(Top moments:
May 13
May 20
May 23
May 27)~May 8th, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her during thr break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, put my stuff in my bag, grabbed the gift bag with the notes I made her during the Spring Break, and ran to the auditorium. I didn't find her there so I went back up the stairs and when I made it up, I saw her so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 It was the best hug I had received in 2 weeks! 💕💕💕 I told her I missed her soooo much and she said the same! 💕💕 I gave her the gift bag and she asked me if I made a bracelet so I told her yes and she was really happy to hear that! 💞💞 We hugged and I went to the field. As I was walking around the reception, I saw her again so we hugged and I asked her what did she do during the Spring Break. She told me it was all cleaning and no going out and I told her that I read and went out. She was really happy to hear that! 💗💗 Then, she told me love you and I told her love you more, then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway but my friend wanted me to help her put her books in her locker, so I went along with it since it still was 2:54 P.M.. When we were finished, I ran to her classroom and tried to open the door, but it was locked unfortunately... I started searching for her everywhere else and as I was going back to the reception, I saw her so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and asked me how I was, so I told her great 💕💕 I asked her if she opened the gift, so she said yes and loved that her name was written on the bracelet 💗💗 However, she told me she was gonna give it back to me to adjust it since when she wore it, it ran all the way down her arm. I asked her when she was gonna give it to me and she told me next week. I said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy for all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her twice and everything! 💕💕💕 I promised myself to show her the most kindness and love that I ever had and wish her as much luck as possible for her PhD! 💗💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~May 9th, 2024~
Today was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the reception. I luckily found Myl with the receptionist so I immediately went up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back, but she seemed a bit in a rush so I asked her where was she going and she told me that she was leaving to an occasion of one of her friends. I said okay, then we hugged, and I went to the field. I was feeling a little bit upset that I wasn't going to see her after the last session so instead of going to my friends like I usually did, I was going to hug her one last time before leaving. I saw her at the other side of the field and she was having a conversation with 2 other teachers and when she was done, she started walking to the bus gate, so I ran after her as fast as I could but I unfortunately didn't make it in time... I was happy that I atleast got to see her once today and she was going to have a great time, but just a bit upset that I lost my chance with her at the end of the day. Anyways, I ran to my friends, went through the rest of the day normally, and went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy for all the kindness she showed me and that I atleast got to see her once today 💗💗 I promised myself to make her an amazing note during the weekend and make her a new bracelet with the note if I had time 💞💞 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~May 12th, 2024~
Today was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 4 sessions normally and during the 5th, one of my friends told me that they had free in music. I was in shock. I didn't want to go through the exact same pain I'd gone through in February again 😢💔💔 Our seniors had their senior walk, so we got excorted outside the classroom and I thought that she'd be with them, but I was still gonna look for during the break. Anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, grabbed the note and bracelet I made her during the weekend, and started searching. When I didn't find her anywhere, I found out that she'd left early which made me really upset, but luckily not as much as February. I realized me invisioning others as her which just made me realize how much I really did miss her, but I stayed strong and went through the rest of the day normally. After I left in the last 10 minutes of the last session, I used the toilet, packed my bags, and ran to the field. I sat on a bench, grabbed my phone, and texted her asking if she was okay and that I missed her soo soooo much 😣💔 I spent a couple minutes in the field and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt really happy from all the laughing during the classes, but deep down, I missed her terribly 😭💔 I luckily had her the first session tomorrow, so I promised myself to give her a long and tight hug, give her the note and bracelet, and show her the most love and kindness I ever have tomorrow 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~May 13th, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗💗 We had morning lines today and I unfortunately didn't see her there, but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the field, reception, and to the auditorium. I took the note and bracelet I made her during the weekend out of my bag and sat on the edge of the stage. When she came, I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her where she was yesterday and I'd missed her so much. She told me she was just preparing some stuff for her PhD which I completely understood 💞💞 I gave her the note and bracelet which she absolutely loved and said I made her day! 💗💗 Then, we hugged, talked a bit, and started practicing. We didn't do too much today, but it was definitely worth the 3 days of missing her 💕💕 When we got dismissed, I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I ran to my class. I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, down the stairs, and to the auditorium. As I was going down the auditorium steps, I called her name and we said hi 💕💕 Then, I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and told me she absolutely loved the bracelet I made her which made me so happy! 