30. Confession of love

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When Avantika woke up, she saw at least 20 messages by Advait. And no, they weren't one liner messages. All 20 of them were long texts by Advait where he was explaining that he hated the silent phase between and how he is longing to talk to her.

It made her blush.
It gave her butterflies.
It made her emotional.
It gave her happiness.

She replied to him. Every text. Every single one of them. Then, finally told him to meet her today.

She was in the middle of texting when she got a call from him. She picked it up.

"Hi, Avantika," He said.

"Hi," She replied.

"I was doing fine, I was repressing my feelings fine. But your message yesterday broke the dam and I acted like a desperate lover," He said. His soft voice made her smile.

"Can't deny I kind of enjoyed your desperate lover's side," She said and smiled.

"I love you, I really do." Advait confessed his love.

"You do?" She asked.

"Yes, I do. Do you love me?" He asked.

"I do, I always did, I always will," She replied.

"Let's meet today, let's have a blast of a day," He said, he was excited.

"Yes, pick me up, I don't wanna go to college today." She told him.

He said yes, and the day just began!

While taking a bath and getting ready, Advait was thinking what just happened. He knows that he liked her, he loved her, but it was him who wanted to take it slowly and suggested dating first. Then how did he end up at confessing love to her? He thought about it a lot. He came to a conclusion that spending days without her was unbearable and his feelings couldn't control.

He still thinks that he needs to talk out few things with her. He desire a stable, sweet, healthy relationship. But he also knows that the reason she behaved that way after finding out he isn't virgin is that she has devoted all feelings towards him.

Many things flashed in front of his eyes. The first time he saw her when she was dancing. He remembered how she saved her. He remembered how she was the one looking at him when he was taking a bath. He remembered the date, the sweetness on her face, her drunk eyes, her talks.

Is she perfect? Maybe not.
But does she love him truly? Yes, she does.
Maybe that's what matters the most.

He remembered everything and got ready. Then he took his car to drive to her place.

Avantika remembered everything too. But her love story doesn't start with the dance. She fell in love with him way before than that. It was a mixture of love at first sight and falling in love by noticing small details about the person on day to day basis.

She has her issues with Advait too.
She doesn't like his uncle, as her father doesn't like him. She doesn't want him to be involved with him. She just wants a happy little romantic future with no politics in background.

She got ready and was waiting for Advait to come. She was wearing a normal top and baggy jeans. She likes her comfortable dressing. Sure, she will dress in those gowns and sarees and everything but she will keep dressing like this too. She wondered if Advait will like all sides of her, everything that she is.

She texted him to park his car a little far from her house and walked to there. She found his car and went to it and sat in it. Even though she isn't the shy type, but for now, she was feeling shy by his gaze. He was looking at her face with love and passion. 

"I love you," He said.

"I love you too," She replied.

He gave her a present. She opened it and there was a beautiful Radha Krishna murti in it.

"I thought our relationship should start with their blessings." He said.

She smiled and held his hand sweetly. They kept looking in to each other's eyes and kept smiling. They talked, sweetly, they laughed, they smiled. It was like a fantasy.

But in midst of fantasy, she was forgetting that she had to tell something important to him. Something that may save his life.

"So, where are we going?" She asked.

"Art gallery." He replied.

End of chapter-30

Hey readers, how are you all? I hope this confession of love doesn't seem too sudden. In my mind, it feels logical that he was away from her and his feelings welled up. But in writing or for readers, I am not so sure.
Please, overlook my mistakes and enjoy the story.
As the story is coming to climax, I am trying to pace up things but if it goes little too fast, I will try to pace it down.

Anyway, I am enjoying writing. Really excited. I hope you guys are loving it too.

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