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They harshly landed in a gigantic "room" all made of stone, a cloud of sand dust raising around them as they hit the ground. They all coughed because of it. Except Deadpool, he had passed out because Wolverine fell on top of him and he was both turned on and also 200 pounds of muscle falling on you is pretty heavy.

* Deadpool isn't awake to break the fourth wall, so the author takes his place for now.*

- This is pretty cliche, right? Yeah those villains have no creativity.

Wolverine had dropped the rope when he was falling, now the guy was nowhere to be seen.


He punched the stone wall till he bled.


Deadpool woke up by hearing his partner yelling.

- Wolvie, calm down, he said.


- He's...

The man in red spandex scanned the place to find the guy. He saw a suspicious crease in the rock, so he went to see there.

- Peanut, there's a corridor right here! he said. He's probably wherever this leads to.

- Ok bub, let's go, said Wolverine, now calmed down.

They followed it, then found the guy in a smaller room, talking to someone on a smartphone. They paid attention to hear what he was saying.

"Yeah, intruders... dragged them to a trap on purpose... Deadpool and Wolverine, yeah... that sucks. Those damn regeneration factors. Yeah?? Ok we'll do that."

- What the fuck? said Deadpool.

- I don't know, but be careful, replied Wolverine. They're preparing something.

- Don't worry, big boy. We can regenerate, so no problem, replied the other, chuckling.

- You're such a dumbfuck! Can't look beyond the tip of your nose? Maybe they got something against it? worried the yellow suit man.

- You're overthinking it, peanut.

- Whatever, bub.

The man had finished his call and looked at them with the devilish smile bad guys do when their plans are going like they want to.

The two protagonists rushed back to where they fell from, and Deadpool got a climbing hook like this from one of his pockets (the hook was foldable so it could fit in it)

The two protagonists rushed back to where they fell from, and Deadpool got a climbing hook like this from one of his pockets (the hook was foldable so it could fit in it)

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He prepared it then he threw it upwards. It took a couple tries before it hooked on the top successfully.

The dude had catched up to them as Deadpool was climbing, and catched the merc's leg. The Wolverine got his claws out, then effortlessly impaled the guy through the chest, instantly killing him. Then gave a fast kick on the body to get his claws out of it.

- Woah Wolvie that was so badass! Deadpool fanboyed.

- That was nothing, I can do way better, said Wolverine with a smirk.

- Hey, I can be badass too! retorted Deadpool.

The red suited man finished climbing, and the honey badger climbed too, but as he almost reached the top, the rock part that the hook grapped over cracked and fell. Wolverine had caught on with one hand to a little irregularity in the surface.

- Woah, yet another cliche, author? Do people love it, at least? Maybe or maybe not but you're still reading this because you want to see-

- Can you just stop fucking yapping and help me here? I can't hold on any longer, lunatic dick! Wolverine pleaded, bringing Deadpool back to reality.

He caught the older guy's hand just in time as it was slipping away. He pulled him outside of the trap.

- There we are, the heroic guy saved the pretty girl and they kiss after! Muah~

The mercenary's comically approached his partner, mouth pouted in a kiss shape.

- Cut the crap, Wade. The mission isn't over. seriously said Wolverine. I can sense some-

He couldn't finish his sentence when hundreds of guys lunged at them, arriving from everywhere with different weapons.

- Let's fucking go! they both said in unison.

Deadpool grabbed his katanas and swirled them around just to show off, before starting to take down the guys, performing some kind of breakdancing while kicking asses at the same time.

Wolverine was slicing his way through the enemies like it was nothing, and they were both closely avoiding the suspicious bullets some of them were firing. The bullets were purple and just looking weird.

But the guy in the yellow suit failed a dodge and got shot in the leg, but he didn't notice it right away because of adrenaline (or maybe he didn't care because he'd heal anyway).

It was only when there was only blood splattered all over and bodies everywhere on the ground, that Wolverine started to feel weird. Not good...


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