A place to stay

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Deadpool & Wolverine saved the world, by just holding hands together to make matter and anti-matter collide to destroy the TVA's time ripper before the crazy psychopath Cassandra Nova gets control of it. They both thought they were gonna die, in fact if only one of them had gone there alone, it would have been the end for him.

They both got shawarma as a celebration, eating it sitting on a bench outside. But Wade found himself zoned out...

He was just remembering when he thought he was going to die and mentally preparing for it, then in a split second the Wolverine was holding his hand before he could process what happened. The chain was complete and the short-circuit was starting to work, the bodies of the two men glowing with the energy flowing through. The yellow man's suit tore apart as a result, Deadpool not missing any second of it.

I bet y'all wouldn't want to miss seeing this perfect body either, huh?

He could see how his friend *cough cough* was sculpted, his abs perfectly defined.
Wouldn't even care if I died right now... he's so hot and perfect, the red suited man thought.

Wade felt someone gently shake his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts.

- Man, are you okay? What the fuck is going on in that twisted mind of yours? asked Logan.

- Just thinking about your chest and how badly I want your di-.

- Wtf dude, you're a creep, said the older man. He knew it was probably one of his usual jokes, but it was getting old.

Then some four legged creature came running slowly, Deadpool chucked his shawarma on the ground to have his attention on the doggo. The weird creature jumped on Deadpool's lap, and started generously licking his face affectuously,

- Mary Puppins, alias Dogpool!! I missed you so much! Here, u happy to see your popa? Yes? Aww you're so cute *he smooches the dog*

- Eww you're so disgusting and cringe like did you know that... thing might have licked her butt before kissing your face? said Wolverine with a disgusted expression.

- You're just jealous because you wish you could kiss me like that, quipped the mouthy red dude.

- Absolutely the fuck not, Logan snapped.

- So what are you going to do now... that we saved the world? asked Wade. For me, I'm just gonna go back to my little life. But we'll see each other again, right? he enquired, not wanting to say goodbye.

- I don't know dude, I've got nowhere to go but I'll figure out somehow, replied the older man. But I don't think we'll see each other again, you annoying mouth and big perv.

- Peanut, why don't you come stay with me and the old blind lady for some time? suggested Deadpool. And Dogpool too of course.

Like I want to stay with this red weirdo, but I have no choice. Well I could, but fuck it, thought Wolverine. I really didn't feel anything AT ALL when he said I was...

- Now it's you that is zoning out, honey badger? stated the Deadpool beside him. My proposition surprised you? You never thought you'd have this chance, right?

- Oh shut the fuck up, I just don't have the choice, Logan replied dryly. I'd rather not stay with you, a cocaine snorting oldie and this ugly dog-rat, but here I am. Now let's head the fuck there, I'm tired, he grogged.

- I'm driving this time, grumpy cat, Wade announced.


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