Chapter 5

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I give her that one look that irritates the crap out of her. She knows she can't escape this one.

"Argh man! Fine! I'll make it." She finally says.

Lesego: "Thank you. Was that so hard?"

"Mxm. But I can't make samoosas by myself, ey. These women have to come join me.

There's so many of julle in this house."

Lesego: "I'll go."

"Nou! Tsamaya!"

Lesego: "Okay fine."

I know. It may look all funny right now, but her and I came a long way, even though right now her and I are far from perfect. We're still a work in progress.


"Sego!" That has to be Kaone. She's the only one with a squeaky voice. I don't know how Thato deals with that.

Lesego: "Ja."

Kaone: "Ehe, tlo kwano!" Why is she even shouting?

I enter her room. What is she even doing here--
Oh, she's changing her baby's diaper.

Kaone: "Thank you for coming."

Yeses! It stinks!

Kaone: "Please throw this for me." She says handing me the diaper full of poo.

Yerr! What did this kid even eat?!

Lesego: "Oh and Ma is calling you."

Kaone: "Vir wat nou (For what now)?"

Lesego: "To help her make samoosas." She gives me long blank stare.

Kaone: "You asked her, didn't you." I give off a cunning smile. "You're so annoying. Nx! Here." She says handing me her baby. "Since you won't throw this diaper away, I'll mos do it myself."

I follow her to the living room and I sit down with the baby in my arms.

Kaone: "Thank you. O kae Khumbuzile?"

Lesego: "I have no idea." I'm still thinking about how this child's poop smelled so bad. "Also, what has your child been eating man?"

Kaone: "Oh wow, so now you're gonna act like your poop smells sweet?" She asks sarcastically.

Lesego: "Mxm."

Kaone: "Let me go help make those samoosas before you kill me."

Please, I'm not that dramatic.

I'm alone with her and her baby whose name I forgot. Sometimes I mix these children's names up. There's a lot of them in this house.

Now there's a noise coming from the kitchen. It's probably the wives in this family.

Kaone: "Here. Please take care of Omphile for me while I join the ladies in the kicthen. Seems like they're having a blast." She says handing me the baby.

Oh. That's his name - Omphile.

Lesego: "And what if he cries? What should I do?"

Kaone: "Bathong Lesego! There's the milk right there on the table."

Lesego: "But doesn't he need to be breastfed or something?"

She gives me another blank stare.

Okay. Bottled milk it is, then.


Well, here I am again. Alone in my apartment drinking some coffee. It's like life has taken a pause since that whole encouter I had with God this morning. Even my phone is dry.

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