Stay with me

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Logan's pulse was weakening. Wade was feeling so anxious he struggled to breathe and felt like trapped in his own body. But now wasn't the time to have a panic attack.

He took a deep and forced breath. The older man's heartbeat was almost imperceptible now. Wade took his Deadpool mask off because anxiety was making him feel trapped.

He knew what he had to do, but boy he never practiced CPR. Only saw it in movies, but he had no choice but to do it now. Nervously, he started pushing hard and fast on Wolverine's chest, doing compressions in hopes to restart his heartbeat.


He was crying and sobbing. His tears were falling on Logan's chest and he couldn't see well through his tears, but he persisted.

After a few minutes of doing this, his muscles were sore but he didn't give up.
Eventually, he heard his partner make a gasping breath and his heartbeat improved.

However, he was still unconscious. Wade hugged Logan, still sobbing and his body shaking.

- Thank you *snif* so much for fighting, Wolvie *snif* I am so happy I saved you *snif*...

Deadpool knew he had to look around cause these assholes might have some antidote somewhere, right??? Or a recipe for it. You don't make poison without counter poison, it's common sense, right?

He rummaged everywhere, then found a little door. He opened it, and it led to a shady laboratory, with full of weird potions, and libraries of old books and papers scattered everywhere.

His searches were interrupted because he heard coughs coming from where Wolverine was. He rushed there so fast he stubbed his toe on a wall corner. He could regenerate, yeah, but that shit is always painful anyway.

Wade saw that Logan was conscious now, but spat up blood. And he was still really pale and sweaty. DAMN...

- Bub...

He coughed blood again and said, in a barely audible voice:

- My chest hurts bub...

He had a hand on his chest and a pained face.

- Wolvie... I'll call an ambulance, alright? I need professional help to save you... can't do it on my own, Wade said, feeling worried and defeated. He had little to no medical knowledge but damn he hated feeling helpless and not in control of the situation.

So he took his phone and dialed 911. With a shaking voice, he gave their location and explained the situation, and asked them to send an ambulance ASAP, and they replied they were on the way.

He put the bullet he removed from the wound in a plastic bag, for investigation.

- They are heading here, peanut. You're forbidden to die. Or else I'd have no choice but to join you, like in Romeo and Juliet. Sweet romantic ending together in the afterlife...

He made a dramatic hand gesture.

He was trying to joke about this, but there was some truth to it. He couldn't live anymore if Wolvie died. He would probably...

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a siren coming fast towards their location.

Wade breathed a sigh of relief and welcomed them when they rushed to the door, and brought them to Logan. There was 3 guys. They installed him on the stretcher, then asked Wade for some more precisions about what happened.

He explained everything with more details, from the time the other got shot, all the symptoms, the healing factor not working, that he had to perform CPR and now that his partner's chest hurts. He handed them the bag with the bullet.

The paramedic noted everything on his notepad, furrowed his brows thinking, then put his hands on Wade's shoulders in a reassuring manner.

- I'm gonna explain you what I think is going on, but please don't feel bad, ok? This can happen even to the best of us. So a lot of times, when you perform CPR, sometimes ribs can break and cause pain or injuries to the lungs. They'll make x-rays at the hospital to confirm what's going on.

Then he named the hospital they were heading to.

- But bro, this is Wolverine! He's supposed to have adamantium bones??? How can it break like that???

- I'm not an expert in mutants, but maybe the poison that affected his healing factor also made his skeleton more brittle?

They headed out of the place carrying the stretcher to the ambulance.

Logan looked at Wade and reached his hand towards him. The latter held it and blushed.

- You'll... visit me bub?

He started coughing, some blood again.

- Peanut, don't force yourself to talk. Of course I'll visit you! You thought you could get rid of my annoying ass like that??

Logan chuckled a little as they installed the stretcher inside the vehicle. Wade wanted to get in too, but 2 paramedics had to watch the sick man in the back so there was not enough room.

He stared as the vehicle left, sirens blaring till they fade in the distance.


In the ambulance, Logan's condition was getting worse... his leg had bled through the bandages and he was so pale he looked almost grey-ish.

- I can't... breathe well... he muttered to the paramedics. I feel so sick...

He felt so weak and bad he was silently crying.

He was probably dying, yet the only thing he could think of was... Wade. Yes. He'd have wanted the damn paramedics to let him come in. Now he was alone with two dudes he didn't know. He knew it was stupid and Wade would never do that, but was afraid that he'd abandon him.

The paramedics put the oxygen mask on him because his breathing worsened and he choked.

He doesn't know if he passed out or just fell asleep but his last thought before everything went black was that he hoped his idiot of a boyfriend would be here when he wakes up... if he wakes up.


Wade was still at the hideout. As much as he wanted to be with Wolvie right now... he couldn't leave the place yet, he had to find clues about what other places used the villain group for their criminal activities because the "boss" of the organization was nowhere to be seen, and neither the poor dogs.

So he went back inside and searched everything, and got into a little office that looked like it rarely gets cleaned. It smelled like dust, and it was cluttered as all hell. Papers everywhere, again.

Ugh... he sighed before starting to look through this mess.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18 ⏰

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