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"Have you ever felt like if your parents were here things would have been different?"

The room fell silent, Ishan glared at Akshay, their friend, Indicating him to shut his mouth.
Sara looked at her side to see Shubman's tears threatening to fall off any moment. He quietly stood up and left the room. Sara looked at Ishan and he nodded.

Sara followed Shubman to their room and he sat on the bed, his head hung low. She went and sat beside him, keeping her hand on his shoulder, a comforting touch in middle of the chaos.

"He's right Sara, maybe if my parents were here, your dad would have accepted us. I would have been different. You wouldn't be like this, stuck here not able to do anything. Maybe, if it wasn't for me telling mom the truth that day, things would have been so different."

"What truth?"

"My mom and dad were so in love before I was born yk, I was like a curse which made them grow apart. Dad became busy trying to earn money for us, mom became busy taking care of me. Somewhere in the process of taking care of everything around them, they forgot to take care of eachother. They forgot how they much loved each other. Slowly, dad started getting close with his secretary. One day I was playing on his phone when I came across some messages and photos. I was what? 7-8 years old, I took the phone to mom and showed her the pictures asking what it meant. As soon as she saw the photos and messages she stormed off into their room, I heard some things shattering and screams. After some time, she grabbed her suitcase and left. I watched her leave, I was crying, sobbing. Soon enough, my dad came out, he slapped me and left. Ishan's parents came over after some time and told me that from now onwards they are going to be my new parents. Sometimes when I think about it, maybe if it wasn't for me showing her the messages, they would have been here."

"No Shub. What you did is right, your dad betrayed your mom, he broke her trust. You told her that she is being cheated on. If your dad was lonely, so was your mom. The truth would have came out one or the other day. It was meant to happen."

"But Sara, he really loved her-"

"If he did, he would have never cheated on her. Screw that, he wouldn't have laid a finger on any women other than your mom."

"I know and I am scared to admit it. Because I will always be my father's son. Even when my body will be burning to ashes, when I will no longer breathe, I would still be my father's son, wouldn't I?"

"Always. But, that doesn't change the fact that you are also your mother's son. She raised you alone, all by herself. Even when your dad was busy, she stayed near you, for you. If you are your father's son then you are also your mother's son. Shubman, we reflect what our partners were. But we are not them, we are just a part of them."

"I don't know what I would do without you. Genuinely, in the hospital when you didn't open your eyes I was so scared that I lost you. I was so scared of losing my love. And, when you were finally awake and asked me who I am, my heart clenched. For a minute, I felt like my entire life was being taken away from me. I, I was so used to you, used to having you near, in my arms. I felt crushed, but when you went against your dad and came with me, I realised that love never dies, it just fades, it's always there. Deep down. Buried inside. I love you more than anyone can imagine."

Sara's eyes filled with tears, she sat on his lap hugging him close to her heart. He buried his face on her chest and stroked her hair. At this moment, they both knew that no matter what happens  they will always find a way back to eachother and if fate does them apart then they will cross all boundaries for eachother, always and forever. They would never let eachother go. Never.

"Shub, Aditi told me what happened in the past."

"Oh, she did? But I wanted to tell you"

"I know, I threatened her, it's just I was dying to know what happened."

"Let me guess, she must have stopped somewhere and now you want me to continue from where she left?"

"You are so smart baby!"

"Not happening."

"Why nottt??"

"Because you didn't wait for me to tell you."

"Haww, how can you stay mad at me?"

"Wait and watch"

"I am going back to dad."

"NO! Fine fine, you are so bad baby!"

"But you still love me"

"I do"


Days became weeks, weeks became months and just like that it had been 5 months since Sara and Shubman talked to eachother. The worst part of it all was that Sara is getting married to Ajai next month.

Shubman tried his level best to contact Sara one way or the another but her dad always found a way to crush his plans. Sara tried everything she could to convince her dad but he was stubborn.

"Advaith, why are we doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Not listening to Sara, getting her married to someone she doesn't love."

"I am just protecting my daughter-"

"Our, our daughter and also what are you protecting her from? Huh? Shubman? That boy has changed, just for our daughter. Then, what are you protecting her from? people? media? Advaith, people will come and go, media will come and go but somebody who is willing to do whatever he can for you, someone who loves you despite all the hardships, someone who adores the floor you walk on will never come back. If what Shubman feels for Sara isn't love, then I don't know what it is. Also, you are not protecting Sara from Shubman. You are protecting her from your fear of what people will say, what they will say if she gets married to a celebrity who doesn't have a good reputation. You are protecting her from your thoughts. Atleast think about Ajai, does that boy deserve somebody who will never love him back? Someone who loves someone else? Doesn't he deserve love? You are ruining three lives trying to run away from your fear. Don't do this Advaith. Don't be somebody who ruins his daughter's life.


I am so sorry for not updating. I was trying to write for the past 3-4 days but my mind was blank. I am not satisfied with this chapter, but I hope you guys like it.


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