Or maybe he didn't?

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Wade's POV

Al just announced she was meeting up with some friends, then left. Pretty sure she didn't want to deal with our bullshit.

I went back to bed after that.

Why is Logan always a grumpy old man? I thought everyone liked plushies, they're soft and comfy. Maybe I hit a sensitive nerve (again?)
I do have my little Wolvie plushie who's so cute (it's my favorite), I also got random ones, like a unicorn, a teddy bear I tied a yellow ribbon on its neck, and the one I kept from my childhood, a bunny that lost an eye and is starting to tear on the side of its body.

- Pretty sure some of y'all say, hahaha Deadpool sleeps with plushies, so lame! As Ariana Grande sang, "yes, and?" I can still regenerate and kick your ass lol.


Logan's POV

Why did that fucker gave me a fucking plushie? I'm not a kid for fucks sake. I turn on the light from my phone and search for the plush. Mary Puppins almost got hold of it, but I picked it up.

Why did I pick it up? I guess I didn't want her to chew it and then I'd walk on it barefoot when it's wet with saliva. It would be disgusting as HELL.

I look at the plushie.

It is neither too small or too big

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It is neither too small or too big. And it's pretty cute. But I don't wanna be mocked again, I remember I've struggled with anxiety for so long. And I remember I've been mocked and laughed at for hugging plushies to cope when I was with the X-Men. After that, I burned the few I owned, and threatened to kill everyone that would dare to talk about this. I forgave them at the time, because apparently they were just teasing me (it wasn't funny to me tho) but a part of me couldn't forget how embarrassed I felt.

But now, I know bub Wade wouldn't judge since he gave it to me. And the old woman... well she's blind so if the red fucker closes his mouth (We can always hope for a miracle, right??) she'll never know.

I finally decided to hold the small Deadpool and fell asleep.

*The night passes by*

I feel someone touch my shoulder, in response I grunted and turned the other way. I'm not a morning person.

- Le...mme sleeeep, I muttered.


Wade's POV

- Peanut, I made breakfast! I announced.

- Grmbl... what time is it for fucks sake? grogged the least matinal person I knew.

- 9h00 am, I replied.

- It's too early for this shi- the older mutant tried to say, but his stomach growled.

- Your belly disagrees, apparently, I pointed out.

- Oh, go fuck yourself, retorted the grumpy Wolvie.

- I'd rather have you fuck me instead, I joked. Not totally joked but you know.

- Are you really THAT touch deprived? he said. Btw it smells good as fuck.

It's when I noticed he was holding the little plush.

- Aaww, you slept with mini Deadpool? You didn't hate it that much, apparently.

- Oh shut up, I only thought you wouldn't want to find it all chewed up and soaked in spit by your little gremlin. So I took it. By respect. That's ALL. he insisted.

- Yeah, you bet. Anyway, come over here, the pancakes are gonna be cold!

- Do you have some coffee at least? I don't like being talked to before my morning cup of coffee, Peanut replied.

- You don't like being talked to after either, nor all day, I bantered. But yeah, let me guess... black strong coffee?

- Exactly! How did you know? asked Logan.

- Idk I guess it's just fitting your personality very well, I declared. Can you guess how I like my coffee too?

- I'd say with milk or cream, and very sugary. Also you seem like the dude to try every flavored coffee ever which is a disgrace to coffee in my opinion. Coffee must taste like coffee, not everything else.

- Bingo! That's exactly me! But calm down huh, coffee of other flavors isn't a "disgrace to coffee". It's CREATIVITY, which you seem to lack of. *chuckles*


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