The Beast

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The Beast - fantasylilac_656

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The Beast - fantasylilac_656

The Beast - fantasylilac_656

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•: Title - 3.5/5
The title is crisp and it says exactly what is to be expected in the book, though I do feel it's a tad bit common. Regardless, since it adheres to the concept in your book, it's fine.

•: Blurb - 3/5
I was quite conflicted about the blurb. The blurb showcased an excerpt from your book that looked like the characters were about to get intimate. Is that the only thing that will be discussed through your book or is there anything more substantial, I wouldn't know - because the blurb doesn't actually let on.

•: First Impression - 6/10
I'd say it had a decent first impression. Because it had the potential to be so much more. The first chapter mostly had just actions, and not much depth into the characters. We see Y/N running with a bouquet to her boyfriend, which has been described with bare minimal descriptions. Then he breaks up with her. I felt like you could've included more emotions into that break up. Of course, Taehyung's part need not be elaborated, but at least Y/N's could've been.
I have heard about people using small letters deliberately in their texts to make it aesthetic. Was that what you were going for? Because if you were, then that's fine.

•: Grammar - 7/10
It isn't error-free, it does have errors. But they're very minute. Even if they're small, I would definitely suggest you to edit the chapters once, so that you're delivering content in its utmost quality.

•: Plot - 8/10
The plot is fine. It is a little predictable, but it's still fine. It has a few missing areas/gray parts, like what Y/N does with her life and all such small details. So, that's why I reduced the 2 marks. Otherwise, the plot didn't have many holes or uncanny areas.

•: Characters - 6/10
As of chapter 10, I feel like they're still lacking in depth. I know what you've started about each of those characters, and believe them because it was spoon-fed to me, as a reader. I actually prefer something more of the hands-on type - as in, I get to understand their inner turmoil and get to decide what kind of a character they are.
   • Jungkook: I've only seen him being the wild mafia lord he is. But this is okay, because he is not the main focal point in the first 10 chapters, it's Y/N.
   • Y/N: Their character needs a little more dimension. Right now, Y/N is at the bottom of her life, she's struggling, she's having Kim send her off to marry JK. Everything's going wrong. It wasn't exactly visible. Needed a little more explanation here.
   • Jennie: She was pretty fine. She was shown great, and I think this was a pretty good job.

•: Dialogue Delivery - 7/10
It was actually fine. The characters spoke without much tension, and they spoke freely. So that's good.

•: Flow - 3/5
Throughout the story, there were just actions and dialogues. Characters kept on doing something, and there was no break for a reader to process. So, I'd say it was a little fast.

•: Final Impressions - 2.5/5
It is a book that definitely has potential. Seeing that you've tried to include as much memorable details about a character as possible, I feel like it needs a little work on execution. Something slower, more about the character's base and why they did what they did.
Now while I can't dismiss that 404K views is a pretty solid deal, I really think working on the things I talked about will take the experience to a whole new level.

Total - 46/70

Total - 46/70

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