Barbed-wire massacre

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Here you go guys. A story that I make up right this hour, it has always scared me That something sharp would stab me in the eye. Read the following chapter and tell me if you can read it without squinting once😉
(No cheating)

Michael ran, his heart thundering in his chest, adrenaline flooding his veins. His shirt soaked with his own blood, cuts ran along his arms and his chest. Pain flared on and off as he ran. Michael had been captured and placed in some strange wear house. Giant shelves lined the whole wear house, filled with crates of ship cargo, personal storage and retail supplies. When Michael was placed in here, he found that his Chest and arms were tied with barbed wire, which pierced, cut and ripped his skin. His shirt was soaking with blood because of that. Now Michael was trying to find his way out, but navigating this place was harder than first thought. "Where the fuck do I go?" He cursed to himself. His chests pain seeming to grow worse by the minuet. He approached a section of shelves where they split of to left and right only. He took the left and noticed that the dim lights that just barely lit his way before, became more and more scarce. "Where am I? Where is the place? What is this place?" His thoughts rattled his head, seeking an unfindable answer. The shelves turned a right and curved left again. Michael followed them, the lights becoming dimmer and dimmer. Michael stopped. Sweat mixing with the blood on his shirt, it started to dry which caused his shirt to slick to him. He placed his hands on his thighs and took a deep breath. "You will get out of here" he thought to himself, trying to calm down. Michael went to start running again but he heard a sound. He froze. Silence......
what? What was that sound?" He thought to himself, didn't dare to talk. *squeeeek* a sound like metal echoed through the wear house. Michael stepped forwards and spun in a circle. He couldn't see anything. *groan...creeeeeek....SNAP!* the sound of metal snapped and something fell down on Michael. Michael screamed. What appeared to be barbed-wire had fallen from the wear house roof somehow and now was lodged around Michaels head. He screamed in pain, a fine line of blood tricking down his face. He grabbed the barbed-wire with his hands and yanked it off. Michael cried in pain. Flesh was now torn away from his head, blood flowing down his face. Michael threw the wire to the floor and started to run again, his time, much much faster.

30 seconds later Michaels head pounded like a jackhammer, he was loosing blood and getting dizzy. But he couldn't afford to stop running. Michael took a left just as the familiar sound echoed around him. *sling..SWAPH* Michaels top half of his body bled in pain, literally. His world spun in a circle and he crashed to the ground, only to find more pain laid out for him. He opened his eyes to find barbed-wore wrapped around his face, body, arms and legs. His left eye throbbed with pain, barbed-wore had jabbed it raw. Michael screamed in pain. He tried to close his left eye but barbed-wire was lodged in his eyelid. Michaels eyes started to cry blood. He must of got tangled on barbed-wire when he had ran and turned the corner at full speed. The ground was covered in it too, laid out nearly and gleaming sharp. Michael tried to move his arm but the wire dug in and pierced his skin. Suddenly a shape moved towards him. Relief flooded through Michael, someone would rescuer him! But as the shape came closer, his hopes died. A murderous looking man approached him. He wore a black trench-coat, black jeans, boots and he had barbed wire as a belt, a wrist chain and it was dangling off his shoulder. Deep scars ran along his face, possibly caused by the wire Itself. " M...meee" Michael stuttered, suddenly coughing and the wire stabbed his whole body. The man just glared at him and from that, Michael knew that the man would do the opposite. The man just walked up to Michael, grabbed a lone wire with his bare hands and said a simple paragraph; "Today you die. Today you die at the hands of barbed-wire. I am the barbed wire massacre!"
The man tugged on the lone wire in his hands and Michaels body flared in pain. The wire contracted greatly, piercing his skin, digging in flesh and scraping him raw. Michael screamed in agony. The wire on his face had dug into his left eye, scraped it raw and had traveled along to his right. The man places his foot on Michaels chest and the wire dug in even further. The barbed-wire had reached his ribs, starting to scrape at them. Michael screamed in agony, blood running from
His raw eyes and tricking from everywhere else. The man grabbed the wire and dragged him across the floor. It pierced even deeper, nearing his vital organs. The man dragged Michael to what seemed to be a shipping container. The man threw him inside and locked the main door. Michael could only see flashes of black and deep red. His life slowly slipping away, pain flooded and pulsated his body, the barbed-wire had dug into his skin and bones and held tight. His own blood leaving him, running onto the base of the shipping container. Suddenly he was dragged forwards. Michael started to hesitate even more. He need closer and closer towards the door of the shipping container until his body was lined up against it. "" he stuttered, blood coming out of his mouth as he said so. Michael heard the man give one last tug of the wire and Michaels body slammed against the door. The barbed-wire digging in all the way to his body's core. Michael wanted to scream but his throat was restricted and bleeding out, instead he made a bloody rasping sound. He heard the man walk further and further away. Michaels body was pierced to the core by barbed-wire. He laid there, his life slowing seeping away. His blood running, seeping into the container, Turing the barbed-wire a deep shade of blood red.......

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