•Chapter Twenty-Six•

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Ailey's POV

"Yah! I told you that you can't come," I frowned at Yoo Ri.

"Come on! I really want to see his..beautiful..face," It was like red cartoon hearts darting from her eyes as she blushed.

"Even if you did see him, you wouldn't have a chance with my brother. It would be like him dating his teenage sister's friend." I nudged her shoulder as we walked out of the school gate.

"Still.. He's just so dreamy. I mean..why isn't he an idol? An actor? A model?!" Her mouth was like a never ending engine.

"Yah, Yoo Ri. I'll see you later. I'm going this way. Don't follow me!" I waved at her while walking down the opposite path.

Coincidentally, Woohyun trudged down the same path as me within two metres away. Ailey, walk extra slow..that way we won't bump into each other.

"Woohyun!" Da In's high pitched voice from behind reached closer and closer to me. Da In rushed over to him and tightly linked arms with Woohyun.

Shit. He saw me. I rolled my eyes as I took out my earphones from my blazer pocket and began listening to music. Suddenly, a gentle touch lightly tapped my right shoulder making me flinch.

"Hi." Bi Ho caught up with me as he grinned.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since..since the fight." I pulled out my earphone out of my ear. I guess there wasn't any reason to be angry at Bi Ho anymore, especially now that Woohyun and I were over.

"Vacation. Anyway, is it true that you and Woohyun have broken up?" Bi Ho shoved his bag on his shoulder again to stop it from sliding back down.

"Yeah. He doesn't seem to care. I wish he did because I do." I sighed.

"Boys are like that, they pretend that they're okay on the outside but really, they're holding it in." Bi Ho attempted to comfort me.

"I wish that happened. I just..miss him." I sulked.

"Yah! He does too!" Bi Ho raised his voice.

"Bi Ho, you've changed a lot.." I smiled at his dorky side. "I'm meeting my brother in this high school, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I pointed at 'Gangnam High School' before heading for that direction.

"Oh okay, bye!" Bi Ho waved.

That's strange. Why is Woohyun there too? He entered the building on his own while listening to music.

I wandered around the school searching through all of the classrooms until I found GP cleaning one of the blackboards with three students who were checking out his ass.

"Yah. You three girls. I can see your drool dribbling down to your feet." I snarled at them before sitting down in GP's chair.

"You've already came? It won't be long until I finish. Just sit there and stay quiet." He smiled.

"Mr..Park. We bought you these cupcakes, my mum made them." One of the girls carried a box full of cupcakes with a ribbon tied on the top as she shyly shuffled closer to him.

"Ah really? I don't think I can take these.." He was taken by surprise.

"No! Take them! Enjoy them please." She placed it on his table before rushing out of the classroom with her two other friends, 'So hot..did you see his face?' One of the girls muttered.

"Pah. Is this what you always get?!" I sighed before taking out a cupcake, licking my fingers.

"Yah, you're going to turn into a pig if you keep eating." He tutted.

"N-" I paused as my gaze deepened at the sight of seeing Woohyun with..with another girl. He was laughing with her and noticed me looking at them, I avoided eye contact as quickly as possible, clearing my throat. A sharp pain hit my heart.

Woohyun's POV

No, Ailey. It's not what it looks like, really. I wish I could just directly tell her that this girl I'm talking to is not someone who I'm in a relationship with, if that's what she thinks.

I had to restrain myself from running up to her and.. well, kiss her. I must've seem like a dickhead to her for the past couple of days. I just knew that if we kept dating, I wouldn't be able to part myself away from her.

I would become even more weaker than I am today.


WOOOOOOOOOO! Hit 3K! Thank you so much, you precious readers!😉 *blows a kiss to everyone out there* I'm still surprised to see my chapters begin to get 100 odd reads..I remember getting excited when I got 50 hahaha! Thank you for the cute lil' comments and votes!!☺️ Ciao x

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