twenty two

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"Can I touch you more than this?" Jeremiah asked Ivan softly within his ear. His hand was already gripping his thigh, but his thumb caressed him slightly.

He looked within Jeremiah's eyes, leaning towards him as he kissed him deeply. Their bodies pressing to one another's, Ivan pulled back for only a moment to answer.

"Yes, I want you to touch me however you want to. I'm telling touch me the way you want, as my Alpha." Ivan said those words, watching the way Jeremiah almost seemed shocked by him saying such a thing. "Don't look so shocked. You still don't realize that your mark is on my body now, forever - until the day we die?"

Jeremiah felt his head become fuzzy with warm things, smiling softly at him.

"I guess I'm not used to it just yet." Jeremiah admits awkwardly, but his hand softly caressed the back of Ivan's nape. "It's not an easy thing...I still feel like sometimes that I'm dreaming."

Ivan smiled at his admission, his hand going behind the back of Jeremiah's head. Running his fingers along his own nape, he grinned.

"I remember when I dreamt of the day that I'd bite yours. I am now...forever grateful that it didn't go the way I wanted. Because this is what I want," Ivan leaned himself into Jeremiah, hugging him closely as he breathed him in, "You to protect me, to hold me... I want to be the one to have the honor of holding your child."

"Oh..." Jeremiah smiled, caressing his back until he gasped. "Oh!"

He began to feel a mixture of embarrassment and arousal at the remembrance that he was still inside of Ivan. The sex had only taken a pause because he had knotted him, and there wasn't much they could do.

Now he remembered in the first place what was taking place.

"We might be able to give Luka a sibling." Ivan began to smirk just watching Jeremiah's expression. "Are you happy, sad?"

"No matter what happens, any child that I create with you, is the best outcome. But..."


"It doesn't end just yet. There's others I have to handle too. The way they perceive you...I can't continue to have them think that you are getting what you don't deserve. I help you."

Ivan smiled at him, pressing his lips against his. The both of them kissed tenderly while Jeremiah's hands caressed his back yet again.

"How are you going to help me? What happened to owing nobody a single thing?"

"Yes, that is true. We don't owe them anything in terms of our relationship and how we choose to live. I just terms of how they look at you. I don't want them to continue to look down on you, to hate you... I want them to see what I see." Jeremiah breathed against his lips, leaning forward until Ivan's back laid on the bed. "Am I wrong for...wanting people to see you as perfectly as I see you? To stop their incessant hatred and just as enthralled in you as I am?"

Ivan was at a loss for words as he could feel how deeply Jeremiah felt for this. He wrapped his arms around his neck, drawing him closer in.

"I've done things to other people as well, you know? They don't just...hate me because of what I've done to you. It's what I've done plus that. I'm fine if they hate me."

"I'm not." Jeremiah responds back firmly, causing Ivan to snicker. "People have no filter and spout whatever they want about you to me, and it infuriates me. They don't know you like I do, they don't know...what we've been through with each other. All they see - and will continue to see - is a person who 'won'. When there was nothing to be won in the first place-."

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