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[Jennie]: Hey Joy, how's promotions going?

[Joy]: It's been crazy! Our comeback is just around the corner. You know how it is.

[Jennie]: Totally! We just finished our music video shoot. Can me a favour? It's about Taehyung.

[Joy]: What about him?

[Jennie]: I know you two didn't exactly end on good terms, but I think you could help him right now.

[Joy]: What do you mean?

[Jennie]: He's still hurting from us, and I think he needs someone to take his mind off things. I was thinking... maybe you could be that person?

[Joy]: You want me to be a rebound?

[Jennie]: I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out. You two have history, and I think you could help him move on.

[Joy]: I don't know, Jennie. I'm still angry about what happened between us.

[Jennie]: I understand, but please consider it. I just want him to be happy.

[Joy]: Fine... I'll think about it.

[Joy]: But..Jennie, what's going on between you and Taehyung? You're suddenly worried about his well-being?

[Jennie]: What do you mean? We're just friends, Joy.

[Joy]: Save it, Jennie. I know you two have been close for a while now. Are you finally admitting that you have feelings for him?

[Jennie]: Joy, focus. This isn't about me and Taehyung. It's about helping him move on.

[Joy]: Move on from what? You? Did you two have a fight or something?

[Jennie]: Joy, stop. Just... please just do this for me, okay?

[Joy]: Fine, but only if you tell me what's really going on between you and Taehyung.


[Joy]: So, we went on a date yesterday...

[Jennie]: How was it?

[Joy]: It was... nice. We just grabbed coffee and talked.

[Jennie]: That sounds sweet. What did you talk about?

[Joy]: Just random stuff. He's really easy to talk to.

[Jennie]: Yeah, he is. So, do you think there's a chance for you two?

[Joy]: Honestly? No. I think he's still in love with you, Jennie.

[Jennie]: What makes you say that?

[Joy]: The way he talks about you... it's like he's still hurting. And yesterday, he mentioned your name like three times.

[Jennie]: I had no idea...

[Joy]: Yeah, I think I'm just a rebound for him. And to be honest, I'm starting to feel like giving up. I don't think he'll ever get over you.

[Jennie]: Please give it one more chance.


[Joy]: Jennie, I need to tell you something. I told Taehyung about what happened with Kai.

[Jennie]: What?! Why would you do that?!

[Joy]: He asked me directly, and I didn't want to lie to him.

[Jennie]: Joy, how could you be so careless?! Now he's going to be angry and hurt all over again.

[Joy]: I'm sorry, Jennie. I didn't think it would affect him this much.

[Jennie]: You didn't think?! You know how he feels about me, and you still told him?!

[Joy]: Jennie, calm down. I didn't mean to cause any harm.

[Jennie]: Harm?! You've probably made things worse! Now he's going to be obsessed with finding Kai and...

[Joy]: Jennie, stop. I said I was sorry.

[Jennie]: Joy, now I need you to do something for me.

[Joy]: What is it?

[Jennie]: I need you to check up on Taehyung. Make sure he's okay.

[Joy]: Why? What's going on?

[Jennie]: Just do it, Joy. Please. I have a bad feeling about this.

[Joy]: Okay, fine. I'll go see him.

[Joy]: Jennie, I need to tell you something. As you said Taehyung... he fought with Kai and got injured.

[Jennie]: What?! Oh no, is he okay?!

[Jennie]: Joy?! Joy, answer me!

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