7 | new rival

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It was so stupid being here, but I needed some final information about the drugs. Now that Luke was selling them to me, I was in the business, but I needed some more names, from delivery guys but also the buyers.

Walking over to today's event was like walking into a burning house, I was risking my life, more then ever before. There was still the slightest chance that Max had told them who I was so they would give him more drugs as an reward.

There was the chance that by tomorrow morning my body would lay dead in some bushes on the side of the streets. It was possible, but deep down in my heart I knew that he wouldn't do that.

He may had played me once, or twice if you count the thing with the gas station, but his kisses, his words and his ocean blue eyes were telling me another story. He liked me, more then he probably should.

And no matter how hard I tried to argue against it, I felt the same. It was so damn wrong being in love with such a person, but something about him has pulled me in, something still gave me hope that he wasn't the bad guy all the facts made him.

Of course he was consuming these pills, of course he was buying them illegally, with money, expensive watches and once I even saw him handing over some car keys to Luke. This wasn't a little deal between an addict and a drug seller.

There was more into it, I felt it, but I wasn't quite sure yet what it was. Maybe even today, if I wouldn't be killed the first second, I would find out more as Max would surely join as there wasn't any F1 race this weekend.

A hot feeling rushed through me while a cold shiver ran down my back at the same time, thinking of him, his soft lips against mine, his cute little red cheeks.

"Hey, hey, hey, already back for more?" Luke laughed as he gave me a friendly handshake.

"Yeah, the stuff is selling itself pretty good, my customers love it." I returned as in his version I was selling them in my club, where I worked as a barkeeper.

"Same game as last time, you win, the drugs are yours, 75% for me." the boss of the group explained and I nodded my head, pulling out the thousands of euros before I gave him the money.

Once he then stepped away I exhaled deeply, calming down as nothing had seemed different, meaning that Max kept his mouth shut. Maybe the Dutchman even ran away, too scared that I would come back and arrest him.

It was likely as I hadn't seen him until now. Or maybe he had killed himself by now. This thought caused a cold shiver running down my back as I was scared, scared in a way only lovers were for each other.

Sure he was a criminal, drug addict and bad person, but he still was Max, my little cute Max Verstappen, a world star and fantastic racing driver. It would break me and my heart, knowing that he was dead.

But that thought wasn't too unlikely as I had seen him already in such a state, where he wanted to attack and maybe even kill me. Once his withdrawal symptoms would kick in nobody was safe from him, not even he himself.

Still, the amount I had given him, all of the drugs I had bought from Luke, it was enough for a time and today was the next opportunity to get new pills. And a moment later I saw him, coming out of the dark, in my sweater again, Max stepped closer to his mates.

He only quickly glanced over at me, though I couldn't fully read his expression. Considering the last time I also knew that he wouldn't just come over to talk, I had to wait until the end of today's event in order to do that.

"Hello my friends, we have a new member in our group!" Luke suddenly said, a tall man next to him that I had never seen before, "This is Brad, he comes from the scene in England so he's quite skilled, be aware."

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