32.The Price of Lies

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  Tang's screams echoed through the night.

  No one dared to investigate, not for a moment.

  No one knew what horrors unfolded within that room.

  It wasn't until the following morning, as sunlight pierced through the guesthouse, chasing away the lingering dread, that a newcomer, the one Tang had brought through the blood-red door, found the courage to approach her room.

  A hesitant push of the door, a glimpse inside, and the poor girl was met with a sight so horrifying that she instantly lost control of her bladder.

  Normally, adults possessed a certain level of mental fortitude.

   Even when faced with the macabre and the terrifying, while long-lasting psychological scars were inevitable, incontinence was a rarity.

  However, there were exceptions.

  Especially when one had been holding in a full bladder all morning.

  The girl's bloodcurdling shrieks drew everyone to Tang's room.

  Hesitantly, they peered inside.

  Tang lay sprawled on the floor, her body twisted at an unnatural angle.

  Blood and viscera painted the floor, erasing any semblance of her human form...

  "Did any of you hear her screaming last night?" the bespectacled man asked, his voice trembling.

  Bai's eyes held no pity as she looked upon Tang's remains.

  "She was screaming loud enough; of course, we heard her."

  "Then... why didn't anyone help her?"

  "You heard her, why didn't you?"

  "I, I was scared... We're just newcomers; we don't have any life-saving artifacts..."

  Bai scoffed.

  "Life-saving artifacts are precious. Any ghost artifact brought back from a blood-red door, regardless of its power, has limited uses. Three times at most!"

  "Why would I waste a precious tool to save someone irrelevant?"

  Silence descended upon the group.

  Even the bespectacled man fell quiet.

  Only the girl on the floor continued to sob uncontrollably.

  The air reeked of blood and urine.

  The girl, Luo, was the newcomer Tang had brought through the Blood Gate.

  It seemed she and Tang had been close.

   Now, she knelt, wracked with grief.

  Liu pitied her.

  He was about to offer some words of comfort when Luo suddenly lifted her tear-stained face and glared at them accusingly.

  "You selfish monsters! You had life-saving tools but you didn't even try to save Sister Tang!"

  "Now she's gone! The clue is gone! None of us will make it out of here alive!"


  Bai folded her arms beneath her breasts.

  "Well, she's dead, yes, but it doesn't really affect our chances of finding a way out..."

  "After all, your precious Sister Tang was lying to us from the very beginning. I'm sure she had more than one life-saving artifact on her, but I suspect she got careless last night and didn't even keep them close... To be so reckless knowing the dangers lurking behind these blood-red doors? She got what she deserved."

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