1 | among criminals

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Grey clouds were hanging over the sky, some haze lingering in the air. The sound of squeaky tires echoing through the night, car headlight shining through the dusty air. It wasn't my first time being here and it surely won't be the last.

I was here with a mission, putting things into right places again, letting the law win. This undercover mission had been planned out for almost a year now, so starting it a couple of weeks ago was like tasting blood.

Today was my third night and I was glad that our spy knew one of the bosses from this event here so bringing me in wasn't as random, which really helped a lot. By now I already knew most of the members, talking quite good with some of them.

It wasn't a secret that Monaco had one of the most famous illegal racing communities. These weren't just rich kids that wanted to show of their sports cars, no, this were real criminals, racing for money and drugs every other week.

Their bosses were two of the biggest drug dealers in south France but because of their network it was hard bringing them behind bars. This was why I was here now, collecting information and gathering little details that could help us, the police.

I was a police officer for almost ten years now, had started right at my seventeenth birthday in their academy. Since then I had worked in various positions, now ended up at the secret undercover agents one.

"Ready for today's race?" Tyler asked me while stepping closer, "You will get some serious competition today, Perceval."

I nodded my head, once again reminded how dangerous these people where, which was why I had to use an nickname here, simply taken one of my various first names.

"Sure, but come on, you guys always have problems with keeping my pace." I laughed it off, trying to change into my racers personality here, the personality I had when doing this mission here.

Tyler laughed but agreed as he knew my pace and talent. One reason why this mission was also perfectly made for me. As a child I did quite a lot of karting sport, also raced against some people that were now big names in the motorsport.

But I never really had the money to make it so I decided to give up on that dream and follow my other passion, the police job, fighting for the law.

"That's true, but our best man returns tonight so there will be a bit more of a fight." the man laughed and patted my shoulder, walking off and leaving me behind quite curious.

The last two times I had attended this event I got to know almost every person involved in these races, so I was quite confused who Tyler meant. I already sat myself a note in my head to find out more about this person today, needing to add this on my board in my room.

There I had a big white board with all the people involved, their connections and dangers.

"Hey, how are you mate?" Luke, one of the bosses said as he walked over to me.

"So far all good, ask me after the race again." I chuckled and handed him my money.

It was normal that these kind of races costed something, it wasn't much but simply a little gesture to show that you were fully committed to this community. Of course it wasn't my money, hell I wish I had such an amount of it, but no, my boss at the police station had given it to me.

Same as the black Ferrari that I had to drive to these events. Never in my life could I afford auch an expensive car, but here you needed it, to show that you had money and were an honest guy. Even though all their prosperity came from illegal wheeling and dealing.

So we had something in common, all your money wasn't ours, but it was real and that was what mattered for those men. Luckily I only needed that car of mine to drive here as for all the races the group had separate cars.

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