The black cat

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This story is detecated to Gothlover19 for the idea of this short story. Thanks :)

Abigail ran. She didn't look back as she ran down the street. All day a small black cat had been chasing her and every time it came close to her. Strange things started to happen. When Abigail first saw the cat, she went to pet it. But when she lifted her hand from its fur, blisters appeared on her hand and she screamed in pain. An hour after that she went back home and locked her bedroom door. As she turned around she saw the cat sitting on her bed. The cat jumped at her and Abigail screamed as it's claws dug into her flesh. Abigail ripped the cat off of her and threw it to the ground. She bolted out the door and ran into the street. That's where she was now, scared, in pain and trying to get rid of this cat. Abigail turned around and saw that the black cat was casually walking behind her. Abigail turned and ran. She ducked through smaller alleyways and ran across roads but she couldn't shake the cat off! Finally she came to a river. Abigail stopped on its shore and thought for a moment. She remembered that cats don't like water so she walked back a little and ran towards the river. Suddenly her blistered hand screamed in pain and Abigail fell on the ground, clutching her hand in pain. The cat walked up to her and looked at her in curiosity. "What the hell do you want?" Abigail asked the cat. The cat was silent for a moment and gave a soft growl . All of a sudden a creature of black emerged from the cats shadow and jumped at a Abigail. She screamed as it teared her flesh from bone. The shadow creature moved to Abigail's face and teared her facial features from her head. The shadow creature stopped when Abigail's blood ran into the soft sand. The shadow let out a roar and disappeared back inside the black cat. The black cat gave a purr and ran off. Abigail's blood mixed with the rivers water.

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