💗💗 We talked a little bit about everything that was going on recently and all, then we hugged and she said that I was a really polite girl! 💞💞💞 She even called me love which made me soo sooo happy!! 💘💘💕💕 I told her love you more and ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. (one of our teachers took us from the after school activity because he needed to explain what we didn't have time to finish yesterday due to my class wasting 25 minutes of the class) We unfortunately got dismissed extremely late (3:01 P.M.) so when we did, I immediately grabbed my bags, ran down the stairs, put my bags against the wall, knocked and entered. I ran up to Myl and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I apologized to her for being late since our teacher dismissed us late and all and she said it wasn't a problem 💗💗 We talked a little bit more and as soon as we were done, we hugged, blew kisses at each other, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special for all the love and kindness she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💞💞 All I really wanna say is that it was worth the 3 days of missing her 💘💘💘 I promised myself to wear the cutest accessories I had with my uniform, help her with the final in the dance, and show her the most kindness and love I ever have tomorrow 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~May 14th, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. I went through the first 2 sessions normally and during the 3rd, we got told that our session was gonna be in the drama room since the auditorium had something going on there which was good to know. I was worried about being late to class due to the change of location, but I luckily remembered the way to the drama room since we had our class there before 3 months ago. Anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately left my bags next to the stairs, ran down the stairs, and as I was walking the opposite way of the auditorium, Myl called me so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and told me the drama room was that way, turned out that I was wrong 😂 We talked a bit and she asked me where was the rest of the class, so I told her they probably got lost. She asked me to help them navigate and I obviously agreed 💕💕 Then, we hugged and I helped navigate my friends. When I was done, I walked to the drama room and told her I helped them. She was really proud of me and thanked me alot, then we hugged 💗💗 We talked a little bit and when everyone else arrived, we started practicing. We luckily finished the final and practiced it a couple times and it looked absolutely amazing! 💗 When we got dismissed, I got off the stage, went up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I went to my class. I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, down the stairs, and to the auditorium. I still saw stuff being done in there, so I waited for around 2 minutes and when she still didn't come, I ran to the drama room. Her class was already going over there, so I ran as fast as I could, went up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her she looked amazing today (since I didn't have time to tell her during our session) and she thanked me 💞💞 I told her I was going upstairs now and she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran downstairs. When I made it to the reception, I unfortunately didn't find her there, so I checked the auditorium and her classroom, but she wasn't in either of those places. I started searching for her in the field, but when it was 3:05 P.M. and I still didn't find her, I started to lose hope but as I was going through the reception, I luckily found her so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She smiled and hugged me back saying some really sweet things which made me so happy! 💕💕 I blew some kisses at her and she did the same! 💘💘 I told her I was going to my bus now so she said okay, then we hugged 💗💗 I grabbed my bags from the field and as I was walking towards the gate, I said bye to her and she said the same! 💕💕💕 Then, I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special for all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to show her the most kindness and love I ever have and make use of every single chance I had with her tomorrow 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~May 15th, 2024~
Today was so much fun! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran down the stairs, through the hallway, and to the auditorium. As I was about to walk inside, the nanny that was sitting next to the door told me not to enter and there was nobody inside. I figured she'd be in the drama room like yesterday, so I ran over there and checked, but she wasn't there either. I decided to search for her during the last 10 minutes of break, so I ran to my friends. I unfortunately lost track of time so I didn't get to see her, but I promised myself to show her all the love from the bottom of my heart after the activity. Anyways, I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. I didn't want to lose my last and only chance that I had with her in 3 days, so I skipped the activity and hung out with my friends. At 2:50 P.M., my friends and I went to her classroom, then I knocked, and tried to open the door but it was locked unfortunately. We went to the reception and I saw Myl's daughter, I asked her where was her mom and she told me that she was absent, unfortunately💔💔 Honestly, I didn't get too upset since I knew she had a PhD tomorrow and had to study, so I spent some more time with my friends, and went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt really happy because of all the laughter I experienced with my friends today, but also a bit upset about not seeing her today 💔💔 I promised myself to make her an amazing note telling her about how proud and happy I was for her when I knew about her PhD, show her the most kindness and love ever on sunday, and since she was gonna become a doctor, I also promised myself to make her a colorful bracelet with the word "Doctor" and her name with the note 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖 The day after her PhD, she posted about it on Facebook and as soon as I saw it, I congratulated her in the comments 💗 She replied a few hours later and thanked me so much and even called me her favorite student! 🥹💗💕 I was the happiest and it healed me a little bit after missing her so much!! 💗💗
