Ruined Christmas.

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Months went by, and Taehyung's transformation was complete. He was now a notorious player, leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake. His charm and good looks made him irresistible to many, but he never stayed with anyone for long.

He became known for his reckless behavior, often showing up late to group activities or missing them altogether. His love for alcohol and cigarettes grew stronger, and he didn't care who knew it.

The dorms, once a place of comfort and camaraderie, became a haze of smoke and empty beer cans. Taehyung would often sneak in cigarettes, ignoring the rules and the concerns of his members.

Jimin and Jin tried to intervene, but Taehyung just laughed it off. "I'm fine, hyungs. Don't worry about me."

But they did worry. They saw the bright, innocent boy they once knew slipping away, consumed by his own demons.

Taehyung's eyes, once bright and full of hope, now seemed dull and lifeless. His smile, once genuine and warm, now seemed forced and cynical.

He was a shadow of his former self, and it seemed like he didn't even care.

The members of BTS tried to stage an intervention, but Taehyung just pushed them away. "I'm happy, guys. Just leave me alone."

But deep down, he knew he wasn't happy. He was just numbing the pain, trying to forget the heartbreak that had started it all.

Jennie's rejection had set off a chain reaction, and Taehyung was still trying to pick up the pieces.


Taehyung took a long drag on his cigarette, feeling the nicotine coursing through his veins. He exhaled slowly, a smirk spreading across his face.

"This is freedom," he thought to himself. "This is what it means to be alive."

He gazed out at the crowded club, the flashing lights and pulsating music a blur around him. He was in his element, surrounded by beautiful people and endless possibilities.

Taehyung downed another shot, feeling the alcohol burn its way down his throat. He laughed, a loud, reckless sound, and stumbled into the arms of a waiting stranger.

For a moment, he forgot about Jennie, forgot about the pain and the heartache. All that mattered was the thrill of the moment, the rush of adrenaline and pleasure.

He thought he'd finally found what he was looking for - freedom from his emotions, freedom from his past. And he was determined to indulge in it, every night, every day.

Taehyung's smile grew wider as he lost himself in the music and the moment. He was living life on his own terms, and he wouldn't let anyone or anything bring him down.

Or so he thought.


Jimin watched Taehyung with a mix of concern and sadness. He remembered the bright, innocent boy they once knew, and it broke his heart to see him like this.

"Taehyung, don't you think you're taking this too far?" Jimin asked, trying to reason with him.

But Taehyung just laughed. "You're just jealous, Jimin. You wish you could let loose like me."

Jin tried to intervene, but Taehyung pushed him away. "Hyung, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

Suga shook his head. "This isn't the Taehyung we know. He's lost himself in this lifestyle."

RM tried to stage an intervention, but Taehyung refused to listen. "You guys just don't understand. I'm happy, okay?"

J-Hope tried to reach out, but Taehyung shut him down. "Hope, you're always so optimistic. But sometimes, you have to face reality."

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