The gift Logan hated

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Wade's POV

- Oh, the little shirtless Wolvie is blushing, are you? That's so cute! I said.

- Shut up! And don't call me that, I hate it, the grumpy dude snapped.

Predictable answer, honestly.

But what happened next wasn't predictable at all. The Wolverine jacked man (pun intended) got up and walked towards me, and his hand brushed my cheek. He then started to kiss me passionately, like he had wanted to do this since he met me. Maybe he did, but he'd never admit it lol.

Omg what, the Wolverine is kissing me?? I'm not dreaming? To verify I'm not dreaming, I pinch myself. And I'm very well awake.

A lot of people just wouldn't even touch, kiss or hug me since I got disfigured... like if they were scared to "catch" ugliness. But NOW the man of my dreams is passionately kissing me?

- You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be, Logan, I said breaking the kiss.

- Did you just fucking quote the Goo Goo Dolls? That's kind of cheesy to say, the bulk man replied.

- Cheesy is a second nature for me, you didn't know that, Wolvie? I quipped.


Logan's POV

- I told you I hate it when you call me that, I grumbled.

Spoiler alert, I definitely did not hate that. Thought it was kind of cute, but I gotta keep some dignity.

- Then why are you blushing? said that weirdo.

- I'm NOT. By the way, this kiss DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING.

Wade took a pocket mirror that was just on the coffee table.

- Now that's totally NOT here for plot convenience, he said, looking at something I didn't see.

- Bub you're mentally challenged, you know that? I said.

Then he just shoved the mirror in front of my face and I could see that I was indeed blushing. What the fuck is he doing to me. I also could see my ugly cerns from lack of sleep, and my hair definitely all out of place. Ew.

- Wtf I'm ugly, I said. I look like a zombie.

- You're kidding, right? You're like the cutest and hottest man I've ever seen. And have you seen my uncooked pepperoni pizza face?

I started laughing, to try to hide how I really felt. Cutest and hottest? I don't even remember anyone describing me this way, and it gives me a feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

- He doesn't know that a lot of people would kill to be with him, to make love to him and kiss those Hugh Jackman legendary pecs? Wade said again, looking at another direction.

- What the fuck are you doing? I asked in an exasperated voice.

- Nothing, he grinned. By the way, I have something for you. You'll be more comfortable sleeping with these.

He goes in his room, picks something and comes back. He hands me some random pjs, a white t-shirt that was showing signs of wear and tear, and plaid marine blue pants. He was also holding something behind his back.

- What are you hiding? I asked.

- Close your eyes and gimme your hands! cheerfully said Wade.

I reluctantly agreed, because I wanted to get this over with and go back to sleep. He puts what seems to be a plush in my hands. I opened my eyes and there was a Deadpool plush.

- You wanna make fun of me or what, dipshit? Do you think I'm 5 years old? I'm fucking over 200 years old! I've grown out of sleeping with plushies since what, 195 years?? Keep your fucking joke to yourself!

I throw the humiliation I've just been given across the apartment. It just bounces off the old lady's head, waking her up. The repulsive creature they call a dog too, as she was sleeping on the table.

- Hey, what the fuck are you doing? You think it's time for a pillow battle at *asks her vocal recognition watch what time is it, it says 2 am* 2 in the fucking morning? said Al groggily.

Dogpool, this time, jumped in my arms and started licking my face.

- Ew, keep your tongue to yourself!
I gave Wade the thing in my arms, and they start kissing like they were in love.

I went to the bathroom, bringing the pjs. I closed and locked the door behind me. Then I took a towel and put some soap on it, then cleaned my face, rinsed and dried it off. I changed into the pjs, then went back to the couch.


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