(Top moments:
April 1
April 7
April 15
April 16
April 18
April 22
April 23)~April 1st, 2024~
Today was seriously one of the best days ever! 💗💗💗 We had morning lines today and I unfortunately didn't see her there but I didn't mind since I had her right after anyways. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the field, into the reception, and to the auditorium. I left my bags next to the door and went inside. When everyone else came, she still didn't come yet so I put my skirt on, talked to my friends a bit, and a few minutes later, she came so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and then we got told that from today until mid may, we won't be rehearsing with the costumes so I took the skirt off. Then, I told her she looked amazing today so she hugged me and thanked me lotsss 💕💕 We luckily did alot today and even learned a new move which was great 🤗💕 When we got dismissed, I immediately put my shoes back on, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and told me that I did amazing today so I thanked her alot and went to my class. I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, down the stairs, and to the auditorium. When I arrived, I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕💕 She hugged me back and then I told her I was going upstairs, so she said she okay and was proud of me 💗💗 Then, I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. I luckily saw her as I was going to my activity so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She smiled and hugged me back, then I went to my activity. The activity surprisingly was so much fun from annoying my friends, laughing, chasing a KG student etc etc. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway and when I made it up the stairs, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me tighter, kissed me several times, and even said I love you which made me sooo happy! 💗💗💗💗💗💗 I asked her why didn't she give an activity for middle school like trimester 1, so she told me the activity manager was the one who made that choice which I understood 💕💕 I told her I was going my bus now then we hugged and she told me I love you again! 💗💗 I said the same, blew a kiss at her, and went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special for all the love and kindness that she showed me and that I got to see her 4 times and everything! 💗💗💗 I promised myself to make use of every single chance I had with her and give her all the love and kindness I had from the bottom of my heart tomorrow 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~April 2nd, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. I went through the first 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran down the stairs, through the hallway, and to the auditorium. When I arrived, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and we talked for a bit. When everyone else came, the boys started sliding and pushing on the stage like usual and some of the girls and I talked to her a bit about the dance. She told the boys that she can start giving detentions right now but as usual, they didn't stop. After they settled down, we luckily did alot today and even learned a new move which was great 💕💕 When we got dismissed, it was 10:23 A.M. and we were supposed to be upstairs 2 minutes ago so I had to say goodbye to here quickly. I put on my shoes, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I ran to my class. I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, down the stairs, and to the auditorium. When I made it, she still wasn't there yet and as I was about to leave, I saw her so I hugged her tightly 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her she smelled so good and she said the same! 💕💕💕 I told her I was going upstairs now so she said okay and was proud of me 💗💗 Then, I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. We luckily got dismissed really early (1:20 P.M), so I immediately ran to the bathroom, used the toilet, packed my bags, and went to the field. I talked to my friends a bit and at 1:25 P.M., I went through the reception, upstairs, and to her classroom. Without any hesitation, I knocked and entered. I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back, then I told her that I loved her new profile picture (on facebook) with her puppy and asked what was its name. She told me its name, then said that she had an important phone call now (which I completely understood 💕💕) and we'll see each other tomorrow 💗💗 We hugged and she said love you! 💞💞💞 I said the same and went to the field. 5 minutes later, as I was walking in the reception, I saw her so I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back then I followed her through the field and when some other kids stopped her for a hug, I hugged her one last time before going to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy because of all the kindness that she showed me and that I got to see her 4 times and everything! 