•Chapter Twenty-One•

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Woohyun's POV
"So what do you think of them, son?" Dad grinned. What do I think? I think that this isn't going to end well between Ailey and I. "Y-yeah. They're nice." I stuttered. "Is there something wrong?" He asked. Yes. "No, I'm happy for you two." I replied. It's true that I am happy for him..for both of them.

Maybe things are just not always what they seem..

~Next day at school~

Ailey's POV
Woohyun and I didn't speak once last night, which was unusual since we always spoke every night to each other. Guess the reality had really kicked in.

"Yah. What are you thinking about?" Yoo Ri nudged me during lesson as the maths teacher droned on about trigonometry. "Huh? Nothing." I answered while copying down the notes quickly. "Why didn't you talk to each other this morning? You and.. Woohyun." Yoo Ri quietly murmured Woohyun's name in case he could hear.

"Yah. Yoo Ri. I do have ears you know." Woohyun glanced over to us. "Heol..." Yoo Ri muttered under her breath. "And Ailey. Let's talk after maths is over,' Woohyun rushingly spoke before flipping his maths book as the teacher walked past him. Talk? I'm up for talking.

The maths lesson had finally finished as all the students began to scatter for their lunch leaving Woohyun and I in the room, "Ya, Ailey. I'll talk to you later!" Yoo Ri waved goodbye before throwing her backpack onto her shoulder.

"So..are you okay?" Woohyun forced a smile.

"Truthfully, no. What are we going to do? Br...break up?" I lowered my voice at the painful words 'break up'.

"No. I think we have to be selfish in our lives at least once. We should tell our parents even if that means that they will break up." Woohyun gulped.

"Selfish? Woohyun. You saw how happy they were together. How can we make them break up just so we can be together? I don't think I can." I exhaled deeply as I could feel the balancing tears in my eyes begin to roll down my cheek. Why am I crying?

"Does that mean you want to break up?" Woohyun's eyes hit with sorrow. He began to gently wipe my tears with his thumb.

"No. I don't know. This is so complicating. I don't know what to do. Part of me wants them to be together and the rest wants to be with you. It's just so unfair." I replied as I began to stare at the ground, sniffling.

"Ailey. Please don't cry, it hurts me to see you like this." Woohyun's bitter expression and his shaking voice made me even more sad. "We don't know what will happen in the future. Trust me, Ailey. It'll be hard but let's stay together?"

"Let's stay together." I replied as my heart gave in.

We cannot guarantee what might and might not happen, but it's worth taking a risk.

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