~May 19th, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going her during the break anyways. We had an exam the first 3 sessions which was great to kill the time of the first half of the day. Anyways, I went through the next 2 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, grabbed the note and bracelet I made her during the weekend, and ran down the stairs. I saw her class leaving, so I quickly ran down the stairs and checked her classroom, but she wasn't there unfortunately... I checked in the auditorium, drama room, and reception, but she wasn't in any of those places. I went back to her classroom and as I was waiting for her, I saw her at another classroom so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 I congratulated her as she hugged me back and kissed me which made me so happy! 💞💞 I gave her the notes and bracelet which she absolutely loved, but told me that I didn't have to spend this much on her (since the bracelet was in a designer box). I told her I made her the bracelet and that was just one of my mom's old boxes. She seemed like she was gonna cry as soon as she opened it and wore it which made me so happy, but I didn't want her to cry 💗💗 I congratulated her one more time, hugged her, and ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. At 2:49 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom, and she luckily agreed so I ran up the stairs, through the hallways, used the bathroom, talked to my friends, grabbed my bags, and went to the reception. I left my bags in the field and as I was walking around the reception, I saw her class leaving through the glass, so I went down the stairs and into the auditorium. When we saw each other, we hugged, but she told me that her bracelet ripped and she collected all the beads so that I can make it for her again, she's seriously the sweetest 💗💗 I asked her if she could be our proctor tomorrow, (since we also had an exam tomorrow and it unfortunately was going to be during her session) and she didn't know at first, so we discussed a little bit. Then, I asked her what did she think of the gift and she told me it was the best gift she'd received! 💕💕💕 She realized that she forgot her bouquet of flowers on the edge of the stage, so she asked me to get it and bring it to her classroom and I obviously agreed 💗 I luckily found the bouquet right away, so I grabbed it and left the auditorium. I saw her next to the elevator, so I ran up to her and gave her the flowers. She thanked me, but told me to be careful next time so that they don't fall. I agreed and asked if I could come with her and she happily agreed 💗💗 When we entered, she said something extremely sweet 💗💗 (which made me soo sooo happy 💞💞) There were a couple places to stop at for other people and when we made it to her classroom, I asked her if I could help her, but she told me that she didn't want me to be late for the bus, so we hugged, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special because of all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her twice and everything! 💗💗 Since I'll unfortunately lose my class with her tomorrow, I promised myself to be the kindest and sweetest to her ever during the 2 remaining chances I had with her tomorrow 💕💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~May 20th, 2024~
Today seriously was the best day ever! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line which made me feel a bit disappointed, but not too, too much since I was going to her during the break anyways. We had an exam during her session unfortunately but surprisingly, I saw her coming inside the classroom which I clearly knew meant that she was our proctor and I was over the moon! 💗💗 I went up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕💕 She hugged me back and I took my seat. The exam luckily was extremely easy and I surprisingly finished really quickly due to the motivation she gave me just because of her presence in the classroom 💕💕 As she was collecting the papers, she smiled at me and so did I 💗💗 When we got dismissed, I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I went to my class. I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallways to my locker. We luckily got dismissed really early so I put my stuff in my bag and ran to the auditorium. Her class luckily was just leaving, so I went down the stairs, said hi to a couple of my friends from that class, and went down the auditorium stairs. I grabbed her attention and we hugged tightly 💗💗 She asked me how I was and I told her great 💕💕 I asked her if she could give me the beads and she started searching in her bag, but she seemed a little rushed so I told her she could give it to me after the activity. She said okay, then we hugged, told each other love you, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. I wanted to be at her class as soon as she dismissed her class, so I went to the teacher I had the activity with and told her some excuse about me having a headache and if I could go to Study Hall instead. She luckily agreed and I left. When I was waiting to buy fries with one of my friends, one of my classmates came up to me and told me that we had rehearsals. I was surprised but at the same time so so happy since I didn't have to wait until the end of the activity! 