💗💗💗 However, I unfortunately didn't feel as special as yesterday, but I quickly brushed it off since she's busier on some days than others, she told me love you first, and I knew that she just had an important phone call and if that wasn't the case, she would've been as kind to me as she was yesterday 💕💕💕 I promised myself to make use of every single chance I had with her and show her all the love and kindness that I had to offer from the bottom of my heart tomorrow 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~April 3rd, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran down the stairs, through the hallway, and to the auditorium. When I arrived, it took me a couple of seconds to find her so when I did, I immediately went down the stairs, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and told me that this was an amazing surprise 💞💞💞 She asked me how I was so I told her I was great 💕💕 I told her I was going upstairs now so she said okay and was really proud of me 💗💗 I hugged her one more time and ran to my friends. Since I barely got to spend time with her and show her love from the bottom of my heart, I promised myself to give her love from my whole heart and call her on the bus when the day is over 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't find her which broke my heart sooo much and I even searched for her everywhere I knew she could be at but she was nowhere to be found. I even tried to call her by asking my friend to help me but she told me she had a call now but I didn't mind too much. At the same time, I was feeling extremely heartbroken that I only saw her once today nor got to call her. I promised myself to make use of every single chance I had, tell her everything that happened when I tried searching for her, and show her all the love and kindness more than I usually had to offer from the bottom of my heart tomorrow 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~April 4th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, out my stuff in my bag, grabbed the note I made her yesterday, and started searching for her. I searched for her everywhere including in our hallway but I didn't find here there either.. As I was walking around her classroom door, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and then I gave her the surprise which she absolutely loved! 💗💗 I asked her where she was yesterday during the last session (since I didn't find her) so she told me she doesn't remember which I understood 💕💕 I asked her if she saw the 2 surprises I uploaded on facebook for her yesterday so she told me yes and they were amazing! 💗💗💗 I hugged her and told her I was going upstairs now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran upstairs. I spent some time with my friends, but I just missed her too much since yesterday so I decided to go to her again. At 11:33 A.M., I went down the stairs, ran towards her classroom, knocked, and entered. I surprised her by saying peek a boo, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her that I just couldn't wait until the end of the day to see her since I missed her soooo much 💕💕 She smiled and then I asked her if she saw the note yet, so she told me not yet. She opened the envelope and when she saw the note, she absolutely loved it and asked me if I did love her more than anyone else so I said yes! 💗💗💗 We talked a bit then we hugged and she told me love you! 💗💗💗 I said love you more and ran to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. At 1:24 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed so I ran upstairs, through the hallway, and to my locker. I packed my bags, went to the bathroom, used the toilet very quickly, grabbed my bags, and went to the reception. I left my bags in the field before going to the auditorium and when I did, the waiting began. I waited for around 3 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I immediately went down the auditorium stairs, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back then asked me how I was so I told her great 💕💕💕 She asked me if I could call her daughter to the reception so I told her I'd love to but I needed to go to the bus (since it was starting to get really late) and she completely understood 💗💗 Then, we hugged, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy because of all the kindness and love that she showed and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💕💕💕 However, I unfortunately didn't feel as special as I did the beginning of the week, but I knew that it was mainly because of fasting and the lack of time. Anyways, since next week is only 2 days (eid is from April 9th-14th), I promised myself to make use of every single chance I had with her on those 2 days, make her an outstanding note during the weekend, pick out the cutest outfit I had on sunday (since sunday is out of uniform), show her the most love I've ever showed her, and even try to twin with her by wearing the same headbands during our session on monday 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~April 7th, 2024~
Today was seriously one of the best days ever! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first session normally and as I was walking to my next class, I saw her in the field so I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💕💕 She said hi to me extremely happily and hugged me back 💗💗 Since I had my bag with me, I gave her the note that I made her during the weekend and she absolutely loved it! She said that it was the best note she had ever received and alot of really sweet things which made me so happy 💕💕💕 I told her I was going upstairs now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my class. I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, ran through the hallway, and to the auditorium. When I arrived, I saw her so I grabbed her attention by patting gently on her shoulder then we hugged 💗💗 I told her I was going upstairs now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. At 1:23 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed, so I immediately ran upstairs, through the hallway, used the toilet, packed my bags, and as I was going down the stairs, I saw bags outside her classroom so I continued going down the stairs very quickly, left my bags in the field, and went back upstairs. I waited for around a minute before she dismissed her class and when she did, I slowly walked down the stairs, went inside her classroom, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and told me I was her heart which made me sooo happy!! 