Chapter 4 - My Savior (Entry)

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As Delta came into a state of consciousness, she asked, "Is this a dream? Am I getting married?"

 Trevor responded, "Calm down Delta. Yes, you are getting married to Richard, the queen's son. Your life and future is secured with a man who has unlimited money". 

Delta in disbelief, "I am sorry, what? Person with unlimited money? Are you being serious Trevor?

Trevor responded, "Yeah, I am absolutely serious". Delta fumed on Trevor, "Please leave my room now. Trevor leaveee....".

Trevor left the room. Delta ordered everyone to leave the room and all of them left.

The Next morning , In the living arena of the palace, entered a young man, who was wearing a black colored hat and had a clean shave

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The Next morning , In the living arena of the palace, entered a young man, who was wearing a black colored hat and had a clean shave. He went towards the queen and greeted her, "Good morning mother, oh sorry, perhaps I should say, good morning our dear queen".

The Queen responded, "My dear son Richard".  Richard emotionally expressed, "I missed you a lot mother". An emotional moment took place between the queen and her son Richard. 

King Henry entered the arena, Richard expressed, "Why is this man here mother? Shouldn't he just stay in his room". King Henry, "Richard, my son, won't you at least talk to me. Please look towards me son".  The queen responded, "No Henry, Richard won't talk to his ignorant and irresponsible father and that's you". Tears flowed from the queen's eyes and Richard wiped her tears. Both mother and son went to take a stroll in the town.  An emotional and saddened King Henry went to his room and cried continuously. It felt like he had an emotional outburst.

We saw the Finnegan and Valery family promenading (Walking) in the beautiful city of Galway

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We saw the Finnegan and Valery family promenading (Walking) in the beautiful city of Galway. The people in the town are talking a walk and enjoying the peaceful breeze.

A frantic Erlyn said, "Rose, how are we going to avoid this scandal of Eza and the incoming scandal which Delta will create as she plans to refuse the marriage". Rose replied, "Dear sister-in-law please don't worry, Delta is a smart young lady and she does care for the family. She does realize that her future is completely secured by marrying the queen's son". 

Ernst (with a book in his hand)  interrupted, " What if Delta is not happy with this forced marriage"?  Mother, are you willing to sacrifice Delta's happiness just  to save your image in front of the monarch and the ton". Trevor replied, "As the eldest daughter of the Finnegan family, it is Delta's duty to save our reputation. Anyhow, she is getting married to a handsome young man who is the queen's son. What else does a woman want?"

Ernst said(with an expression of disgust towards Trevor), "How regressive of you to think like this, Trevor?"

Ernst offended by Trevor's statement, left his family and went for a walk alone, worried about Delta. That's where he crossed paths with Mylah Mennigan (Mrs.Menningan youngest daughter). Ernst and Mylah have been childhood friends but drifted apart a few years back due to a reason (which will be revealed later).

Ernst greeted, "Good Morning, Mylah. How are you ?"

Mylah replied, " I am doing extremely well Ernst".

Ernst further said, "It's been a long time that we have not had a conversation at all". Ernst looked at her common blue attire worn by Mylah and complimented, "You gown looks extremely captivating and classy".

Mylah felt a sense of gush and her heart gave a positive response to her. It was the first time that someone had complimented her ever.

Mylah- "Thank you Ernst". As she wanted to speak more, suddenly her inner voice commanded, "Stay in your league Mylah, you cannot have him". 

Mylah immediately left abruptly, which left Ernst clueless.

Ernst gasped, "I think she still wants to continue with the childhood friend separation (continuing with the process of staying away from your best friend) and has not forgotten the reason". A disturbed Ernst headed towards him home.

Meanwhile, Delta pondered over the situation and suddenly heard a thud, it was from Eza's room. Delta went out of her room and overhead Eza expressing her frustration, "My whole reputation is already tarnished because of Delta. Now she refuses to marry the prince(Richard, queen's son). How can she? the audacity she has. Any girl would go to any limits to get such a secured marriage opportunity. If Delta agrees to this marriage, the scandal that took place at the presentation get's covered and I can rebuild my image in the marriage mart".

A heartbroken Delta decided, "Eza, don't worry you will get rid of me. I leave this family alone but I won't marry Richard at any cost. I will not accept a forced proximity". 

Delta immediately left the Finnegan mansion and ran towards the river at the end of the city's garden.

Delta immediately left the Finnegan mansion and ran towards the river at the end of the city's garden

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Delta had a series of flashback of all the events that revolved around her and caused a scandal. With all the hope lost, Delta jumped into the river with the intention to commit suicide.

As she was drowning, Delta heard a scream, "Ma'am, excuse me ma'am, why did you jump into the river?"

Delta went into a state of unconsciousness (fainted) and was about to drown. Suddenly, the person who screamed earlier, jumped into the river, held Delta hand's and saved her from drowning. 

He carried her out of the river and laid her down on the grass. He tried to get the water out of her body and was successful in saving her.

As Delta opened her eyes, she saw a young and handsome man whose shirt was drenched in water (wet) and his eyes sparkled. 

Out of curiosity and eagerness Delta kissed him and in return he further kissed her. They shared a passionate kiss for a moment.

 They shared a passionate kiss for a moment

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