💗💗💗 I said bye to my friend and went to the auditorium. When I made it, we said hi to each other and hugged 💗💗 I apologized to her and told her I didn't know she'd taken us, but she said it was completely okay 💞💞💞 Some of my classmates didn't show up since they didn't know, but we luckily still did alot and even adjusted the final a bit 💕💕 When we got dismissed, I went down the steps, ran up to her, and waited for her since she was talking to some of my classmates but surprisingly, she wrapped her arms around me and even kissed me, which made me feel soo sooo happy, and I hugged her back 💗💗 I asked her if she could give me the beads and she told me when she goes to her classroom since she had to put her stuff away before going to the bus. I didn't want her to feel stressed and a load of things to do, so I told her if she was in a hurry, she could give me the beads tomorrow 💗 She said really and I said yes 💕💕 Then, she hugged me and told me I love you many, many times while tickling me, which made me feel extremely happy! 💗💗 One of my classmates suggested something to her for the dance and when they finished their discussion, we said bye and hugged each other and she called me love, which made me feel even happier! 💗💗 When I left the auditorium, I went to my locker, grabbed my bags, and as I was going down the stairs, I saw her going to her classroom and she blew a kiss at me! 💗💗 I felt so so happy and blew a kiss at her as well! 💞💞 When I made it to the reception, as soon as I was about to go to the bus, I saw her walking over to the receptionist's desk, and when our eyes met, she smiled at me and I smiled back 💗💗 I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and told me some extremely sweet things which made me so happy! 💕💕 We said love you and I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt extremely happy and special for all the kindness, love, and care she showed me and that I got to see her 5 times and everything! 💗💗 By far, this definitely had to be one of the best days of the month despite all of the changes in our daily schedule together 💕💕 I promised myself to wear my cutest accessories with my uniform, show her the most kindness and love I ever have, and get the beads from her tomorrow and make the bracelet alot tighter than it was 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖💖
~May 21st, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways 💕💕 We had an exam the first 2 sessions which luckily was easy and a great way to kill the time. After the exam, I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I had my bag with me (just incase of late dismissal) so I grabbed it, put it next to the stairs, and ran to the auditorium. When I arrived, she still wasn't there yet so I took a seat. A few minutes later, she came, so I went up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back but surprisingly told us that the auditorium was closing early and that we were gonna go to the field in the last 10 minutes. I also heard that from the 5th until the last session, her classes were gonna be in the drama room which was great to know so that I wouldn't waste anytime searching for her during the break. Anyways, when everyone else came, we did the dance a couple times and when it was 10:50, I got off the stage and asked her if she could give me the beads and she told me she will in the field. I said okay, hugged her, and went to the field. When we made it to the field, I talked to my friends a bit, then sat with her. I asked her about the beads again, so she gave them to me and I put them in my pocket until I found a plastic bag to put them in. Some of my friends and I talked to her a bit and when the session ended, I hugged her and went to my class. I luckily found a plastic bag in my backpack so I put all the beads in it, until I got home. Anyways, I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallways, down the stairs, and to the reception. When I went down the stairs, I walked in the path of the drama room, but the lights were turned off so I kept searching for her around the whole area. As I was roaming around the entrance of the auditorium one more time, I saw her, so I ran up to her and hugged her extremely tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her some sessions she could take us from tomorrow and after and we talked a bit. Then, we hugged and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. We got taken from the last 2 sessions for the map test and I luckily finished the test and got 235. I luckily found out that if we got taken for map testing again and if a student was done with all 3 map tests, we'd go to the field and I knew I had to make use of that free time and go to her classroom, especially since the year unfortunately is coming down to an end. Anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately grabbed my bags, left them in the field, and as I was entering the reception door, I saw her sitting on a small desk, so I hugged her tight 💕💕💕💕 She hugged me back and I told her that I was just about to start searching for her and she smiled and said something really sweet 💕💕 I told her that I got 235 on my map test and she was so so proud of me and said I was really smart 💗💗 I told her I was gonna make her bracelet today and give it to her tomorrow and she was really happy to hear that 💕💕 I asked her if I could talk to her about something that happened today and I was gonna tell the school psychologist tomorrow since the day was over. She told me in a really kind and polite way that I should tell the school psychologist all my life issues, not her. We hugged afterwards and since it was still 2:55 P.M., I asked her if we could go to our buses together and she happily agreed. After she finished scanning at the finger print scanner, we went to our buses together and talked a little. When we made it to her bus, we hugged, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and loved because of all the kindness and care she showed and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗💗 Since tomorrow was out of uniform, I promised myself to wear the cutest outfit and accessories I had, make her bracelet much, much tighter this time, make use of every single chance I had with her, and be the kindest and sweetest to her ever tomorrow 💗💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~May 22nd, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I put my stuff in my bag, grabbed the bracelet, and started searching for her. After around 5 minutes, I found her in the reception so I ran to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I gave her the bracelet which she absolutely loved! 