Chapter 6

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Anna... Dreadful Anna Jacobson. You see ever since grade 5 Anna and her group of wannabe's have been my bullies. But it wasn't always like this.. Me and Anna used to be best friends. Until fifth grade when we found out that the cutest guy of our grade, Luke Shaffer had a crush on me. Of course I had a hugeeeee crush on him too so when he asked me to be his girlfriend I no doubt said yes. But Anna had a crush on Luke to, and from then on out she hated me and made my life a living hell!!!

I was once again pulled out of my thoughts by Louis nudging me under the table. " What?" I asked. " It's your turn to order love" he said with a smile. "Oh yeah.. Umm I'll have the ermm chicken salad." I said without giving Anna eye contact. She walked away with a little snotty smirk on her face. " Everything Okay doll face?" Zayn asked. "Yeah everything is fine!" I said with a what I thought was a reassuring smile but the boys didn't buy it. "No it's not what's wrong love?" Liam pressed. "I'd rather not tell you guys here.." I said quietly. "okay later than!" Harry said with a little smile. I smiled back.

****After eating back in tour bus****

"Catie what was wrong back there?" Louis asked once we got on the bus.  

"It's just that.... Well ever since grade school Anna, the waitress has been bullying me and I though that after graduation I wouldn't ever see her again.. I guess I Was wrong" I explained.  

"Is she the reason why you...." I cut him off before he could finish "Yes she is. But not that not now please Lou" I whispered. "Oh alright" he gave a slight smile and I lightly kissed his cheek.

Louis's P.O.V

She kissed my cheek! Catie just kissed my cheek!! Oh god Louis stop you sound like a little fangirl!! I mentally yelled at myself. But instead of freaking out on the outside I just smiled as Liam started rambling on about something.  

".... And then we will go to...... Then tomorrow is our first day off in a while so we can..... Louis William Tomlinson are you even listening to a word I'm saying?!?!?" He said and I snapped out of my thoughts.  

"What? Oh yeah totally Li!" I said with a wink.  

"Uuurrrrrggghhhhh Louis!!" He said getting angry, I just laughed and the boys and Catie followed suit. "Fine let me repeat myself..."  

"Oh yes please continue!" I said giving a fake yawn.  

"Lou be nice to poor Li!" Catie fake punched my arm. God she's adorable when she does that!!  

"Alright alright anything for you love" I said with a wink while fake rubbing where she punched me as If it hurt.  

"Good" She smiled and looked at Liam "Continue please"  

" So as I was saying we will be going back to the hotel and then tomorrow is out first break in a while and it will be for about two months but then we should start rehearsing again and getting back to work.  

Catie's P.O.V

I liked being with the boys. They are just so much fun and I'm really starting to adapt some feelings for them. Harry and Louis the most, but I can't afford to be the person that tears apart Larry Stylinson, And I won't be!!

**** about half an hour later in the hotel****

Once we got to the hotel well it was more of a mansion, Louis Helped me carry my bags inside and we all went and put our bags in our rooms then came and sat down in the TV room. I sat by Niall, Zayn and Liam sat together both on their phones probably Texting Perrie and Dani, and Harry and Louis sat together Louis was laying with his feet on Harry's lap and him and Harry were both on twitter on their phones. Me and Niall decided to pick out a movie to watch and we both decided on Finding Nemo. As I put the movie into the DVD player I went and sat back down with Niall he put his arm around me and I snuggled into his side. He was very protective like an older brother to me and we just met a couple of hours ago. We sat there watching Finding Nemo and once it was over Niall, Zayn, Liam and Harry had already fallen asleep. I stood up and went to get a drink of water and Louis followed me in.  

"Good choice in a movie there Cat" He smirked 

"Oh thanks there Boobear" I laughed and sat down in a chair at the table.  

"No problem Love" He laughed a little, I just yawned and smiled at him.  

"You tired?" he asked I nodded and started to walk out of the room but Louis walked up behind me and grabbed me up bridal style. "Louis what are you doing!?" I said in surprise.  

"Taking you to bed what the hell does it look like I'm doing?" He replied and I just laughed and laid my head on his chest. He gently set me down on my bed once we got to my room and Put me under the covers. He started to walk out of the room "Lou stay with me" I mumbled. "You sure?" He asked I nodded and he crawled into the bed with me and I rested my head on his chest once again. "Sing to me?" I questioned. "Sure love" and he started singing little things softly in my ear as I fell asleep. I felt so comfortable when he was around so safe, So protected. Like I was in love with him. But I'm not? Okay let's just face it I am.

I'm in love with Louis William Tomlinson.

I love you.. and all your Little Things(Louis Tomlinson fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now