Something's wrong

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- B-bub... I don't feel really good, said Logan.

- What? Wolvie what's wrong???

- That bullet... the - the woundis nothealinng and I feeldizzy... he slurred. Myhead spinning...

- That's DEFINITELY NOT normal, worried Deadpool.

- Amfeeling nauseous... bub whaaat I'm-

The Wolverine stopped mid-sentence as he heaved and threw up a few times on the floor beside him, coughing afterwards. It was the same purple as the bullets, and there was blood in it.

- I'mpoisoned...amscareeed Wade heeeelp... he cried out. He was panting heavily and sweating, and was sickly pale.

He was now anxious about death, something he never thought about because he usually couldn't die. The anxiety did nothing but make the world spin more for Wolverine, and he fell on the ground, and started having a seizure, convulsing till he passed out.

Deadpool was an expert at killing (bad) people, but surprisingly he knew some first aid too. He turned the big boy on his side, and put his hands under his Wolvie's head so he doesn't get a concussion by hitting his head during the seizure. Normally it wouldn't be a cause of concern, but the older man's healing factor didn't seem to work now.

- That poison is really aggressive... What's that shit??? asked Wade to himself. He glanced at Logan. And you, don't you fucking dare to die on me!!!

The merc inspected the dead bodies to find a clue, anything. He felt restless and started to feel panicky as he didn't find anything but empty artisanal bullet boxes.

Now isn't the time to panic, Wade!!! It won't solve anything!!!

Still, he had trouble calming his nerves.


Wade's POV

What if he doesn't make it??? Technically it's my fault since I was the dumbfuck that didn't notice the dog got out. I brought him into this. I would NEVER forgive myself. NEVER!!! I hate myself!

He checked Wolverine's wrist to see if he still had a pulse. He had, but it was weak. He had to act fast.

He breathed deeply to calm down then took him on his shoulder like when he passed out drunk before going to the TVA. His heart was beating like if it wanted to get out his chest.

- Damn, people are really feeling heavier when unconscious, Deadpool muttered to himself.

The merc headed to the cabin, with his Wolvie on his shoulder. His Wolvie that he needed to save but didn't know how.

He kicked the door with his foot and it opened. The lock wasn't a really good one and the wooden door was rotting so it broke.

The kind of lighting in the place was little flickering light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, from wires not even hidden. A really bad electrician job. The ambiance that screamed "Shady things are going on here".

Deadpool looked around him, and stayed alert in case some more bad guys were hiding. He found a mattress in the corner of a room, a cheap looking one but it was still better than nothing. He carefully set down Wolverine on it, still on his side in case he throws up again.

The poor man stirred, then coughed up a little blood. He sat up on the mattress very fast, sweaty and confused. He looked everywhere but then felt too lightheaded and fell back on the bed with a thud.

- Woah woah, easy there, big boy. Don't try to get up, I got this. I'm going to save you. I need to, said Deadpool. Now I'm gonna try to remove that bullet that's in your leg. For that, I need to remove your suit.

Wolverine wanted to protest, but didn't have the strength to do so. So he just resigned and managed to turn to his side so the other could unzip his suit.

So Wade undid the other's suit and removed it. It was soaked in sweat and Logan winced in pain as the fabric rubbed against his wound.

- Holy shit! gasped Deadpool as he saw the injury.

The skin around the wound was starting to turn purple-ish, meaning the poison was spreading.

Even looking sick, he still looks amazing. But it's not the time to think about this, you Dickpool! Just focus, he told himself.

And the bullet was deeply lodged, so he had to get some pliers to get it out. This shit will hurt bad, poor peanut.

- I'll be back, Wade said.

He frantically looked around till he found the bathroom, then opening drawers till he found the first aid kit. He opened it, and there was still the medical pliers in it.

- Nice.

He grabbed a towel from the cabinet so Wolvie could bite it to help with the pain. He returned to the injured man with the first aid kit and the towel, without even bothering to close the drawers and all.

The Wolverine was now barely conscious, his eyes struggling to stay open. Still pale and sweating, and his forehead was burning up when Deadpool felt it.

- Bub...

- Shh, bite into this because it will hurt.

And so he put the towel in his lover's mouth, and got the tweezers out and carefully reached to pull the bullet. As the tool touched his wound, Wolverine's body tensed up and his face contorted into a grimace of pain.

- It's ok, baby, said Deadpool in a reassuring tone, putting a hand on the other guy's shoulder. I'll try to remove it fast.

And so he did, but carefully of course.

- Nnnnghhhh...

Logan was biting the towel harshly, until he became limp as he fainted again. Wade didn't notice right away, he was busy stopping the bleeding and bandaging the wound.

- It's done, peanut.

No response.

- Wolvie? Peanut??? WOLVIE!!! he cried as he lightly shook the man's shoulders to wake him up, but to no avail. He felt a pulse, but it was even weaker than before. And his temperature seemed to have increased, Wade could swear it almost burned his hand.

He had never been this anxious in his entire life. His own heart was pounding more than he never did, while Logan's pulse kept weakening.


Hope y'all like angst guys, I just love writing it fr 🫠

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