💝💝💝 When she put it on, she immediately noticed how much tighter it was and said she was really proud of me 💕💕 Then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. I also decided to skip the activity like last week since I didn't wanna be bored for 45 minutes. Anyways, when the day was over, I started searching for her with my friends and after a few minutes, we went to the field but when it was 2:58 and I still didn't find her, I started to lose hope... A few minutes later, I luckily found her, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and then, one of my friends went up to her and told her she wasn't coming to the International Day since she was leaving the school. She looked really upset and said she'll miss her, but I didn't mind nor get jealous 1 bit since that's how anyone would usually feel when someone they love is leaving. Then, I talked to her about the times she could take us tomorrow and she said she'll see! 💕💕 We hugged and I went to my friends. I decided not to go to my bus yet since school will be dismissed at 12 P.M. tomorrow (because of the senior graduation). I told
my friends I was gonna spend some more time with Myl and I'll catch up later. Then, I ran to the playground, went up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She smiled and hugged me back which made me feel really happy! 💕💕💕 I asked her if I could come to her tomorrow if she and I were free since I wanted to talk to her about something and she happily agreed 💗💗 Then, she showed he daughter the bracelet I made her and she asked her to read what was written. She read it in an unenthusiastic tone and when she went back to her friends, Myl told me she was annoying (as a joke) and I congratulated her again to make her feel better 💝💝 Then we hugged, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and a little special for all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her twice and everything! 💗💗 Since school will be dismissed much earlier tomorrow, I promised myself to try to search for her before leaving school tomorrow or go to her during any free sessions I had or if we got taken for map testing, I could go to her at that time as well since I finished all 3 map tests and whoever finished gets to go to the field. Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖💖
~May 23rd, 2024~
Today seriously was one of the best days ever! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her before I go to my bus anyways. I went through the first 4 sessions normally and during the 5th, we had free since we had the final exam on Sunday so we got to do whatever we wanted. I spent some time with my friends and passed by some of my old teachers. When it was 11:46 A.M., the teacher said we could leave if we wanted too, so I went to my locker, grabbed my bags, ran through the hallway, down the stairs, and went up to Myl's classroom. Her door unfortunately was locked so I continued going down the stairs and when I made it to the reception, I found Myl walking to the field to buy something, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her she looked so gorgeous today and she thanked me lots! 💕💕 I took out her daughter's bracelet that I made last night and it was wrapped in a plastic bag so that it wouldn't fall apart while carrying my bag everywhere I went. I gave it to her and she absolutely loved it, but told me to give it to her in the playground so I said okay, hugged her, and went to the playground. I didn't find her daughter anywhere, so I went back to the cafeteria where Myl was standing, but when I arrived, she had a phone call so when she hung up, she asked me if I found her daughter or not, so I said no and she told me to give her the bracelet and she'll give it to her, so I did. She loved the colors and was really surprised that I knew her actual name (since she always called her by her nickname). I asked her if she was going to the bus now, but she told me she had a duty and I was surprised since today was Thursday. I asked her why and she told me she was substituting for someone else which I understood 💕💕 I hugged her and she hugged me tighter and even kissed me which made me so happy! 💗💗💗💗 I asked her if we could take a picture together and she happily agreed! 💗💗 We took 2 pictures holding on to each other and afterwards, she kissed me again which made me feel even more happy!! 💝💝💝💝 I told her to send them this time unlike all the other times she didn't and she promised she would 💞💞💞 Then, we hugged and I went to my friends. I spent some time with them until 12:01 P.M. but instead of leaving, I decided to search for her one last time so I did look for her in the playground and reception but I unfortunately didn't find her, so I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special for all the kindness and love she showed me despite how short the day was and that I atleast got to see her once today 💗💗💗 Since the school year unfortunately was coming down to an end, I promised myself to make use of every single chance I had with her, make her much more detailed notes and letters, and show her the most kindness and love I ever have not just on Sunday, but every single day of these last 3 weeks I have 💕💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖💖
