The Grave Walker (Part 1)

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Authors note:
Hey guys, the next 3 chapters will be a 3 part miniseries called "The Grave's"
These parts will be made up of 10 or so pages and if they uprise an interest to any of you, please let me know and if they are popular, I'll make a full book of them. If I do make a book out of them, I'll link the first part, The second and the third part together into an Auctal series. Think of these as a sort of "demo" :p
Please enjoy,

For eons the world of the living and the world of the dead were sealed of to each other. Unbreachiable. Unknown. Cut off to one another. But in the past century, a few humans have noticed "followers" (Followers are ghosts and spirits of the world of the dead) following and living around them. Although they seem to be moving and looking at us, they are in their own world. Unable to see or interact with is. Although this can be changed. Within the past decade, those who have noticed these "followers" have discovered that they have the ability to interact and raise the dead. They call themselves "The graves". They are able to summon apon any soul by standing directly above their final resting place or the area their ashes were spread. This is the story about a young teenage boy who has this ability to practely "raise the dead". But with every power becomes a weakness. Below is a story about a teenage boy who discoverers he has this ability. His life shall change forever....

"Jackson! Get Here NOW!!!!" A demanding and harsh woman's voice called through the house. "Coming mum.." Jackson replied in a depressed sort of voice, not wanting to answer her call. 

Jackson was a 16 year old teenage boy who lived with only his mum in a world that he thought was against him. Jackson and his mum lived on the east side of Sydney, Australia, near the coast. He has been living here since he was 2 or 3 and knew the community like the back of his hand, only his mum didn't want to stay here anymore. She wanted to move to Canada or Texas in America where her parents moved to 13 years ago. So ever since his mum brought up the subject of moving, he started his attempts of running away. 

Jackson walked slowly through the main hallway in their house and turned left into the living room where his mum had situated her ass on the recliner so she would have to call him to do what she wanted. 

"Yes mum" Jackson replied, trying to act like everything was fine. His mum glared at him. "You ran away again didn't you?" She questioned him like a police officer interrogating a criminal. "No. No I didn't. Why would you say that?" "Because our bloody neighbor called me this morning just before she saw you come back." The room was still and quiet. The small wooden clock above the fire place clicked slowly... Tick....Tick...Tick. "Where were you off to Jackson, and don't you bloody dare lie to me or i'll have you taken to a foster home." Jackson looked into her eyes, showing that he wasn't scared. 'There's no use lying' He thought to himself. 'It'll just make things worse.' "I went to the bay and spent the night on the beach." Jackson spluttered out slowly, still looking into her eyes. "WHAT!?!" She screamed. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT LEAVING THIS HOUSE WITHOUT ME!?!" "Hey, I'm 16 for god's sake, you cant expect me to stay at home all bloody day when you fucking dragged me out of school because YOU couldn't play for it." Jackson started at her. "You ban me from getting a job, you drag me out of school so I cant get a bloody education, you scab off center link for money when your fit enough to work and you never let me leave this bloody house without your fucked up supervision which you haven't done in over 2 years! What do you expect me to do!?" His mum was silent and still looked at him. "I expect you to do as I say. You stay inside, you listen to me, you open the door for the man who delivers our food and YOU DON'D DISOBEY ME!" She yelled back. Jackson just glared at her. "Go out and fucking find a husband, maybe he will help us out. Oh wait. Your scared of the outside world. Never mind your royal highness." Jackson ran out of the room and locked himself in his room. He slid down the door and melted into tears. 'You did the right thing' He told himself. 'Just 2 more weeks until I turn 17 and I can legally do what I want." "I might be able to help you right now if you like?" a soft voice called out from the open window.....

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