Chapter 13

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Louis' POV

"I wonder where Haz and Cat went" I thought.

"Oh they went to walk around! They should be back though..." Perrie said looking at me with a slight smile. Oops I guess I said that outloud.

"Oh alright.. I think I'll go see where they are at!" I said standing up from my seat next to Eleanor and walked away before they could stop me.

I started walking in the direction I believed that the went in, I walked past Claire's and then I saw two people sitting by the waterfall and I realized when I walked a little closer that it was Harry and Catie. I almost walked over to them when I saw Harry handing a little box to Catie and my breath hitched in my throat. She opened the box and pulled out a little heart shaped locket.

"This is beaut...." She began.

"No shhh you haven't seen it all! Flip it over." He commands and Catie did as she was told. I saw her flip the Locket over and I heard her gasp. I look over to Harry and he is smiling the biggest, smile EVER. I swear his dimples were popping out. I look back at Catie and she is smiling just as wide as he is and watched in pain as she pulled his face towards hers. I looked away when their lips locked and they started kissing passionately, when they pull away Harry starts blushing. Yes, The Harry Styles Blushes, crazy I know.

"I love you Catie" Harry whispers still blushing.

"I love you too Harry!!" I see Catie smile back and I feel anger running through my body as Catie pulls him into a kiss yet again after he puts the locket around her neck. I decide this is my time to step in and I slowly walk closer to them.

"Ehhcheemmm..." I clear my throat and they jump and look at me.

"Oh Hey Lou!" Harry says giving me a smile and i send a glare back at him.

"We are leaving soon." I say and turn around and start walking back to the others when I feel a small hand lightly toouch my arm.

"Louis whats wrong?" I hear Catie ask but I shrug out of her grip and walk towards the others and straight up to Eleanor and sit on her lap after giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Boobear"

"Hey EllyPoo" I smiled and gave Eleanor a peck on the lips. She smiled when I pulled away and started messing with my hair.

"There are the two love birds!!" Niall exclaimed and went and jumped on Harry while Perrie and Danielle went and saw Catie. Niall and Harry walked over to the rest of us and Liam and Zayn started striking up a conversation with the other two lads but I just looked away and kinda got lost in thought but that was soon broken by the squealing of Perrie and Dani.


"I KNOW RIGHT?!" I heard Catie's laughter ring through my ears as she responded to the other girls. Perrie and Danielle cracked up then they all turned around and skipped towards us their arms linked with their boyfriends arms. I was fine seeing Dani and Liam and Perrie and Zayn since I've seen them act all lovey dovey but seeing Harry with Catie really pissed me off.

I felt a slight nudge on my side and saw Eleanor giving me a worried look. I sent her a reassuring smile and grabbed hold of her hand entwining our fingers. She looked up at me shocked and leaned towards my ear. The feeling of her hot breathe hitting my neck sending sweet sensations down my spine.

"So are we a thing?" She whisper/asked.

"I guess so" I sent her a wink and she giggled and leaned on my shoulder as we caught up with the others as started walking towards the girls' cars to drop them off. Zayn walked Perrie to her car and gave her a hug and kiss bye, Liam did the same with Dani, and I walked Eleanor to her car and gave her a light kiss on the lips then gave her a hug and kissed the spot right under her ear and pulled away. "I'll talk to you later babe" I said and winked at her before walking away.

When I got back to our car all the boys and Catie were leaning on the car since I had the keys. Niall was sitting on the ground leaning on Liam who was leaning on the car engulfed in a conversation with Zayn, while Catie was sitting on the hood of the car and Harry was standing in between her legs and holding onto her waist. Seeing them like that killed me and I wish there was something I could do. Then it hit me-Make Catie Jealous-Yeah that's what Il do!! I'll make her jealous! Sure Eleanor was beautiful, and smart, and all that stuff but I want Catie, and Eleanor is a great catch but for someone else.

Day one of making Catie jealous starts tomorrow!

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