~May 26th, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately packed my material, went to the stairs, grabbed the notes I made her during the weekend, and went to the auditorium. When I made it down the auditorium stairs, I grabbed her attention and we hugged 💗💗 She was really happy to see me and so was I! 💞💞 I gave her the notes and she absolutely loved them! 💗💗 I told her I was going upstairs now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. Since I needed to get something I left in another teacher's classroom, I decided to leave a bit earlier than I usually did so at 2:45 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed, so I went up the stairs, through the hallways, and to the bathroom. I used the toilet and it was still a bit early so I started walking around hut unexpectedly, one of my classmates said hi to me and asked me what was I doing. As an excuse, I told her that I was waiting for the teacher (that had the item I needed to retrieve) to open the door so that I could get it back, but it turned out he left early so that didn't work.. She asked me why did I go to the bathroom every art session, so I said that after going to the bathroom, I realize that the session ended so I don't come back (which is the excuse I always said to everyone). Instead of being Understanding, she laughed and said she knows that I go to Myl instead. I was shocked, how did she know about my secret? I just remembered that I told her 4 months ago about it, so I told her to please not to tell anyone. Once again, she laughed and said that EVERYONE knew, including the teacher. I was in complete shock, so I asked her how did they find out and she said that it was so obvious INCLUDING that the teacher was gonna deduct my classwork grade. I was extremely shocked from the words I was hearing but at that point, I didn't care about my grade, the school year was ending very soon and my grade wasn't gonna get effected too, too much. She wanted to walk back to class with me and I swear at that point, I was gonna pour tears! 😭💔 I couldn't risk losing one of my last chances of the year I had with her, so I kept asking and begging her why if she knew my reasons and intention of going to the bathroom every session. I don't exactly remember what she said but luckily, god's luck had struck. She said she was gonna go back to class since she's left the classroom for a really long time now so I said okay, and ran off to my locker. I grabbed my bags, went down the stairs, and to the reception. I left my bags in the field before going to the auditorium and when I did, her class luckily was just leaving so after the last student left, I entered the auditorium, went down the stairs, and hugged Myl 💗💗 She hugged me back and we talked a bit. As we were going to the elevator, I told her I was really upset that the year was ending and I'll miss her so much 💗💗 She was really happy to hear that and then I asked her the main question, could she ask the school to teach me next year? She told me that it was the school that decided, not her. I was so surprised and after we got out of the elevator, I asked her if that really was the case and she said yes and tried to explain to me. She told me that I was gonna have alot of fun with the head of music department (he taught from Grades 8-10) and he was better than her. I was shocked to hear that because she was the best teacher and person anyone could ever ask for 💗💗💗 I told her she was wayyy better and the best teacher ever and she smiled and hugged me 💗💗 I hugged her back and asked her if we could go to our buses together and she happily agreed and after we made it to the reception, the receptionist needed her for something so in the mean time, I grabbed my bags to save some time and after she was done, they were still talking about something and she told me to come, so I did. Then, a kid told Myl that he was her bestie and she said the same, but I didn't mind at all since I knew that we were also besties and she loved me too 💗💗 Just to make sure I wasn't getting ahead of myself, I said the same thing to her and she said obviously and I was the main one which made me so happy! 💗💗💗 She and the receptionist were still discussing something and a few seconds later, she told me to go with her daughter to the bus so I agreed, we hugged, and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy because of all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her twice and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to show her as much love and care as possible and make use of every single chance I had with her tomorrow 💗💗 During the evening of that same day, as I was solving my homework, I got a voice message from her and I expected it to be something important since she usually never sends me voice messages. When I finished my homework, I played the voice and realized it was just her daughter thanking me for the bracelet and all 💗💗 I told her you're welcome and after my tutoring lesson, I received a photo of colorful writing in a heart on her bracelet and a bunch of GIFS and stickers 💕💕 I had no idea who picked them, but either way I was really happy 💕💕
~May 27th, 2024~
Today seriously was one of the best days ever! 💗💗 I luckily saw her in the field the moment I arrived so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her if I could come with her to the auditorium (since we had our class now) and she said I could go and she'll be there in a few minutes since she had to do something first. I said okay, hugged her, and went to the auditorium. A few minutes later after most of my classmates arriving, she came and after she put her bag on the chair, I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and we talked a bit. When everyone else came, we got to work and changed the final a bit and it looked absolutely amazing! 💗💗💗 However, we had to watch another class's dance and surprisingly, their performance was really good. After they left, we did our dance one more time and when we got dismissed, I got off the stage, went up to her, and hugged her tight💗💗 She hugged me back but unexpectedly, she asked me why was I wearing a cap and I told her just for style. She told me that it didn't match our uniform and I should change it, but I didn't get upset since I knew she was only giving me constructive criticism 💕💕💕 I said okay and then, she hugged me really tight and kissed me which made me feel so happy! 