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It was just another normal day for Sara. Shubman left for recording. Ishan went for practicing and Aditi went for ad shoots. She wanted to go out and take a walk around, but Shubman had strictly asked her not to go out alone.

But, will she listen? No. She grabbed her phone and went to the nearest park. She was casually walking around when she spotted a couple under a big tree,kissing. Her head started spinning and random images started flashing infront of her eyes.

She somehow managed to reach back to the apartment, and the door was opened. Relived, she went inside to see Aditi there. She smiled at Sara but before she could say anything Sara fainted.

Aditi stated panicking and patted her cheeks a few times. She grabbed a glass of water and sprinkled it on her face but she didn't wake up. That's when she remembered that Shubman had told her and Ishan, if Sara ever faints there is an injection kept in his cupboard to wake her up.

Aditi hurriedly ran to the room and grabbed the injection. She made Sara lay down on her lap and injected her. After 2-3 minutes, Sara's eyes fluttered open and she grabbed her head groaning in pain.

"What happened to you?"

"I don't know, I went to the park to get some fresh air, then I saw a couple kissing and my head started spinning and I got some random flashes. I somehow walked back to the house and then I fainted."

"Sara! Shub warned you not to go out alone right? You could have waited till I was back."

"I know, I am sorry. Please don't tell Shub."

"Fine. But never do this again, okay?"


Aditi got up and helped Sara get up, they both sat on the dining table casually talking that's when Sara got reminded of something.

"Aditi, you have to tell me what happened in the past, I can't wait for Shub to say it."

"Look Sara, I know you want know what happened but-"

"No buts. You tell me what happened or I am going back to dad."

"No! Please no, fine. Fine. I'll tell you."


Days went by and Sara found herself bumping into Shubman Gill all the damn time. She hated it, she hated him. Everytime she see's him, he's with a new girl and she knows exactly what he's going to do with them. But, after all this, she couldn't get her heart to stop beating fast everytime she saw him. She is getting married in 6 months with an amazing, caring and handsome man, her man. Then why this play boy? Why is love so confusing?

Shubman on the other hand felt completely opposite. For Shubman, Sara should be just another girl who he finds attractive, but no. There is something about her which makes him feel secured? He has this weird feeling in his stomach everytime he see's her and the worst of it all is that he doesn't even want to sleep with her screw that, he doesn't even want to touch her. But he wants to love her, he wants to hold her and feel her warmth. But he can't, he can't fall in love. His parents fell in love, had him and then left him. He can't, he can't let that happen again, he can't fall in love, especially with Sara Tendulkar.

It was just another day when Sara's Cosuin, Saniya, forced her to go to a concert of Shubman Gill. Sara tried very hard to convince Saniya to not go but Saniya's boyfriend is Shubman's close friend and she didn't want to go alone. After what felt like a eternity, Sara agreed and Saniya couldn't be more happier.

Sara was standing in the first row with Saniya and her boyfriend. Soon enough Shubman appeared on the stage, with his glittery eyes and beautiful dimples. The audience roared with excitement and delight. Shubman's eyes scanned through the crowd and he spotted Sara, his eyes widened in suprise while Sara just gave him a small smile.

Throughout the concert, his eyes kept searching for Sara. A warmth washed over him every time he saw her dancing to his songs. That moment is when he realised, maybe, just maybe, he is in love with her.

Soon enough, the concert came to an end. Saniya took Sara with her to the backstage to see Shubman. The moment their eyes met, they knew that, perhaps, they'll keep seeing eachother for quite a long time.

"Shubman you were amazing!!!"

"Thank you Saniya."

"Yea, you were amazing."

"Thanks Sara."

Saniya and Aarav smiled at each other and Saniya pulled Sara into the corner.

"Sara, me and Aarav are going out, can you please go home with Shubman?"

"Saniya!, No. Baba will kill me if he gets to know that I went for a concert. I told him I am staying with you tonight."

"I- fuck."

"You can stay at my apartment."

Sara and Saniya turned around to see Shubman and Aarav. Saniya looked at Sara and she looked at her, her eyes pleading to say no.

"Sure, you are okay with it Sara?"

"Haha, sure."

Aarav and Saniya smiled and bid their goodbyes. Sara meanwhile, was plotting a murder in her head for Saniya.

"I'll change and be back?"

"Yea, sure. Btw, I am so sorry for troubling-"

"No no, you are not troubling, I am glad you came to the concert."

"Ofc, it was amazing."

Shubman smiled and went into the dressing room to change or should I say to calm his fast beating heart. Sara smiled and sat on the couch, maybe Shubman Gill  wasn't a bad person.

Shubman led Sara to his car and started driving. The ride was filled with laughter and Shubman occasionally flirting. Shubman rang the doorbell and Aditi opened the door. Aditi's eyes widened and so did Sara's.


"Aditi? Shubman you didn't tell me you were dating Aditi-"




The three of them turned to look at the third voice and there he was, Ishan.

"Sara, I am not dating Aditi. Ishan is. This is Ishan, one of my very close friends. We bought this apartment a while back and Aditi moved in with us."

"Ohh, okay."

"Guys, Sara is going to stay with us for a night."

"Ohh, come Sara. I'll show you your room."

Aditi led Sara to the room while Ishan raised an eyebrow at Ishan.


"Don't even think about touching her, her brother and father will kill you. Fuck that, she will kill you."

"I won't. She, she is different."

"She is not different, just because she doesn't want to do 'it' with you doesn't make her different. She is just a girl who doesn't want anything with you, while others girls are also normal girls who want something you. Don't categorize girls Shubman."

"I am sorry. Sara, I don't want anything with her."

"You sure? Cause you looked at her like how you look at food."

"Shut up."

Shubman went inside while Ishan chuckled, Sara is definitely something.


"What happened after that?"

"Well, you and Shub started hanging out and maybe falling in love. You both knew that you loved eachother but weren't ready to accept it, then came that day."

"What day?"

I know I told you guys that I will not update for 2-3 weeks but I couldn't help updating :). Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Also, what day is Aditi talking about?

Votes: 50+

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