College time. Go Go :-)(chapter2)

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I just toss around in that little space yuhana's given me. She's occupied half of the bed. I squint my eyes to check the time my phone keeps buzzing with an alarm. Oh crap its 8.30 already. I get up as fast as possible and get ready. I run around the living room like a maniac looking for my things. Mom's just got up, realising my misery she, makes breakfast I eat and leave immediately in my college van.
As soon as I get into the van, Huma greets me. Huma my friend ok my lovesick buddy. Who has just found the real love of her life. Let me tell you she's got this feeling for about ten times. But this time she says its really really real like all the other times. As much as mad she is, she is a really good person at heart. A person you can easily get along with. Atleast she is honest about the way she is. I still remember being the most socially awkward person in class and she was the first one to approach me. Being an MBA student,  social akwardness is a big No No. So I'm better now. I tend to get along these days. 
Huma jumps and hugs "hey buddy"
"hi, whats'up? "
"you know what? " she tells me excitedly
"No only if u will tell me, I'll know"
"fawaz said I am cute"
"oh, what did you say? "
"you know I just thought about what you said I should'nt be wasting my time thinking about this so much. So i decided not to reply"
"what, you really did that?"
"yeah". She nods awkwardly
"oh that's really good. Finally you listened to something I said. And to remind you once again, we are not in a fairy tale. So it is sensible to not kiss 100 frogs before you find your man. Its way too cheesy you know. You better wait, and the right frog will come hopping down your feet! "
"oh but what if i get scared of the frog and run away?"
"good question, aaaan i guess when you know its the right frog, and if fate is written in that way then you might end up finding the frog at your place". I say stupidly.
"oh good point"
"did you talk to rabiya? " i ask
Rabiya Aidah another best friend of mine. She was a rich spoilt brat. But people misunderstood her to be arrogant. All i know she is just a little confident and helpful. Her arrogance isn't something to be judged her with.
"yeah I texted her,  she told me she wont be coming today.  She has fever"
"oh I hope she gets better by next week before exams"
I sigh and look around the view. We get down after a few minutes and go to our class.
This particular class is really bugging. The teacher is really annoying. She only wants to make us write test. I mean which college does that. ? All my other teachers are more practical and logical apart from her. So i decide something. I message some of my friend to bunk the class. Surprisingly we leave the campus and go to mc'donalds near our campus.  We eat and chit chat all
the girly gossip. I for a while think about what would happen with the marriage thing. What if they dont like the idea i suggested?  All thoughts are placed into the back of my mind when i see Rabiya coming in with a guy. She's grinning so hard and coming our way.
I mutter "fever"
she replies "guys this is the fever I was talkin about"
The guy smiles and tell her something and leaves the place.
Rabiya knew that none of the girls would enjoy the company of another guy.
"you better have good explanations" huma claims.
"yeah yeah you need to fill in every little detail" I say.
"ok ok madam. I will" lets go to college. 
We leave back to college to attend one last class where we are kinda late. So the teacher punishes us to stand out. Not that i consider it a punishment but currently my head is bursting.
so we stand there and start talking,  while Rabiya tells us her story about how she met the guy. And how good he is and all. He seems to be pretty impressive with the way rabiya mentions about him. Not to forget the blush out of her cheek when she mentions his name, Ridhan it is. I momemtarily forget about everything and go into my dreamland.
"you heard it? "
I snap out of my trance and tell her that i did. She is blushing all the time, god even i want someone special but I am ready to wait.

As we get our bags and leave the class. I am having this weird euphoria in me all of a sudden. We wait outside for our van. As we wait outside I notice a bike pulled up infront of our gate. Obviously if there's a bike there has to be a guy. The guy he is so good looking, perfectly tall,  disheveled hair because of the helmet,  shady sunglasses and leans in his bike. His eyes are focussed on his phone.His bike looks as one of those latest models. He looks so ravishingly beautiful. Ok I know that's not the right word to describe the guy. But.  He seems to be waiting for someone. Immediately a girl comes around. She smiles at him, he smiles back and they both leave. Just like that my mouth hungs open. Huma realising my situation says better luck next time. Urghhh... Why?  he looked so charmingly perfect. All through the ride I think about the guy and the way he did things, he was so gorgeous and mysterioys in a way. I try to get it off my mind because its just a somebody I m never going to see again.

Home finally! 
I go and pray asar prayer. Then i just do random things. Like irritating my sister. Texting, talking to my mom, and surfing the inernet. I was currently downloading pretty little liars episode. Mahn this serial sucks really and i still have the impatience to see it. From the past 6 seasons these girls are trying to find out who  'A' is but all of the male protagnist are in some way over the criteria of being 'A'. Whatever it is. Better are hindi serials. As soon as I think about it I go and sit down to watch something. I tune into "best of luck nikki". After isha prayer and dinner. I sleep off thinking about the guy i saw today. Will i see him again tomorrow? Who was the girl? What was he doing there?. All sorts of question run through me as I lay on my bed. I sleep off so that tomorrow could bring better answers than I have.

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