💗💗 I hugged her back and went to my class. I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallways, down the stairs, and to the auditorium. When I made it, I saw her sitting on a chair but she seemed like she had a headache, so I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She smiled and hugged me back and blew several kisses at me which made me feel so happy! 💕💕💕 I asked her if she was okay, so she said yes and she was just stressed from all the work which I completely understood 💗💗 Then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I unfortunately didn't see her for the rest of the day and I even searched for her everywhere I knew she could be at but when it was 3:06 P.M. and I still didn't find her, I knew that if I waited longer than that, I'd be extremely late to my bus, so I went home. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special for all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗 However, another part of me was just heartbroken because I didn't find her the after the activity 💔💔 I promised myself from going forward, I'd start searching for her 5 minutes earlier on mondays 💗💗 Anyways, I promised myself to wear the cutest accessories with my uniform and be the kindest and sweetest to her more than I ever have tomorrow 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~May 28th, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. During the first session, we got told that rehearsals were at 8:15 and I was extremely excited and happy that I didn't have to wait until the 4th session 💗💗 We put on our skirts and flower accessory and went to the auditorium. We had to go backstage so when it was our turn, I performed the best to my ability and after we were done, I saw her but I unfortunately couldn't get off the stage, so I went up to her and hugged her tight on the stage 💗💗 She hugged me back and I went back to my class. When we made it back to class, we also got told that we'd go to the gym in our music session, but I didn't get too upset since I saw her the first session anyways. Anyways, I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, down the stairs, and to the reception. I was constantly thinking not to go to the auditorium since it most likely wasn't allowed to enter, but I decided that if anyone asked why I was here, I'd tell them I wanted to ask her something about the dance. Anyways, I gathered all my strength and went to the auditorium. When I arrived, I saw her getting off the stage so I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I went to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. We were having a dish party, so I washed my hands before going to her since I knew my hands were covered in watermelon juice and were covered in that smell. I spent some time with my friends in another classroom and as I was leaving, I saw her talking to another student, so I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and when she finished talking to the student, I showed her the fan I got 2 days ago and asked if she wanted to try it, so she took it and smiled while using it which made me feel so happy 💗💗 We talked a bit and I went to my friends. A couple minutes later, I grabbed my bags, left them in the field, and started searching for her again. As I was going upstairs, I luckily found her sitting on a chair so I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and she was sending an email to someone, so I asked her who was she sending too and she told me an email to the parents of our school. We talked a bit, but she asked me to give her a second to finish writing the email so I agreed, hugged her, and went to the field. I spent a couple minutes with my friends, then started searching for her one last time before leaving since I was gonna miss her like crazy 😣💘 I luckily found her right away in the reception and she was talking to another teacher (female), but I went up to her and hugged her anyways 💗💗 She hugged me back and as I waited for her to finish, she kissed the other teacher before she opened the door for her, but I didn't mind and plus, it wasn't illegal for her to show love to others. Anyways, when she was done, we hugged each other and said some extremely sweet things to each other which made me so happy 💗💗 We talked and laughed a little and we said bye while hugging each other and she even called me love and blew a kiss at me which made me so happy! 💗💗 I did the same and went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and a little special for all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her 5 times and everything! 💕💕💕 However, I did feel a bit upset for the lower amount of attention I received from her, but I knew that it was just because of the amount of work she has during rehearsals, and that the international day was getting closer and closer. Since we also had general rehearsals tomorrow, I promised myself to give her a long and tight hug as soon as we finish, show her lots kindness and love, and make use of every single chance I had with her tomorrow 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~May 29th, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mind since I had rehearsals anyways. The rehearsals were at 8:15 like yesterday so when the time came, our class went to auditorium. We had to watch another class before it was our turn and it was amazing and all, but I didn't see her anywhere. When our turn came, I luckily found Myl putting her stuff down, so I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I went backstage. We changed into our skirts and flower pins and when I was done, I saw her talking to some of my classmates backstage so I went up to her and asked how I looked. She told me I looked amazing and we hugged 💗💗 I performed to the best of my ability and when we were done, I was gonna go up to her and hug her like yesterday, but someone told us to go change, so I only got the chance to say goodbye to her by waving, but it was fine since she also waved goodbye and plus, something was better than nothing. She unfortunately didn't look too, too happy, but I understood since it was the last day of rehearsals. Anyways, I