💞💞💞 I asked her if we could wear our matching blue headbands together tomorrow and she happily agreed 💕💕 I promised her that she wouldn't forget and she promised she wouldn't 💕💕💕 Then, we hugged and she said love you! 💗💗 I said love you more and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and a little special because of all the kindness and love she showed and that I got to see her 3 times and everything!! 💗💗 I promised myself to not forget to wear my blue headband like I promised, make use of every single chance I had with her, and show her all the love and kindness that I had to offer from the bottom of my heart tomorrow since it will be the last time I'll see her in 1 week 💞 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~April 8th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 We had morning lines today and I unfortunately didn't see her there, but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the field, into the reception, and to the auditorium. When I arrived, she still didn't arrive so I started waiting. A few minutes later, we unfortunately got told that there were some switchings with the schedule so we went to the field. My heart started aching because I had missed her so much and even worried that she was absent 💔💔 I decided that if she actually was absent, I was going to text her a long paragraph on the way home explaining all of my feelings but if she wasn't, when I go to her during the break, I was going to show her all of the love and care from the bottom of my heart 💗💗 I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, down the stairs, and to the auditorium. I luckily found her on the stage and she saw me so we waved then, I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and kissed me which made me feel so happy! 💕💕💕 I asked her why didn't she come the first session so she told me that she came extremely late and didn't make it to the session which I completely understood 💗💗 She told me that she was going to take us today (which made me extremely happy 💗💗), but she'll still ask. I hugged her one more time and ran to the field. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. We luckily went to the field and that meant that I got to go upstairs whenever I wanted which happens extremely rarely so I needed to make use of this as much as possible. At 1:27 P.M., I immediately went to the reception, upstairs, and started waiting. She saw me so I waved at her but then, I saw her doing a sign that I never usually see her do and I expected her telling me to come, so I went down the stairs and patted on her shoulder. When she turned, I asked her what did she need but instead of telling me, she hugged me and told me that she didn't need anything and I couldn't come to her when she had a session. I hugged her back and wished her a happy eid (since eid was tomorrow) so she said the same and I went downstairs. When I made it back downstairs, I decided to go back to her since this was going to be the last time I see her in a week so at 1:30 P.M., I went back upstairs and her class had luckily left. Her door was open but when I checked, I didn't find her so I started roaming around the hallway and found one of the bathroom stalls closed so I expected she was there. I waited for around 3 minutes and luckily, my theory was correct so when she came out, I said peek a boo and hugged her 💗💗 She hugged me back, but didn't seem that happy so I asked her what was wrong and she said that she only wanted to go home and didn't have much energy. I told her I wanted to say hi to her again since I barely spent time with her today... Then, she hugged me and kissed me and even she said some extremely sweet things that I unfortunately can't remember but I didn't mind since I felt so happy!!! 💗💗 I talked to her a bit and then told her I was going to my bus now so we hugged and she told me I love you! 💞💞💞 I said love you more and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special because of all the kindness and love that she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗💗 However, I didn't feel as special as last week since she showed wayyy more kindness but I knew that it wasn't on purpose because 1, she was honest with me 2 weeks ago. 2, due to fasting and the lack of energy and 3, this week was extremely short. After the 6 days (tuesday-sunday), ramadan will be over and sessions will luckily be 45 minutes again, so I'll have more time with her than I did the past month and I'll luckily have her the first session on the first day after eid, so I promised myself to make her an extremely long and heartwarming letter, show her all the love that I had to offer every single chance I had with her, and even try to give her longer hugs 💗💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
