since our teacher dismissed us late and she told me I shouldn't be apologizing and I should continue my day normally since the head of school has confronted her before and all. I said okay, hugged her, and ran to the field. The whole time, I was feeling confused, heartbroken, and upset. I searched for her everywhere but I couldn't find her at all, until I finally found her in the reception so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She smiled and hugged me back while I was telling her that I was searching for her everywhere and she was so happy 💕💕 When she went to the elevator, I told her that I dreamed about her yesterday and she said something really sweet that I unfortunately can't remember, but when as I went up the stairs to my class, I saw her again so I ran up to her and hugged her again 💗💗 I told her I wanted to say hi to her before going to my class and she told me I was so sweet and we hugged one more time and she told me I love you and I said the same!! 💗💗 I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. The activity was so much fun with all of the laughing and funny stories and all but something felt missing.. Anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to her classroom but her door was locked again unfortunately so I went to the reception and luckily found her so I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💞💞💞 I talked to her a little bit and I asked her if we could take a picture and she happily agreed 💕 The photo turned out so cute which made me so happy 💗 However, when I hugged her again, one of her friends told me to leave her alone with her friend and that I was "jealous." (as a joke) I laughed a bit and Myl and I said bye and when I was in the field, I was fuming. I swear at any moment I could've cried my heart out of jealousy and I knew that I was always her favorite best friend, but I couldn't help but feel angry. I waited for 8 minutes but when she still hadn't come, I went to the playground and luckily found her so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She blew a kiss at me which made me so happy and told me the bus will leave soon, so I hugged her one last time and went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy about seeing her and everything but it wasn't the same as yesterday and Sunday unfortunately.. I was still extremely mad about her friend that called me those things. I tried to brush it off but nothing was working so I promised myself to make her an amazing letter during the weekend and be kinder to her more than I've ever been! 💗💗 When I did get home though, the jealousy only got worse. I was still so angry and constantly thinking why her friend said that. I told my closest friend from the 8th grade and she suggested that I'd send her a message about it. I didn't think it was a good idea at first but then, I thought...why not? It was better than having to confront her in person and wouldn't be as awkward. I sent her the message at around 9 PM and went to bed. She luckily replied the next day saying I was right about her joking but since she annoyed me, she'll tell her to not say those things to me 💗 I thanked her lots and told her I loved her! 💗💞 I was so relieved that I didn't have to confront her at school now! 💕

The Love That Saved Me 💗
Non-FictionTrue Story DISCLAIMERS: - All characters are anonymous for privacy reasons - This story took place in Egypt so week days are from Sunday to Thursday! - Egyptians are extremely affectionate, even ones you aren't very close with so don't take this as...