What Love Can Do

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~Laughing Jack's POV~
I had Jeff on my shoulder. I wanted to help him but Slender told me to wait. I didn't want to wait! I was lost in thought when I heard a blood curling scream from Zana. I looked at her and their was a dark fog being pulled out of her. That's when I heard Zana's voice. " You hurt Jeff now I'm going to kill you!!!" Just then a demon jumped out of Zana's body and Zana turned to the demon and she looked like she was going to pull someone's head off. I put Sally behind me and papered to watch a deadly fight.

~Zana's POV~
I looked at the demon that used my body to hurt Jeff. "You sick little baster... I wanted to kill Jeff and then you was going to kill me?!" I snapped. "That was the plan you little slut! Now die!" The demon jumped at me but I flunged it back. I hissed in pain as it left a gash on my arm. "Jeff this is for you!" I pulled out a knife and jumped of the demon while stabbing it repeatedly. It screamed in pain. "Now die!!" With that I pulled the demons insides out and settled it on fire. It screamed in horror and pain. I laughed like a mad woman as I watched it turn into ash. I changed back to normal and looked over at the clown that was holding Jeff. I walked over to him and be laid Jeff on the ground. "I'm sorry Jeff. I couldn't get though in time." Just then Slender walked over to me and kneeled beside me. "Zana you are the only one who can help him" "B-But how?" "You have the power to do so. It's deep within you. Would you like for be to show you?" "Yes please..." Slender took my hand and put it on Jeff's wound on his chest. He then put his hand over mind and told me to close my eyes. I closed my eyes and Slender spoke to me in my head "Think of healing Jeff. Of closing the wound and him coming back. Him waking up. Of him being Alive..." The last word me feel heartbroken. I had done this to him now I must save him. I started to have flashbacks and realized that Jeff has always been there no matter what. That I have seen his shadow in the trees.

~Flash Back~
-Zana at the age of 6-
I was playing with my dog Max at the park when he ran after a ball that got past him into the trees. I chased after him and fell. I heard a twig snapped and seen a shadow. "W-whos there?" Nothing. I then had Max running to me with the ball and I got up. "I guess it was just you Maxy..." But I felt like someone was there. Max and I walked back to the park and I looked back and I seen the shadow again. "Who are you~" I whispered.
~End Of Flashback~

I realized he was there on my first date, when I bullied, first day of schools when I was four and when I had to move schools three times. He was there for me though out my life. I pushed Slender out of my mind and pushed him away from us without touching him or opening my eyes. I heard him screaming for me to snap out of it. But I knew what I was doing. I put up a field to keep them away from us. "Please don't be mad Jeff." I opened my eyes and I had tears going down my face. I pictured Jeff being alive and well. That he woke up and he was okay. A bright light came from Jeff and he gasped.

~Hehehe 3;) Hope that you like it! Its a long chapter to you guys. I'm going to give two shout out next chapter to the first two people that added my story to this reading list! You know who you are! (I think? :/) if not then you will. :D love you two! ^.^ okay well hope you likey! I have realized that in a couple of chapters I have said 'PVO' instead of 'POV' and I'm sorry. Auto correct is a bully. xc Well I wanted to tell you that! Well to the next chapter!! :D~

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