September 2022: A new beginning

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Well, here I was. September 18th, 2022. My first day of middle school. I was nervous as hell, but I pushed through. At first, I expected not having her around so I didn't get my hopes up too high, until the 7th period. I expected another teacher would be our music teacher this year, but when I saw her (Myl) and knowing that I have 9 whole months with her, I was over the moon! 💕💕 I instantly gave her a big hug and she hugged me back 💗 She was so proud seeing me in the middle school uniform and that made me even more excited for it to start! 💕💕

Now that I was in middle school, that meant I luckily had alot more freedom meaning I could roam around freely searching for her! 💗 For the first 2 months, I did exactly what I did in 5th grade. Waiting for her to get off the bus to hug her. However, my mom's back got injured within a month and she didn't have the guts to take me to school anymore and my dad was just not available at that hour. So, my parents applied me for the school bus meaning that I had a longer ride to school which seemed like hell to me at first, but I got used to it.
Overtime, I slowly started noticing patterns whenever she'd come downstairs to our breaktime which was good so that I could know when I got to spend more time with her. I made use of what we had for 3 months straight.

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