Truth untold.

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Just as Taehyung was struggling to get back to his feet, the doorbell rang. Kai, still fuming, stormed over to the door and flung it open, revealing Jimin standing in the entrance.

Jimin's eyes scanned the room, taking in the scene before him. His gaze landed on Taehyung, who was still swaying unsteadily, his eyes glazed over.

Without a word, Jimin strode over to Taehyung and caught him in his arms, holding him upright. Taehyung, still drunk and disoriented, leaned into Jimin's embrace, his eyes closing in exhaustion.

"I've got him, Kai," Jimin said, his voice calm and soothing. "I'll take care of him."

Jimin helped Taehyung to the couch, where he gently laid him down. Taehyung's eyes fluttered closed, and he was soon fast asleep, exhausted from the fight and the alcohol.

Kai, still visibly shaken, nodded at Jimin. "Thanks, Jimin. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up."

Jimin's expression was concerned. "You're seriously hurt, Kai. We should get you to the hospital."

But Kai waved him off. "I'll be fine. Just take care of Taehyung for now."

Jimin nodded and turned his attention to Taehyung, who was sleeping fitfully on the couch. He gently removed Taehyung's shoes and covered him with a blanket.

As the night wore on, Jimin tended to Kai's wounds, cleaning and dressing them as best he could. Kai winced in pain, but remained quiet, his eyes fixed on Taehyung's sleeping form.

Despite the tension between them, Kai couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for Taehyung. He knew that Taehyung's actions were motivated by his love for Jennie, and he couldn't blame him for that.

As the hours passed, the three of them remained in Kai's living room, an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air.

Kai's eyes dropped, his voice barely above a whisper. "Jimin, I'm so sorry. I was toxic to Jennie, trying to force her to accept me back. I realize now that I was wrong."

Jimin's expression softened, his voice gentle. "We've all made mistakes, Kai. But it takes a big person to admit them."

Kai nodded, his eyes still downcast.
"I just wish I could go back in time and do things differently."

Jimin placed a hand on Kai's shoulder. "You can't change the past, but you can learn from it. And I think you have."

Kai looked up, his eyes searching. "Do you think Jennie will ever forgive me?"

Jimin hesitated, his gaze drifting to Taehyung's sleeping form. "I don't know, Kai. But I do know that Taehyung loved her with all his heart. He still does."

Kai's eyes widened slightly in shock, his mouth agape. "Wait, what? Taehyung seriously like loved her that much?"

Jimin nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, Kai. He still does."

Kai's gaze darted to Taehyung, who was still sleeping fitfully on the couch. He looked like he had been punched in the gut, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"But...but I thought he was just using her to get back at me," Kai stammered, his voice laced with confusion.

Jimin shook his head. "No, Kai. Taehyung's feelings for Jennie were real. He was devastated when she left him."

Kai's eyes dropped, his face pale. He looked like he was struggling to process this new information.

As Kai struggled to comprehend the depth of Taehyung's emotions, Jimin's eyes drifted to Taehyung's sleeping form, a soft smile on his face.

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