10 | burning emotions

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My whole body froze and I didn't even dare to breath, feeling the end of the gun pointed right at my head. It felt like hours even though it probably were just seconds, before the gun got pulled back.

"Oh my god, Charlie!" Max breathed, stepping out of the dark, throwing the gun aside.

I needed a moment to realized what just happened before I exhaled deeply and pulled him into my arms.

"You really scared me, oh my word." I whispered before I brushed some hair out of his face, looking at him, "I was searching for you, I was so scared."

"I am sorry." the Dutchman suddenly said and my heart arched at his words.

"No, no, why are you sorry my love?" I asked, not really realizing what pet name I just used.

"I didn't listen to you... I opened the trunk." he mumbled and looked down, "But I was in pain and I wanted my pills, and I knew this was Luke's car so... the drugs... I am so sorry. You said I shouldn't open it... but I did..."

"Oh babe" I started, cupping his face so he had to look at me, "I just wanted to keep you safe and that you don't have to see that, I didn't want to pull you even deeper into this."

"I... I saw the body... Brad... there was so much blood... I... I was so scared." Max then broke down in my arms, heavily crying, "But I needed the pills and... and then I saw him... and the gun... I was so scared... so I took it... I didn't know why... but... but..."

He couldn't speak further as he started crying even more, tears streaming down his face while he was cuddled up against my chest.

"It's all fine, it's okay Max." I said to calm him down, brushing over his back.

"B... But what happened?" the Dutchman then asked, leaning back so he could look at me.

"Luke killed him. I was there and filmed it, not really knowing what would happen though. But it was perfect as with that I had something against him. He won't say your name now, to the police."

"Really?" Max stuttered, "B... But what about the others? What about the drugs? Your mission? Are you gonna leave me alone now? Are you gonna arrest me?"

My heart broke at his words as I couldn't believe that he was really thinking that I would leave him now, or even worse, arrest him.

"Of course not babe, I'll stay with you." I therefore returned and kissed his head, "And don't bother about the others, they won't say anything I made sure of that."

"A... And my pills?" he asked, looking down like he always did when talking about his drug consume, "There are a few in Luke's car, but what after... what should I do?"

"Hey, look at me" I returned, pulling his face back up, "There is no 'you', okay? We are in this together and I will do anything to help you, you understand?

Max only nodded his head, his eyes still glassy from all the tears and emotions.

"I told Luke that I would run his business until he's out again, so he gave me all the contacts." I said, realizing what a stupid idea that was.

But it was for Max and I would do everything for him, even become a drug dealer. Never would I have thought that I would do stuff like that for another person one day, for a person that wasn't even family.

But with Max it was different and I was scared that if I would leave him that I wouldn't be the same. That if he was in pain, my heart wouldn't even take the thought of that. I needed him to be okay, that was my only priority right now.

"Y... You would do that? For me? B... But you're still a police officer." the Dutchman stuttered, nervously biting his lips like he was still scared that I would arrest him.

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