okay quick summary of eid.. the first 3 days were decent, but i missed her sooo much 😔💔 During this time period though, my best friend and i fought over something stupid and we weren't talking to each other for days. so, i sent myl a message and asked her for some advice. a couple hours later while i was dancing, she replied to my message and told me if i really cared about her, i should talk to her in a way that wasn't like a fight but if i didn't, i should let time heal the situation. i thanked her for it and she sent me a heart 💗💗 but then, the unexpected happened.. a good unexpected though 🤭😂 i told her i miss her and she was happy to hear that 💗💗 however, she told me in a polite way to keep myself busy with something useful and try to play some sports or read more books and keep her updated. she also said i could even learn something from youtube and open my own business as in starting with something small, and i'll be a professional one day 💕💕 i thanked her for the advice and slowly carried on with my day. 10 minutes later, she sent me another message saying that in the end, she wanted me to be unique at something and be special unlike the others my age who are useless. That actually made me laugh a little 😂 She wanted me to think and give her ideas, but not now and i had time. she was so purehearted and genuineee 🥹💗 i told her that i'll try to think of something and tell her at school if i did and thanked her for always being so sweet to me and that she was the best second mother i could ever ask for 🫶🏻💕 i luckily managed to come up with something and that was, making an accessory business with bracelets and headbands! i myself loved the idea and hopefully she liked it too 💗💗 the next day, i posted a photo of myself with some new clothes i'd gotten 2 days ago and she commented on my post saying i looked so chic 💗 ahhhh! i love her soooo much 🥹💘💗 on the last day of eid, i started reading a book i had in my room for the past couple years and well... let's just say i finished it in 1 sitting! how you may ask? that was all due to the motivation she gave me when she said those things to me about being unique and special 💕💕 i was so excited to see her what was in store for me tomorrow 💕💕
~April 15th, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. When I arrived, she still didn't come yet so I talked to my friends until she arrived. When she arrived, I immeidiately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💕💕 She hugged me back and it seriously was the best hug I'd received in a week 💗💗 I told her I missed her sooo much and she said the same 💕💕💕 My friends and I talked to her a bit which surprisingly was so much fun, then she told us to get on the stage. We luckily did alot today and even made a new move which was great 💕💕 When we got dismissed, I immediately put my shoes back on, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I went to my class. Keep in mind that I didn't give her a note or letter because I was worried that she was going to come late and when she did come, my whole class had already arrived. I decided to give it to her during the break when there was less people in the auditorium and they wouldn't even know what I was giving her. Anyways, I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, to my bag, grabbed the letter and headband I made her during the weekend, and ran to the auditorium. When I made it, she still hadn't arrived so I stayed outside and waited. I luckily saw her coming down the stairs so when she made it down the steps, I hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back then I gave her the letter and headband and she absolutely loved them! 💕💕 I asked her what did she think of the headband and she said it was amazing but I should keep it myself since she never wears headbands. I told her I wanted her to keep it and already had the same one at home anyways. That luckily convinced her, so we hugged and she told me love you 💕💕💕 I said love you more, then ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. We luckily got dismissed really early (2:48 P.M.) so when I left, I walked around the field for a bit and at 2:55 P.M., I left my bags on the grass, ran upstairs, and started waiting. She had already dismissed her class, but not all of the students had left yet so I waited for a bit longer. Then, I saw her entering another classroom so I went down the stairs. When she came out, I hugged her tight and so did she 💕💕💕 She asked me how I was so I told her great 💗💗 I told her about my idea for my business which was making custom headbands and she loved the idea 💗💗 She even suggested me including bracelets and necklaces and that I can make alot during this period of time or summer and sell them for 50 or 100, etc etc. I told her that I already asked my dad and he told me during the summer since there was no time now which she completely understood 💕💕 I told her that I also read a book yesterday and she said that she was so surprised that I already took an action and thought I was going to take 2 years before taking an action 😂. She asked me what I read so I told her the babysitter's club and that I finished it all 🤗💕 She was so surprised to hear that and asked me how many pages was it. I told her I didn't remember (which was true) but each chapter was really short. She said that she was sooo sooo proud of me and I hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and then I told her I wasn't going to be useless like the others as she promised 💞💞 She was sooo happy to here those words, then we high fived and hugged again 💗💗 I told her I was going to my bus now so she said okay, then we hugged, and she told me love you! 💕💕 I said love you more and went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt sooo happy and special because of all the kindness and love that she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to wear the same headband I got her, read more as we promised, and be the kindest and sweetest to her ever tomorrow 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~April 16th, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. I went through the first 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my review sheet in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When I made it, she still hadn't arrived yet so I talked to my friends a little bit, until she came. When she did, I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me tighter and kissed me which made me so happy! 