This is our song

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The two lovers got dressed, then got in the beaten Honda Odyssey, Logan taking the driver's seat. They wanted to head to some pizza place. Logan put the key in the ignition and turned it. There was a little "vroo" sound, then... "ptptptpt" then it died down.

- Fuck! exasperately raged Logan, aggressively smashing the steering wheel.

- Peanut, we'll just find a closer pizza place, and we're gonna walk to it. We'll call to get it towed and repaired tomorrow. There's one pizza place at like 10 mins of walk, not that bad huh? Wade suggested.

- Fine, the hangry man grouched.

So they started walking there. The merc reached and held the honey badger's hand.

- I'm not a fan of PDA, you know, Wolverine said, removing his hand.

- Sad, I wanted to show everyone what a catch I scored, complained Deadpool.

- Oh shut up, the other replied.

- You're really worse when you're hungry right? You're not you when you're hungry. Sponsored by Snickers. Snickers satisfies.

- What the actual fuck are you yapping about, mouth? wondered Logan exasperated.

- Nothing, hey oh we're arrived! cheered Wade.

- Good now we can order and hope they hurry their butts off to prepare it because I'm hungry, grogged the older man.

- Calm down honey badger please.

- Fuck you! Logan yelled as his stomach growled.

They went to the order counter and Wade ordered.

- Hi, we'd like a jumbo all dressed pizza, with extra bacon, and I have my boyfriend right here he's really hangry. So you should hurry to prepare it if you don't want to get diced to death by the Wolverine. He can stab me and I won't die, since I got a healing factor, but not you. So please don't make us wait too much.

The cashier called out to the workers, already in the rush,


-Now great, y'all are gonna attract all the fangirls and fanboys, Logan huffed.

*Everyone in the restaurant starts chatting*

- Hey, that's Deadpool!

- And that's Wolverine!

- I want autographs!

And so Deadpool happily signed autographs for everyone that wanted to, but Wolverine didn't feel like it, he just wanted to eat. He refused everyone until a little boy, approximately 4 years old and his slightly older sister came with their mom.

- Pweaaasee? asked the little boy with puppy-like eyes. And fow my sis too?

Logan couldn't resist because they were too cute, so he signed them autographs.

- Your order is ready! called out the worker.

The grumpy man paid then took the pizza box, the fries bag and the soft drinks, and went to sit at a table with his cheerful companion.

- Didn't know the angry little Wolvie liked kids, teased Wade.

- I don't. Just wanted them to leave me alone and you know how kids are, the other replied.

- Okay fine, if you say so, said Wade unconvinced.

They started to eat.

- This pizza is so damn good, said Logan.

The younger man makes a dramatic gasp. (You know the one lol)

- Listen carefully! This is our song! he happily says.

On the radio, "Like a prayer" by Madonna was playing. Logan acted unbothered and continued to eat. Wade started singing out loud:

"When you call my name
It's like a little prayer
I'm down on my knees
I want to take you there
In the midnight hour
I can feel your power
Just like a prayer
You know I'll take you there"

- You know you're embarrassing me right now bub? said Wolverine.


Wade's POV

- No don't be shy this is our song! I said.

- Just because it played when we saved the world doesn't mean it's "our song", retorted Logan. You talk like we're an old married couple.

- And? I enquired.

- This is too cheesy for me, he declared.

How can he dismiss the best moment?? Maybe he secretely loves it but doesn't want to admit it? Anyway. For me it was the best moment because u know... Let me show you since a pic is worth a thousand words.

 Let me show you since a pic is worth a thousand words

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Yeah I keep this pic in my phone, and?


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