Dream world

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Ghost Rider got off his motorcycle as he checked around, seeing an old abandoned building in the middle of the woods.

As he looked around, he said in his head, 'Zarathos is this where all the Lycans are at'. He walks around, checking if he sees any lycans nearby.

'No, they've been here before, but it's faint. Looks like they left,' Zarathos said in a mysterious tone as he scanned for anybody that was inside, but nothing.

He looked around and found the garage door. As he opened it, he was met with silence as it was empty. He agreed with Zarathos as it looked like they were here before, but they left a minute ago as soon as they came.

He looked to the left and found the light switch. As soon he turned it on, he was met with 7 crates and 2 vehicles inside the abandoned building.

He was surprised as Alpha and his pack had come here from their retreat, but it looked like they hadn't finished packing up. He looked around and noticed muddy footprints all over the place as it looked like they were in a hurry, but he wanted to know what they had taken that made it so important that they left all this stuff behind.

He opened all the crates and noticed they were all medical items, such as plastic blood bags, empty gas tanks, and so much equipment that looked like it had a lot of needles and gas masks.  The only other two crates were all customized weapons and ammunition.

He leans on the crate that has the custom weapons and says in confusion, "Okay, I get the weapons, but what the hell is with all the medical supplies?" he looks around and doesn't understand what they are doing.

He looked around as he heard from his head that Zarathos said, 'I don't know why, but it looks like they didn't have the time to finish packing. Keep checking around'. As if he has a hunch as they didn't have time to finish, so there's gotta be a clue.

He nodded as he agreed with Zarathos. He kept checking around until he was in the middle of the warehouse. He just thought that this table was just a group meaning, but as he looked closer, it was more like they were doing something around there.

As he got closer, he noticed broken glass on the floor. Once he kneeled on the floor, he picked up the glass and started noticing those were test tubes. As he looked at it, he noticed a white reflection on the broken glass. He turned and noticed a piece of paper that was under the floor.

As soon he grabbed it, he got up as his left hand was holding the broken test tube, and the right was holding the piece of paper. As soon he read the notes it was ingredients of what they were making.

"Holy shit, this looks like they were creating some type of new drug," he said in surprise as he read the ingredients. And he heard Zarathos say, 'You're right, but what the hell is projected Curse' as he looked at what Cain saw as the title said Project Curse.

As soon he read Project Curse, too, he looked back at the containers and started thinking when he remembered what Alpha said when he told them that they weren't werewolves.

"We are not those pathetic bony creatures! We are Warriors!"

"We are smarter, faster, stronger. We are LYCANS!"

"Holy shit he wasn't making a new type of drugs. He was making more Lycans," He said in a shocked voice as to why they came back here, but Zarathos didn't get it.

'I don't get it. Why is he making it, and what is with all the medical supplies' Zarathos said as he was at a total loss as he didn't get what Cain was catching on to.

Cain shook his head as he started to explain what the alphas' plan was. "Because of how we said, the people still think there are werewolves that made them hurt their pride as they're comparing them as fragile, weak, cursed creatures. And with all the medical supplies, he was making more or building an army, as all the paper said here as their secret ingredient is their blood." As soon Zarathos heard that he started thinking as he added in Cain's head, 'So Project Curse is making more Lycans as they don't need to bite them. The medical supplies will be easier as they can spread across the cities or towns and Alpha can control them on his demands'

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