💞💞💞 I honestly didn't want to let go yet because I had missed her soooo soooooo much 💗💗💗 She noticed the headband I was wearing (the same one I got her yesterday) and told me that it in her classroom, so I said it was okay 💕💕 Then, she kissed me again and I told her she looked so beautiful today 💗💗💗 She thanked me saying I made her day and even called me baby (as a nickname) which was soooo sweet of her 💗💗💗💗 I talked to her a bit and she said alot of really sweet things which made me feel sooo good on the inside 💗💗 It also was realllyyy fun as every conversation I had with her usually was 💕💕 Then, she told us to get on the stage so I did and she thanked me for doing so 💞 We luckily did alot today and even made a new move which was great 💕💕 When we got dismissed, I quickly went down the stairs, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and politely told me to go to my next class (to not be late) so I said okay, and went to my class. I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, put my stuff in my bag, and since we got dismissed really early, (11:50 A.M.) I started roaming around the hallway. As I was walking, I saw her so I walked up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and gave me a kiss which made me sooo soooo happy! 💕💕💕💕 I told her I was actually searching for her and she said something really sweet that I unfortunately can't remember but I didn't mind 💕💕 I told her I was going to the field now, so she told me to have fun, then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. We luckily got dismissed really early (2:52 P.M.) so when we did, I immediately went to the bathroom, used the toilet, went to my locker, packed my bags, and went to the reception. I luckily found her there, so I left my bags in the field, went back to the reception, and grabbed her attention. She said my name extremely happily and we hugged 💗💗💗 She told me I did amazing in her session today, so I thanked her sooo much and hugged the receptionist afterwards to not make her feel left out, but it obviously didn't feel as good as her hugs 🤍 Then, I hugged Myl again but also saw a little kid she and someone else were joking around with 🤗💕 I decided to join the fun and tickled him a little 😆 I told Myl I was going to my bus now, so she said okay, then we hugged, and I went to the field. I decided not to go to the bus yet since I could hug her before leaving right away, so I stayed in the field until 3:04 P.M. and as I was walking in the reception, I unfortunately didn't find her which I didn't mind since she was sooooo kind and sweet to me today and atleast I found her and hugged her a while ago 💕💕 Then, I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt soooo happy and special because of all the kindness she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗💗 I promised myself to show her the most kindness and love that I've ever showed her and since we had our science fair taking place during the last 2 sessions, (the activity is included) I'll try my best to go to her right after if I finished early 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~April 17th, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately went down the stairs and to the auditorium. We luckily got dismissed really early (11:52 A.M.) since everyone was working on their posters and I luckily finished yesterday. Anyways, when I made it to the auditorium, I saw her infront of the door so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back but was having a conversation with the head of music department, so I waited until she finished and when she did, she greeted me cheerfully and we hugged each other tightly 💕💕💕 She said that I looked amazing today so I thanked her and told her that I made the headband I was wearing. She told me it was going to be an amazing business which made me so happy 💗 I also told her that I read 5 chapters of another book yesterday and before which made her sooooo happy and said that she was so proud of me 💕💕💕 I told her that I was planning to add bows instead of necklaces to the business and she was really happy to hear that 💕💕 She also suggested me to try selling anything at a club and try to convince people to buy anything. We talked a bit, then I told her I was going upstairs so she said okay and told me I love you! 💗💗💗 I said love you more and ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. Our teacher luckily was absent so I got to leave at whatever time I wanted so at 2:53 P.M., I grabbed my bags and went downstairs. I left my bags in the field and started searching for her everywhere including her classroom, but it was locked unfortunately... When it was 3:04 P.M. and I still didn't find her, I started to lose hope but 2 minutes later, I saw her coming to the field so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and called me something really sweet that I unfortunately can't remember, but I didn't mind. I told her I was searching for her everywhere and she smiled 💕💕 I also told her I was going to my bus now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy because of all the kindness she showed and that I got to see her twice and everything! 💗💗💗 I promised myself to be the kindest and sweetest to her that I ever been to her and since Grade 6 has their trip tomorrow, I'll try my best to make use of the free sessions she has if I also had free at the same times. Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~April 18th, 2024~
