One Man Army

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"Do you have to leave right now just rest a little bit?" Hermione said in a desperate tone as she watched Cain getting ready to go out to be Ghost Rider.

Cain was getting dressed, wearing the daily Ghost Rider suit. He finished putting on the bulletproof vest, looked up, and said, "You know I got to do this and I don't feel tired at all."

Hermione covered herself with the blanket as she sat up and said, "I know, but do you really have to put on the bulletproof vest?".

Cain finished putting on his leather jacket and went to the side of the bed bringing out a large duffle bag underneath that he unzipped and grabbed 2 1911 Colt silver pistols tuk them behind his back pants grabbed his Chains wrapped them and hung them on his left hip while saying "The reason I put it on is that they don't know I have a healing factor so it's a good idea for them to don't know if I have it".

Hermione looks at him as she sees the large duffel bag full of weapons and ammunition. He grabs his helmet that was in it, closes it, and puts it under the bed again.

"Is it hard for you to go out there?" Hermione said as she continued watching him as he put on his armor gloves.

Cain stopped, looked up, and said, "What do you mean". As he kneels on the side of the bed, he sees Hermione scoot close to him and says, as she is worried about him, "What I mean is Texas is the second largest state in the United States by both land area and population. It must be hard for you as it's all on your shoulders that you have to carry and I get it if you protect a city but a state that's different."

Cain put his hand on her cheek, looked into her eyes, and said in a calm tone, "It's hard, but I at least know that people are safe and criminals get what they deserve because you want to know why."

Hermione shook her head. Cain softly smiled and said next, "I need to prepare because the world is getting bigger and the supernatural are evolving. The people are getting more desperate now more than ever, and I don't want that if it will hurt someone I love".

"So yeah, it would take a toe on me, but I'd rather go down swinging helping all others than some people". Cain said in a firm tone as he meant every word he said he sees Superman as the only one going out saving the whole world while some just saving their city because later on, he'll have to do that because the power that he has inside of him isn't just here, he has to protect the whole world knowing the people will have another day seeing there friends and family again.

Hermione took his word from the heart as she noticed the world was getting bigger. She knew threats were emerging. She thought Voldemort and death eaters were bad but take the word she lived in other than the magical world. She now knows they were just ants compared she sees in the news and the encounter Cain went up against a week ago. Bigger threats are coming, and she doesn't want to be on the sidelines, knowing she has the power to fight alongside Cain.

"Later," Cain said as he brought Hermione back from her thoughts.

She looks at him as if she doesn't even know what he said. Cain caressed her cheeks and said, "Later, just for now, enjoy your life. You need it. I can see you are actually happy here, so don't do it yet. Just enjoy your life."

She was about to speak up, but she just saw Cain looking at her and said in his face don't fight back.

Cain saw her nod. He smiled and said, "Well, I got to go. Just rest a little bit, and you can go home, and later on, we can talk about us".

As he was about to get up, he was grabbing behind his head and made him look towards Hermione's eyes as she smiled and said, "I know about us already."

Cain raised his eyebrows as he smirked and said, "Really? Then, what about us then." Hermione nodded and kissed him with all the love she had.

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