went through the next 3 sessions normally and during the 4th, our class was decorating our homeroom for tomorrow and when it was 11:50, I asked the teacher if we could leave and he luckily said yes, so I immediately ran through the hallway, downstairs, and to the reception. I was planning not to go to her now since she was in the auditorium and it most likely wasn't allowed for anyone to enter, but I gathered all my strength and went to the auditorium. I luckily found her sitting on the floor, so I grabbed her attention and hugged her tight 💗💗 She smiled and hugged me back, then I told her I was going upstairs now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. I decided to skip the activity again so that I could leave whenever I wanted and I spent the whole session with my friends and decorating with my class. When it was 2:54 P.M., I grabbed my bags, left them in the field, and started searching for her. I checked her classroom just incase she was done with rehearsals, but the door was locked which I expected. I kept searching for her everywhere else and luckily, I found her walking around the reception, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her how the day was and she told me exhausting 😂 I complimented her t-shirt, so she thanked me and we hugged 💗💗 She even kissed me which made me so happy! 💕💕💕 I stayed with her for a bit longer and when it was 3:05 P.M., I told her I was going to my bus now so she said okay, then we hugged, and I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and a little special for all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times despite the change of schedule and rehearsals! 💗💗 Since school was being dismissed at 2:00 P.M. and I won't be able to enter the auditorium except when our turn comes, I promised myself to wash my hair, put on some of my most stylish makeup, wear my cleanest clothes with my skirt and flower pin, show her as much love and kindness as possible backstage and after our show, and since I was gonna stay until the end of the day unlike the Winter Show, I promised myself to spend as much time with her as possible afterwards and give her a small appreciation note for everything she did 💗💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~May 30th, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I was gonna spend as much time with her as possible after the show. I spent the first 3 hours with my friends and when it was our show time, we went to the gym and after around 10 minutes, we lined up infront of the backstage entrance and when the previous class finished, she came to tell us to stand in our positions, but all I could focus on at that point was how gorgeous she looked 💖💖 I wanted to hug her so badly, but it was better to wait until the show was over so that she wouldn't be stressed. Anyways, I made sure to perform to the best of my ability and after the curtains closed, she went up on stage and I knew that this was my only chance to show her some love before leaving, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I went to my friends. For the next hour and a half, different types of food were being served in each classroom depending on the country and I tried lots of food that I never would've even thought of tasting and it was just really fun 💕💕 At around 12:30 P.M., I assumed that the show was over, so I went downstairs to the field and started searching for her. It took me a while, but I luckily found her in the reception talking to the receptionist, so I ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and told me I did a great job so I thanked her lots 💕💕 I told her I had a surprise for her and she asked me if it was another bracelet, so I said yes 💕💕💕 I took out the note and bracelet and gave them to her and she absolutely loved them! 💗💗 She loved that the bracelet had the word "Spain" written on it (I wrote Spain to keep this year's international day a memory she'll never forget) and I showed her my bracelet I made 2 days ago that also had the word Spain written on it. I told her that my mom loved the dance, but she let me stay to enjoy the food with my friends. She was really happy to hear that and told me to enjoy 💕💕💕 We hugged, blew kisses at each other, and I went to the field. I spent another 10-20 minutes with my friends then, I saw her so I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her if she was gonna wear the bracelet and she said yes, but not now since it didn't match her outfit which I completely understood 💕💕 We hugged and she kissed me which made me feel so happy! 💕💕💕 I stayed in her arms for a bit longer since I missed her like crazyyy and didn't want to let go that fast 💗💗 She also held on me and even kissed me again which made me feel so happy 💕💕💕 Then, I went back to my friends. I unfortunately didn't see her for the rest of the day and I even tried searching for her in the last 30 minutes before school was dismissed, not only did I not find her, my bus matron also told me that the buses were leaving now and I didn't want to risk missing the bus nor not finding her after alot of effort, so I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and a little special for all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗💗 Since next week was only 4 days (2 normal school days and 2 trimester exam days), I promised myself to make these last 2 weeks with her the most memorable ones and make her much more detailed and longer notes and letters 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
I texted her the next day telling her I wanted to make our last 2 weeks together ones we could remember and so on. When she didn't reply all weekend, I decided to tell her on sunday when I see her alone and by that, I mean when it's only me and her in her classroom.

The Love That Saved Me 💗
Non-FictionTrue Story DISCLAIMERS: - All characters are anonymous for privacy reasons - This story took place in Egypt so week days are from Sunday to Thursday! - Egyptians are extremely affectionate, even ones you aren't very close with so don't take this as...