•Chapter Sixteen•

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"What if I said that I liked Ailey."

I froze with shock as all the students gasped. Before Woohyun and I could even reply, the teacher came storming through the crowd. "Go! You two boys, scatter! NOW!" Her voice made us all shiver.

We continued playing the game of football where I even scored two goals for our team and Woohyun would smile every time. Class had finished and both groups all leisurely walked to our changing rooms. I lagged behind at the back of the girls line and walked on my own until Woohyun swiftly wrapped his arm around me.

"Daebak. You're better than the boys in our school at football!" Woohyun exclaimed cheerfully. "Of course, hehe." I replied with a grin as the teacher walked past us, "Ah, I see. You two are dating." She said while carrying the cones, Woohyun and I let go of each other and did a 90 degrees bow, "Y..es..Miss Kim." She didn't look too impressed but continued walking anyway.

I entered the girls changing room and noticed the girls all sniggering in a group beside the toilets. I hesitantly walked to my coat hanger with confusion to realise that all of my uniform was missing. Oh, I see. I gritted my teeth together as I heard water gushing in the showers. I took a deep breath and walked over to the showers to see my uniform completely drenched on the floor underneath the shower head as all the girls burst out laughing while pointing at my 'pitiful' face.

I tightly squeezed the last droplet of water from my skirt and threw it on the bench with anger. "Who did this?!" I shouted loudly making the girls all stare at me. Da In tilted her head to the side as she tried to put her necklace on and glared at me, "What are you going to do? Tell Woohyun and Bi Ho since they are all the friends you have, or lovers should I say." I was nearly an inch closer from throwing her onto the floor and dragging her to China. Looks like I have to stay in my shorts, trainers and polo shirt for the rest of the day.

Our last lesson was English and I made my way to the classroom with goosebumps on my arms from the chilly weather outside. I released my backpack and placed it on the floor as I slid the chair out from underneath the desk. "Where's your uniform?" Bi Ho asked while chewing on the end of his pen. "Some girls drenched it in water." I replied as I flicked through my textbook. "Wha..t!? Who?! Tell me!" Bi Ho jumped out of his seat with shock. "Yah. I don't know myself, hush!" I lowered my voice and tugged the corner of his blazer.

Woohyun entered the room with a stack of library books which covered the bottom half of his face as he tried to feel his way to the teacher's desk. I rushed over to help take half of the books for him as he grinned, "Komapta!" Woohyun said and looked down at my clothes, "Why are you in your P.E kit?" He piled the table with books as he tried to take off his coat, "No, it's fine. Some girls just played a joke with me and drenched my uniform in water." I said as Woohyun began to scan the room with a stern gaze, "Who was it?" He asked. "I don't know. Let's get to our seats." I rushed over to my desk.

The school bell rang as the whole class speedily ran to their seats and all bowed in sync. Our history teacher entered the room with a cup of steaming hot coffee which had the letters 'I Love History!' printed on the front making me cringe every time I saw it. She lightly clapped her hands together after placing her coffee onto the oak wood desk, "Good afternoon class. Woohyun kindly helped me bring the textbooks from our school library for us to write notes with. You should know what to do, you've done it plenty of times. Chop chop!" She enthusiastically instructed us to do so and continued to sip her coffee.

I made my way to the front of the classroom just like all the other students did and wandered around the desk which was piled with books that came in all different sizes. I reached over to grab a thinner textbook as Da In's hand clutched onto it and refused to let go. Aish..why is she so immature? I huffed and easily let go of the book that she tightly held onto and she stumbled backwards from the force.

"YAH!" Da In irritably squealed causing the students to block their ears with their fingers. "What? You can have the book, so stupid." I let out a loud sigh before returning to my desk with frustration. Who does she think she is? Always trying to make something happen. Bi Ho and Woohyun stood beside me like bodyguards who's eyes followed Da In. "Sit down!" I pulled their arms down at the same time and slapped two textbooks in front of them.

The whole class were chattering loudly during the 'note-taking' task whereas our corner of the classroom consisted of an awkward tension between Bi Ho and Woohyun. "Are you two not going to talk..?" I attempted to break the silence. "We don't have anything in common apart from you." Bi Ho quietly responded while colouring in the spaces of his letters with a yellow highlighter. "O-okay." I said under my breath and twisted my body to face Woohyun.

Woohyun focused on writing his notes and noticed my grin behind his textbook waiting to get his attention. "Are you not cold?" Woohyun sweetly asked while wrapping his warm coat around me. "Damn, your coat is soft!" I exclaimed while puncturing my two fists into the sleeves.

"Bi Ho and Ailey. Can you two take these boxes of books back to the library. I forgot to take them back." The teacher pointed at the two cardboard boxes which were piled with books at the entrance. "N..eh.." I slowly rose up from my seat as Woohyun watched me leave the room with Bi Ho, leaving Woohyun anxiously sat at the edge of his seat.

Bi Ho was ahead of me by 2 metres as I refused to get any closer. The two of us made it to the library in suffocating silence and the librarian forced us to 'neatly' put the books all in the correct aisle. Just when I thought that this trip could end.

The two of us dragged our boxes of books into the horror aisle and I began to sort out the bottom row while Bi Ho sorted the top row. The only way I could do this job is to do it in pure silence. It took us ten minutes of only the sound of books sliding back into the bookcase with gently footsteps and not one word was said.

I slid my last book at the bottom and sprung up while brushing the dust off of my knees. Bi Ho's entire body was blocking my vision with his arms wide open like a bat as he tried to place one of his books onto the shelf above me. I quickly avoided eye contact with him and tried sliding underneath his arm to escape the suffocating closeness between us two.

"Wait a minute.." Bi Ho spoke for the first time after ten minutes, he sounded different to how he usually talked. He gently placed his two hands on my shoulders making me shrug. He adjusted his body height to mine and deeply gazed into my eyes as I stared with confusion.

"Look up." Bi Ho whispered as I reluctantly looked up to see a book which balanced on the edge of the shelf that had the title, "Sarang" facing towards me as Bi Ho quickly kissed me on my cheek making me repel as quick as possible.

"Yah! Are you crazy?!?" I forcefully pushed Bi Ho away from me and wiped my cheek with fury. My hand lifted as I was prepared to slap his infuriating face.

"Bi Ho! I'm going to kill you with my bare hands!" The voice echoed down the library as Woohyun's breath deepened and gritted his teeth with anger..

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