2 | dark sweater

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Over the last days I had been researching a lot, especially over the famous Dutchman that had joined last weeks race. I still had a million questions in my head, but some of them already had found their answer.

For example I had discovered that formula one drivers couldn't spend their money on medicine and alcohol, or at least not in unnatural amounts so this maybe was a reason for Verstappen buying the drugs from Luke.

But this only created new questions as why he would need them. Maybe to perform better, which would mean he was taking these regular and all his wins weren't fair. Or he consumed them because he was a drug addict.

Either way this would be a huge headline and I was definitely getting this one on my account. The drug and car ring was one thing, but having a famous sports star, if not even THE best formula one driver, it would be so much bigger.

But I was a bit selfish there, never mentioned anything of Verstappen in my reports that I had to send my boss. As I knew she would immediately cut me off the case or at least give me a partner or something.

No, I wanted this for my own. Too many cases had been solved by me, only for someone else to take credit for it. No, this time it was my turn to get the big fishes, to cover up such a huge case, or at least such a huge name involved in all of this.

I therefore was also excited as I knew that this weekend wasn't a formula one race, meaning that Verstappen would be at today's illegal race again. There wasn't any proper WhatsApp group or a letter going around with who was taking part and when would the next race be.

It was all pretty clever set up, Luke and his partner using a social media page from a gas station they also used for their businesses. In a quite creative but secret way it always told the time and place.

Today it was a place near Nice and even though I was quite early, some people were already there as I stepped out of my road car. While I walked over to the little group I quickly went through my plan for tonight.

I definitely needed to get more information about the drugs. Where they were coming from and what the overall goal was, also what Verstappen had to do with it. Coming to the Dutchman I had to figure out why he was here, clearly needing these drugs.

So my plan was to get into a conversation with him, which should be hard as Verstappen hadn't been the most talkative last time. But maybe I could change that tonight, getting on a friendly basis with him to gather information before I would rat him out.

Like all the others, but he was special. No one cared about some drug dealers, but a famous celebrity like him, it would be huge, not only in Monaco, no, in whole Europe if not even worldwide.

And my name would be standing under his picture, been named as one of the best police men. All the hard work, all these extra hours, it would finally pay off. It was even more worth as work was all I got, never really had any friends or relationships, so this had to be perfect.

"More confident tonight?" Tyler joked as I walked over to him, giving me a bro handshake.

"Sure sure, tonight I'm gonna beat him." I returned and laughed, remembering that there was a car race going on tonight.

I was so focused on all the details and facts, my plan, that I nearly had forgotten why we were here. Though when Luke stepped over, asking for the entrance fee I was reminded of it once again.

"It's 2.000 tonight." he said and my eyes widened while I looked at him, normally it had been 800.

"Let me check if I have this much with me." I returned quickly, hoping that he hadn't noticed my surprise.

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