14.The Puzzle Pieces

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  As they sat back on the driverless bus, Ning and Liu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  "We... we survived, right?"

  Liu, with his thick beard, panted heavily, staring out of the window at the terrifying, tall woman in red entering the villa before realizing that his legs were as weak as jelly.


  Ning replied.

  Then, neither of them spoke again.

  Five days had passed, and out of the seven people originally on this bus, only two remained.

  Liu felt a strange sense of emptiness.

  He didn't have much affection for the others, but seeing them die so miserably in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness.

  Because, he had also been so close to death.

  If it hadn't been for Ning, his fate would have been the same as the others.

  Shortly after getting on the bus, the door closed, and the bus slowly started moving.

  Soon, they were back in the fog, once again traveling through the rain.

  The two of them drifted off to sleep on the bus.

  When they woke up again, it was the next morning.

  Ning twisted his stiff body and looked out the window.

  They had already reached the black villa's courtyard.

  "Hey, Big Beard, wake up."

  Ning nudged Liu, who jumped up with a start, yelling,

  "Ghost! Ghost!"


  Ning looked at Liu, who was flailing his arms, and thought to himself, this guy is really unlucky, he's being chased by ghosts in the blood door mission, and now he's having nightmares about it too.

  After confirming that the person next to him was Ning, Liu wiped the sweat off his face and panted,

  "Bro, you scared the life out of me!"

  Ning pointed to the black courtyard outside and said,

  "Get off, we're here."

  One after the other, they got off the bus and entered the black villa.

  When they entered the hall again, they saw that only one person remained.

  It was that particularly handsome boy.

  He was like a porcelain doll, with fair, rosy skin and a small, frail figure.

  If he didn't speak, almost no one would think he was a boy.

  "Why are you the only one here?"

  Liu frowned.

  Seeing the two of them return alive from behind the blood door, the boy's attitude warmed considerably compared to before.

  "Uncle Liang has something to deal with, he went back to the world before. Sister Bai went to bring new people through the blood door, and another one is cooking in the kitchen."

  Ning's eyes flickered.

  "Can we go back to the world before?"

  The boy poked the charcoal in the brazier.

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