•+Chapter 40•

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"London!" Bi Ho exclaimed as he swirled in circles with his camera. "Ailes! Say something!"

"Hi," Ailey stuck her tongue out at the camera as she took some photos of the scenery.

Ailey, Bi Ho, Hyo Mi and Yoo Ri all went abroad as a new getaway holiday. It had been four months of Woohyun and Ailey's 'semi-breakup' where they began to lose contact. Infinite's comeback was more then successful without any rumours blocking their way.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Ailey asked out of curiosity.

"Party!" Bi Ho yelled.

"We're gonna go to a restaurant," Yoo Ri responded.

"Sounds good," Ailey grinned.

After they visited the landmarks of London, they returned to the hotel they were staying at. Ailey felt that excitement of being able to go out with her friends for the first time abroad.

"What's our dress code?" Ailey asked.

"Night out-casual wear," Hyo Mi winked at Yoo Ri without Ailey seeing.

All four left the hotel after consuming lots of time. The taxi had already arrived before they reached to the entrance.

"Here is the address,sir," Bi Ho spoke to the driver as he handed a paper slip to him with the restaurant's address.

"Yah. So have you not spoken to Woohyun?" Yoo Ri tapped Ailey's shoulder as she was caught in a daze.

"Woohyun? N-No," she replied.

"Yah. Why not? Are you two still together?" Hyo Mi rose her eyebrows.

"I'm not sure. We're just on hiatus whilst he's busy," Ailey responded whilst looking outside.

"Hiatus?" Yoo Ri questioned. "How can you not speak to him for so long?!"

"He's touring everywhere at the moment. How could he have time? That's the least thing he should care about at the moment." Ailey shrivelled her lips.

"Aigoo." Hyo Mi and Yoo Ri sighed in sync.

Ailey tried to pull a smile as she continued to stare outside of the window until the ride ended.

"We're here!" Bi Ho exclaimed after fifteen minutes of being in the taxi.

"This is the restaurant?" She sighed as she saw the booming, luminous writing which shone from a distance away. "Infinite?"

"We tricked her! Yes! Let's go!" Yoo Ri joyfully sprung up as she got out of the taxi.

How did Ailey not check beforehand that it was possible for Infinite to be touring in London? It felt like betrayal from her friends. This is the place she least wanted to visit. The place where some crazed, psychotic fans will be swarmed around Woohyun.

"Line up!" Hyo Mi eagerly dragged Ailey to the back of the humongous line.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Ailey glowered at the three friends.

"Because you wouldn't come out if we did tell you to. Come on, Woohyun wanted us to come and support him.." Bi Ho meekly smiled.

"Does he know that we are all coming?" Ailey furrowed her eyebrows.

"Of course he knows! Y'know we even have VIP passes," Yoo Ri smirked.

"This is crazy. You are all crazy." Ailey nervously replied.

"It'll be fun, I swear." Hyo Mi smiled.

Fun? Define what fun means. Fun isn't going to a concert to see my hiatus boyfriend.

They all entered the concert after queuing up for over two hours. Ailey still wasn't sure about it.

"Is that why you asked me about speaking to him in the taxi?" Ailey questioned.

"That's exactly why. You're gonna end up speaking again once you see him on stage with his chocolate abs." Yoo Ri winked.

"Yah!" Ailey squealed as they sat down on the seats. They had front row seats from Woohyun's help. It was gonna be easier for Woohyun to see Ailey once he was on the stage.

"Yah, yah, yah. It's starting!" Bi Ho screamed as he turned on his glow stick.

Ailey's eyes were wider than ever once the concert started. Infinite began their intro as the fans hollered and roared.

Woohyun and all the members swiftly danced with full power from the fans encouragement.

"Nam Woohyun! Nam Woohyun!" Bi Ho, Hyo Mi and Yoo Ri chanted in sync.

"Come on, cheer him on!" Ailey was nudged on the shoulder by Yoo Ri.

Ailey inwardly moaned as she turned on her glow stick and chanted his name, loud and clear.

After the dance introduction to the concert, they all spoke to the fans. Once it reached to Woohyun's turn, Ailey attentively listened to him.

"...Thank you everyone for coming to this concert! Saranghaeyo!" Woohyun pulled a cute facial expression.

Woohyun tried his best to scan through the crowd of fans just so that he could find Ailey. A30..A30...A30.. His mind repeated the seat number over and over again.

As Ailey listened to the members speak, her eyes interlocked with Woohyun's. Suddenly, his sweet smile transformed into a pleased grin. Ailey returned a smile as she felt a gust of happiness.

After hours of Infinite's concert, it was finally their solo performances. Woohyun was the last performer before they did their finale as a whole group.

He walked up towards the stage again, but, this time he had changed into a suit and tie. Despite how hot the stage was, he continued to perform with his grand piano.

"It's been a while," Woohyun spoke through the microphone. "Since I have been able to speak to everyone on an empty stage. There's also something I've been waiting to tell you all." He paused; deeply exhaled.

"What do you think it is?" Bi Ho whispered to the three friends.

"Who knows? He looks serious," Yoo Ri replied.

"I feel like I should tell all of you Inspirits. It's been my wish to do this since I was younger." Woohyun continued. "My wish to confess."

The fans all squealed as Woohyun nervously laughed. Ailey's cheeks turned crimson as her heart frantically raced.

"It's been four months since I've last spoken to my girl. It's been an excruciating four months. Who would've thought that I could miss someone that much?" His eyes wandered around the entire concert hall, watching all the glimmering lights flash. "I've always wanted to say 'I love you' to the girl I love like this."

He continued. "So here I am. I. Love. You."


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HOW WAS IT GUYS. ARE YOU PROUD THAT I UPDATED IN LIKE LESS THAN A WEEK. I've got like two days before I break up for our summer holidays..hopefully I can update some haha:)

ALso, these like extra chapters are more like 'one shots' I guess:) but the next chapter will link to this one haha.

The comeback, Bad tho.

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