Today seriously was one of the best days ever!💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. We luckily had the first 2 sessions free but I didn't go to her during the first session since she had a class, so I decided to go next period. When the first session ended, I spent a bit of time with my friends and then, I started searching for her. I luckily found her in the reception which surprisingly didn't take too long, so I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and asked me how I was, so I said great 💕💕 I told her that I missed her sooo much and she said the same! 💞💞 I told her I was going to the field now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran off. I went through the next 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately put my stuff in my bag, ran through the hallway, and down the stairs. I luckily saw her as I was going through the reception so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back but I didn't want to let go right away since I had missed her soo sooo much so I held on to her for a little longer 💕💕 She told me that she missed me sooo much and as she was going to the elevator, I told her I missed her way more and hugged her again 💕💕 She hugged me back and kissed me which made me so happy! 💗💗 I told her I was going to the field now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. During the break, I also saw her in another teacher's class but I decided not to go to her since I didn't want to embarrass her like last time. When there were only 5 minutes until the break ended, I walked passed the same classroom however she nor the teacher were inside, but I didn't upset at all since I knew I didn't go for a good reason and even if I did, it would've been kinda embarrassing for me and her. Anyways, I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. At 2:48 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed, so I immediately ran up the stairs, through both hallways, and to the bathroom. I used the toilet, washed my hands from the paint that I used in my project, packed my bags, and went to the stairs. As I was going down the steps, I saw that her classroom had bags outside so I quickly continued going down the stairs, left my bags in the field, ran back upstairs, and started waiting. I waited for around 2 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I immediately went down the stairs, walked towards the door, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and called me a really sweet nickname that I unfortunately can't remember but I didn't mind 💕 I told her that I saw her during break with another teacher but I didn't go to her since I didn't want to embarrass her. I unfortunately can't really remember what she said but it basically meant that she didn't mind if I did come. I told her I was going to my bus now so she said okay, then we hugged, and she told me love you! 💗💗💗 I said love you more and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special for all the love and kindness she showed and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💞💞 Since we had out of uniform on monday, I promised myself to pick out the cutest outfit I had and since next week also is the last week before spring break, I promised myself to write her an outstanding letter and be the kindest and sweetest to her that I've ever been 💗💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~April 21st, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, grabbed the letter I made her during the weekend, and ran to the auditorium. As I was going down the steps, I saw her sitting on one of the chairs so I called her and she called me a really cute nickname which made me so happy! 💗💗💗 I ran down the steps, went up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and at the exact same time, both of us said that we missed each other so much! 💕💕💕 I gave her the letter and she absolutely loved it! 💞💞 I told her that I finished the book which I started last week on friday and she was so proud! 💞💞 She told me I smelled so good, so I thanked her and told her I made the hair cream I used in my hair today and she was really surprised and happy to hear that! 💕💕 I told her I was going upstairs now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. At 2:46 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed so I ran upstairs as fast as I could. When I made it, I used the toilet, walked around a bit, grabbed my bags, and went to the stairs. I didn't see bags outside her classroom so I ran to the auditorium since I expected her class to be there. I left my bags in the field and went to the auditorium. However, I surprisingly didn't find her class nor her there so I started searching everywhere. I unfortunately didn't find her everywhere which caused me to lose alot of hope but after 10 minutes of searching, I luckily found her in the reception so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She smiled and hugged me back 💞💞 I held on to her for a while since I missed her sooo soooo much 💕💕💕 I told her she looked amazing today and she blew kisses at me which made me so happy! 💗💗💗 I told her what I was going to wear tomorrow (since tomorrow was out of uniform) and she told me it was amazing! 💗💗 I told her I was going to my bus now so she said okay, then we hugged and she told me love you! 💕💕💕 I told her love you more and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy because of all the kindness and love she showed and that I got to see her twice and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to make use of every single chance I had with her, wear the cutest outfit I had, and show her the most kindness and love that I ever have tomorrow! 