• Chapter Thirty-Four •

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Ailey's POV

"Mum!" I screamed my lungs out as I was taken back with surprise.

"What?!" Mum shouted from the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

"I've..I've been accepted! They sent me a letter!" I squealed as my whole body shook with excitement.

"Come here!" Mum opened her arms wide.

I clashed into her arms as I smiled so hard that I thought my cheekbones would collapse.

"Aigoo, our Ailey. I'm surely getting old. First it was GP and now it's you," she smiled, stroking my hair softly.

"I can't believe it, they had no spots available. Whoever dropped out of that university is an angel! An angel!" I kissed her cheek as I pranced around. "I have to tell Woohyun!"

"You've not even told GP yet and you're already rushing to tell Woohyun. If I wasn't with you, you'd of told him first, wouldn't you?" She laughed.

"GP would understand," I shrugged as I threw my bag onto my shoulder, shoving on my shoes.

"Are you not eating breakfast?" She asked as the buttered toast popped out of the toaster.

"I'll get something on the way to school!" I wrapped the scarf twice around my neck, leaving the house.

My stomach fluttered and all I could think about was: Woohyun, university and Woohyun again. I couldn't wait to tell him my news.

"Your smile is beautiful," Woohyun walked closer to me, pinching my cheek as his eyes locked with mine, glistening ever so brightly.

"I think I've found an angel." I looked up into the sky, dazed out.

"Who? Am I not your angel?" Woohyun's lower lip stuck out.

"An angel who dropped out of the university I applied for!" I grinned.

"Ailey! Have you been acc-"

"Yes! I'm officially a student of Seoul University! How could this be happening, right?!" I jumped on the spot with excitement.

"Well done, you deserve it. I told you that you could get in!" Woohyun pulled me over, tightly hugging me as my lips pressed against his shoulder blade.

"I found out this morning and I don't think I've ever smiled this much in my whole life," I latched onto Woohyun.

"And I love that," Woohyun chuckled as he stroked the back of my head.

"You better not flirt with those dancers in your university," I frowned, looking up into his eyes.

"And you better not let those boys fall for you," Woohyun laughed.

We continued walking with our hands locked together, sharing our warmth as we entered the school building.

"You know..your sister? Han Ah. She spoke to me not long ago," I smiled.

"Was it something bad? Oh god. She'd do anything to embarrass me," Woohyun shook his head.

"No, no. She's cute," I laughed.

"What did she say?" Woohyun wondered.

"That you was a big idiot for breaking up with me, and you cried," My eyebrows furrowed as I squeezed his cheeks together.

"N-No!" Woohyun pulled back. He didn't sound very convincing.

"I thought you really was an idiot!" I giggled.

"I was! Wait until I talk to Han Ah!" He frowned cutely.

"Let her be, she's probably telling the truth!" I stuck my tongue out as I ran into our registration classroom.

"Yah!" Woohyun shouted.

"Bi Ho! Bi Ho, Bi Ho, Bi Ho!" I repetitively called his name, tapping him as he pulled one earphone out of his ear, confused.

"What's up?" Bi Ho glanced at the two of us.

"I'm going to Seoul University!" I squealed, wiggling my fingers about.

"What?! Really?" Bi Ho's eyes widened with surprise as he took out his second earphone out.

"YES!" I screamed.

"Congrats," Bi Ho chuckled.

"I'm just so happy right now!" I twirled my hair as I plonked down onto the seat beside him.

"Class, settle down," the teacher entered the classroom with her daily cup of fresh, steaming hot coffee.

One day I would miss the recognisable scent of her coffee, the chaos which happened in our class everyday and the memories we made together in high school.

It was going to be a big change.

Walking home •

Woohyun, Bi Ho and I walked along the path together as we laughed over the little things. The sweet things.

"Did you really?!" Woohyun's eyes filled with water from laughing so hard.

"Yeah, my leg got stuck onto the bus door and I was cursing at the bus driver.." Bi Ho couldn't help but laugh at his own story.

"Were there anyone who witnessed it?" I asked.

"There were a crowd of people who circled me around the bus doors. They thought I was desperate to get on the bus." Bi Ho slapped the palm of his hand onto his forehead.

"Ailey careful," Woohyun suddenly said as he protectively pulled me to the inner path as cars drove past.

"O-Okay," I flustered.

"Aigoo..Woohyun's being that good boyfriend again," Bi Ho chuckled.

"Are you jealous?" I laughed as we began to get closer to Bi Ho's home.

"Yes, yes. I'm desperate," Bi Ho sarcastically replied. "Alright, see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye," the two of us said in unison as Bi Ho entered the front gate of his house.

Woohyun slipped my hand into his and tightly tucked it into his coat pocket, grinning.

"Let's take you home," Woohyun said as I smiled back.

The two of us had short and long conversations with laughter and smiles. Before we knew it, we had already arrived at the front gate of my house.

"Ailey, I got you something," Woohyun stuck his tongue out in the corner of his lip as he fiddled with his school bag.

"What is it?" I watched him.

"This," Woohyun pulled out a black felt box out of his bag and slowly opened it, revealing a glimmering, silver necklace.

"A necklace?!" I gasped.

He carefully took out the necklace from the box and unhooked the chain. "Spin around for me," his frigging angelic voice had got me again.

"Okay," I quietly mumbled as he carefully hooked the chain at the nape of my neck.

"It's a star representing me, I'm your Namstar." Woohyun laughed, darting a heart with his fingers towards me.

"Woohyun, thank you." I smiled, looking at the silver star which sat just below my neck.

"It's also for when we both go to university because we might struggle to see each other compared to how much we see each other now," Woohyun played with my coat zipper as he talked.

"We'll still be just as strong!" I laughed as I threw my body onto him and wrapped my arms around his body.

"Love you," Woohyun replied, stroking my hair from the back.

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