•Chapter 39+•

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"Where did he go?!" One fan shrieked as the footsteps hurried away.

Ailey's heart began to race as she endured the heat of the storage room.

"Are you okay?" Woohyun whispered.

"Apart from my foot being stuck in a water bucket, I'm fine," Ailey replied.

"I'm sorry. Really sorry," Woohyun apologised.

"You've not done anything wrong. Don't be sorry," Ailey responded.

"It'll all fire up online," Woohyun sighed. "This isn't right."

Ailey sucked in the warm air as she couldn't think of anything to reply with. She was speechless.

A few more minutes had passed by before there was complete silence outside. Woohyun bravely peered through the narrow gap of the door, noticing the empty floor.

"They've gone," he whispered.

The couple slunk their way out of the stuffy storage room as they breathed heavily.

"How are we going to leave this place?" Ailey wondered.

"Let me call my manager."


Ailey returned to her apartment after Woohyun's manager rescued the couple. The nerves kicked in for Ailey as time passed by. It was almost certain that there would be photos taken from their disastrous date.

"Call me later," Ailey's text read as she unlocked her apartment door.

Will inspirits kick the crap out of me?

Ailey nervously sat on her sofa as she began to look online for any recent news. She began to dial Sungyeol's number whilst searching.

"Sungyeol-yah. What should I do?!" Ailey exclaimed.

"Noona..I heard. The fans have released photos." Sungyeol replied.

"Yah, are your fans gonna kill me in my sleep?"

"Probably not in your sleep.." Sungyeol mumbled.

"I can't let this happen to your group! Your comeback is so close," Ailey sighed.

"It's not your fault, noona. Calm down. Our company will release a statement. Also, the fans didn't quite capture your face in the photos. Oh noona, I have to go now. I'll talk to Woohyun-hyung about it. Bye." The sound of the dead landline rang.

It had been hours before a phone call arrived. Her hands flew to her phone as she eagerly answered it.


"Is this Ailey Park speaking?"

"Y-Yes.." Ailey replied.

"It's Woollim Entertainment speaking. I'd like to express my sadness for not being able to talk to you in person about this matter." The man continued. "Are you still there, Miss?"

"Sorry, yes."

"We're wanting to release an official statement about this wildfire rumour. We would like to announce that there is no 'dating relationship' between Woohyun and the person in the photos, which is you. Therefore, as part of the entertainment's responsibility, we would like it if the relationship came to an end."

"S-Sorry?" Ailey stuttered.

"You might've been aware of the group's upcoming activities. Infinite's comeback is coming soon. Woohyun-ssi will be under a lot of fire if this rumour continued and so will you, Miss Park."

"Does Woohyun know about this?" Ailey's voice trailed off at the end.

"Not yet. We wanted to confirm with you first before anything else happened." He replied.

"Good. It's best if you don't tell him. I-I'll sort it out.." Ailey said.

The tense phone call eventually ended. Following it was like a river of tears in Ailey's apartment. Woollim Entertainment were right. Maybe Woohyun and Ailey should be on freeze mode? It didn't have to be an official breakup; just a simple break. At least until after Infinite's comeback promotions ended. She knew how busy he would be anyway. Maybe it was the best solution?


Ailey had fallen asleep on her sofa as she woke up to the piercing sound of her alarm clock. It was 8:45 on a Saturday morning. The area around her eyes felt puffy and dry from the night before.

She rose from her sofa and checked her phone, noticing the 7 missed calls from Woohyun. Her fingers immediately dialled his number on her phone.


"Hi," her voice sounded croaky as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Are you okay?" Woohyun asked.

"I'm fine. How about you?"

"Good..and good too."

"Woohyun, I think we need to talk." Ailey said.

"Yeah we do. Should we meet somewhere?" He asked.

"N-No I don't think we should. I mean, because it's dangerous for you." Ailey continued. "I just think we should just stop? Until whenever really."

"What do you mean?"

"Our relationship.." Ailey's voice trailed off again.

"Break up?" He asked.

"For now anyway.."

"You're not gonna prove the fans wrong?" He continued, "the girl who is supposedly dating Woohyun will break his heart just like how he has with the fans."

"Woohyun. Let's see how it works, okay? Focus more on your career..and win the fan's hearts again," Ailey chuckled a little as she tried to lighten up the mood.

"We've been dating for years now. How are we suppose to just suddenly stop?"

"Can we please just try it?" Ailey said.

"Will we still stay in contact during the time we won't be together?"

"Maybe." Ailey bit on her lip.

"You do know I will still love you, Ailey?" Woohyun sighed.

"I will too. This isn't an official breakup, remember. Let's just prevent any future rumours and crazy ass saesangs."

The phone call had ended with their last farewells.


End of chapter
I had to end it there..probably because I'm rubbish at endings..and rubbish at story lines haha.....(and at updating..)

But apart from that, YOU SEXY ASS READERS. How the heck have I got more than 27K hahaha?!

Love you all x

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