'Life Is Near For The One In Death'

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Jeff gasped and sat up. "I love you Jeff..." I then fell on my side lifeless.

~Jeff's POV~
"ZANA!!!" I grabbed Zana's lifeless body and pulled her to me. "WAKE UP!!" I then felt a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Jeff. She gave you her life it seems." I broke down crying. "No.... YOU HAVE TO HELP HER!!!!" Slender just shook his head no. I pulled Zana into me chest and cried into her neck. "Why...." "Jeff I can help." I heard Sally. I looked at her. "This isn't time for games Sally!"

~Sally's POV~
I was crying as I watched Jeff not moving after Zana burned the demon. Zana put a field up so no one could get though. I was still crying when I heard Zana's voice. "Sally, I'm going to give Jeff my life so her can live. What I need you to do is take Jeff's hand and cut it and cut mine. I then need you to push I hands together, close your eyes, and say these words. 'Life and death is a mess. Take this death and set it alight. Life is near for the one in death. Take the death and make it life!'."

~Sally's POV~
I told Jeff what happened and he nodded an okay. He got his blade out and handed it to me. I cut his palm and then took Zana's and cut hers. I nodded to Jeff and he pressed his hand to Zana's. I closed my eyes and began to speak. "Life and death is a mess. Take this death and set it alight. Life is near for the one in death. Take the death and make it life!" I opened my eyes and Zana gasped for air.

~How did I do with the 'Life and death is a mess. Take this death and make it alight. Life is near the one in death. Take the death and make it life!'? Was it good? :D I LOVE it!!! I think I did a good job :P lol. Well cliffhanger 3;) mahahaha!!!! Well bye loves.~

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