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~April 22nd, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. When I made it to the auditorium, she still wasn't there yet so I talked to my friends a bit. She arrived a few minutes later, so I went up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and after she put her stuff on the edge of the stage, I told her that she looked amazing today and she said that was surprising to hear when she didn't have makeup on. I told her she looked beautiful either way and we hugged 💕💕💕 Half of the class was mainly everyone and I talking to her which was really fun, but we eventually got to work. However, she unfortunately told us that another teacher will be taking us from her session tomorrow and I was heartbroken 💔💔💔💔💔 Anyways, we got alot of announcements for schedule changes today, but the only one that peaked my interest was that our break was going to be the 5th session instead of the 6th like usual which I didn't mind since I got to see her 1 session earlier. Anyways, I went through the next 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately went to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When I arrived, I didn't find her so after what was around 5 minutes of searching, I found her inside the auditorium, so I slowly went down the steps, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and called me a really sweet nickname which made me so happy 💕💕 She even twirled me and said I looked so chic today which made me even happier! 💗💗💗 I asked her to twirl me again so she did, then I hugged her 💕💕 She hugged me tighter and even held on to me for a bit longer than she usually did which made me extremely happy! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 She told me love you so I said love you more, and went to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. When we got dismissed, I immediately grabbed my bags, left them in the field, and ran upstairs. She still hadn't dismissed her class yet and I saw my friends so I talked to them a bit and when they left, she had dismissed her class so I went down the stairs, went up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and a minute later, another student had came so they hugged and she even kissed and twirled her which made me a bit jealous, but I quickly brushed it off since she did the same thing with me. Anyways, we hugged again but then we saw one of my friends coming and as a lighthearted prank, she told me to get inside her classroom so I did and she closed the door. I slightly overheard her saying that I wasn't with her and all which made me laugh a bit 😂💕 Anyways, when she opened the door, I came out, said bye to my friend, and hugged her again 💗💗 I asked her if she could see the message I sent her on friday (about what happened with one of my friends a few days ago) so she told me in the politest way to send these things to the school pyschologist since she didn't know how to solve problems. I was extremely surprised to hear that since she helped me all throughout my life but anyways, we hugged one more time and as I was leaving, I accidentally hit my hand against something, so she asked me if I was okay and if it hurt so I told her I was okay 💕💕 Then we hugged one more time, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special because of all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗💗 I still felt really jealous because of her kissing and twirling the other girl and it broke my heart even more that I wasn't going to have her session tomorrow! 💔💔 I knew that all this pain and jealousy would go away by tomorrow, but it really hurt knowing that I lost my most guaranteed chance with her tomorrow and the week right before the spring break! 😭😭💔💔 I wanted to pour my heart out but I promised myself to make the most use of the other 2 chances I had with her, give her the longest hugs I ever have, and show her the most love and kindness I ever have tomorrow 💕💕💕 When I got home that day, all the way until night, the jealousy still wasn't going away, so I sent her a message asking if I could talk to her about something that happened after the last session. The next day, I saw that she reacted with a thumbs up to my message which I knew she meant as in okay 💕
~April 23rd, 2024~
Today was seriously one of the best days ever! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line which made me a bit upset since I lost my session with her, but I didn't mind too much because I was going to her during the the break anyways. We unfortunately got told to go to the other teacher during the 4th session (music) which was expected. Anyways, I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I brought my bag with me since I wanted to save as much time as possible and had a surprise for her (a note and bracelet). I took it out of my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When I arrived, I didn't find her and after around 5 minutes of waiting, I saw her coming down the stairs so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and kissed me which made me so happy! 💕💕💕 I told her I missed her to deathhh and she said the same! 