4 | rising emotions

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"Sure, what do you wanna talk about?" I returned.

It was hard as I felt weird things inside me again. I really had to focus on my plan, on my mission and being in my role here, while my body constantly wanted to relax, to slip out of that person I had played the last hours.

"My cats, I really love them." Verstappen returned and smiled, turning his seating position again so he was facing me.

"You have cats?" I asked, quicker then intended, it just slipped out of my mouth, a huge mistake and completely unprofessional for a police officer.

"Yes, two actually, Sassy and Jimmy, they are great." he beamed and I even had to smile, like really smile without an act, as he seemed so full of joy.

The anger and his mood changes were gone and I wondered if he had taken some of the drugs already. I could hardly ask, so I decided to play along.

"That's cute, but what do you do with them when you travel around the world for the races?" I asked, maybe trying to get into the formula one direction to completely rule out any drug connection there.

"They stay at home, in my apartment." the Dutchman explained before he started gesturing with his hands, "It's huge and they have so many toys there, like even kind of a cats playground."

I unintentionally had to laugh at the thought of it, feeling how my body instantly calmed down and relaxed. It may even seemed like a car ride between two friends, if there wasn't the bag with drugs between his feet and my knowledge that he was a drug addict and criminal.

"Sounds really funny, can't even imagine how something looks." I chuckled while I left the highway and drove into Monaco.

"You should come, take a look. Sassy and Jimmy surely will be happy over a guest." Verstappen suddenly said and I nearly crashed at his words.

Was I dreaming or was he, a criminal and drug addict, really inviting me to his house, why. Maybe he had figured out who I really was and now wanted to kill me in his apartment before I could tell the world his secret.

These thought stressed me a little and I tensed up, not realizing that Verstappen probably awaited an answer from me. But I wasn't sure what to return in that moment, my eyes starring at the road in front of us, not daring to look over at him.

Suddenly though I felt a hand on my arm and shrugged together, calming down a little as I realized that it was Verstappen, but only a little as he surely knew who I was. Why else should he invite me.

"I really like you and I want to get to know you." he then said, catching me by complete surprise before he added, "And I don't want this night to end yet."

A hot feeling rushed through me, probably the adrenaline, as I felt his fingers lightly brushing over my hairy arm. Slowly I turned my head as we had reached a red traffic light, instantly meeting his ocean blue eyes and the cute smile on his face.

"W... What?" I blurred out, before I regained my self control and thought of my mission again, "I... I mean sure, why not, if you're not too tired."

Hell, I would never go home with someone like him, a criminal and drug addict, but knowing that it surely will answer some more of my questions, I agreed to it. He probably just wanted to have a drink and show me his cats.

Maybe so I could gather some more information, even be able to take a look at the drugs in his bag. Cause he may was an addict, but he still was super rich and 'normal' so I didn't expect his apartment to look like a drug cave, total chaos everywhere.

And even if, it would only give me more information.

"Great." Verstappen smiled and beamed as he told me where to drive.

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