💕💕 She noticed the thing I had in my hands and asked me if I had I surprise for her, so I said yes and gave it to her. She absolutely loved it and felt something inside the note so she asked if there really was something inside it so I told her yes 🤗💕 She asked me if I made the bracelet so I was honest with her and said that I got it for her. She looked a bit disappointed which I kinda understood since I clearly remember promising her not to buy her any gifts, but instead of the reply I expected, she asked me why, so I told her because I still didn't learn how to make bracelets. Her expression luckily went from disappointed to happy as she put it on and told me we can wear it together next session. Then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. We luckily got dismissed really early (2:49 P.M.) so when we did, I went to my locker, packed my bags, and ran to the reception. I luckily found her right away so I left my bags in the field, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and kissed me while saying this was an amazing surprise which made me so happy! 💗💗 Then, she held my hand and as I was about to start, the receptionist called her and they talked a bit so when they were done, I asked her to be honest with me and she said she would 💕💕 However, a couple of kids asked her to watch them do something so she happily agreed and stood. Then, I told her I wanted to talk to her privately so she slowly dragged me into a corner and I told her about how I felt when she span the other girl and not me and I kept telling myself to not be jealous and all. She told me that she span me too (during the break), so I told her I knew and that I was constantly telling myself to not be jealous. She told me in the nicest way to not think these silly things and that I was growing up, not getting younger. We hugged, then I told her that she looked amazing so she thanked me lotss 💕💕 I told her I was going to my bus now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special because of all the kindness and love she showed and that I got see her twice and everything! 💗💗💗 I also felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders after talking to her about my feelings and also learned an important lesson in life, love wasn't about the big gestures, but about the little things they do everyday 💝 Anyways, since tomorrow was the last day before spring break, I promised myself to make use of every single chance I had and show her the most love and kindness I ever have tomorrow 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~April 24th, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 4 sessions normally and during the 5th, I borrowed a sticky note from one of my classmates and wrote a small note for her saying "I'll miss you sooo much during the Spring Break my love, I love you! 💕💕" and the reason I did was to show her as much love as possible since this was going to be the last time I was going to see her for almost 2 weeks. Anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When I arrived, her class was just leaving, so I went down the auditorium stairs, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her she looked amazing so she thanked me lotsss 💞💞 I gave her the sticky note while telling her that I made it for her in class and asked her to read it. She happily agreed and as soon as she was done packing her bag, she read it and told me she'll miss me too and that she loves me way more 💕💕💕💕 Then, we hugged one more time, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. The classroom was luckily locked, but instead of going to the field like I expected, my friends and I had to sit on the floor since there was nowhere else to go. It was extremely boring, but fun at the same time from all the laughing, joking etc etc. We luckily sat in another teacher's classroom which surprisingly was really fun and at 2:49 P.M., I grabbed my bags and went downstairs. I left my bags in the field and started searching for her everywhere including her classroom but unfortunately, it was locked so I kept searching. Luckily, I saw her inside one of the elevators just right before it closed and I knew it was the one that led to her classroom, so I ran upstairs. A few seconds later, I luckily found her infront of her classroom door so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back, then I asked her if she was excited for the Spring Break so she told me not really and I said same. I told her I mainly was going to miss her soooo much and she said the same 💗💗 I asked her if she needed help closing up her classroom and she told me she already did so we hugged, and I went to the field. I didn't want to go to my bus yet since this was going to be the last day I was going to see her for nearly 2 weeks and it still was 2:55 P.M. and I knew I had to make use of these last 10 minutes so at 3:00 P.M., I went to her classroom, knocked, and entered. I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and was having a phone call but I stayed in arms since I was going to miss her sooooo much these 2 weeks 😭💔💕 I let go just a couple of seconds before she ended the call and when she did, she asked me how I was and all then I told her I wanted to say bye to her one last time since I was going to miss her sooo much and she said the same! 💗💗 We hugged and I held on to her for a while since this was going to be my last hug from her for nearly 2 weeks. I told her I love you, then she said love you more, and I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy because of all the kindness she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to make her an amazing letter during the Spring Break and when I come back to school, I was going to show her the most kindness and love that I've ever showed! 💕💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖

The Love That Saved Me 💗
No FicciónTrue Story DISCLAIMERS: - All characters are anonymous for privacy reasons - This story took place in Egypt so week days are from Sunday to Thursday! - Egyptians are extremely affectionate, even ones you aren't very close with so don't take this as...