The next thing right away (chapter3)

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I get up lazily in the morning thinking about the guy I saw yesterday. Like really my brain cells always seem to surprise me. He is just some stranger guy, I try to be reasonable with myself. But that does not stop me from thinking about the mysterious guy. After a while I leave my bed, take a shower. I dont hurry up because thank god Its a study holiday from today onward. Next monday my second semester starts. I have my breakfast and sit around lazily reading the newspaper. Yuhana still seems to be studying and I dont think disturbing her is a good idea. So i keep doing all the unwanted stuff i usually do. Cut pictures and stick them. Google about the best sites to be visited in the world and all my fantasy dreaming starts rejuvenating by the sight of my imagination.
Yeah that's all I could do IMAGINE. I wanted this 7 letter word to magically change into another 7 letter word REALITY.
keep dreaming Aanisha. This is just not gonna happen in your life.

SATURDAY. Its been 4 days now. And i hardly took my books to see what I was supposed to write during my exam. Actually from friday i couldn't concentrate because the people who came to see me last sunday are coming again today. I was very nervous about the fact on what they would tell about my condition to study. Its not like I asked for Taj Mahal or something. I'm just asking for time, and time from my own life. As i get ready today to meet the elders from that family. My hands are constantly shivering with nervousness, and my mother had the nerve to ask why? Like really? Hasn't she been in a similar situation. I shrug it off. Because I have a much important thing to think about than this.
As soon as they enter, my mom is overwelcoming,cheerful,joyous and every kind of extravagant word i could use but my mind isn't working right now. After a while, mom takes me to the living room. Dont ask me what happened. There was an extra member this time, ofcourse she is the elder, all wise grandmother. She looked at me with a smile, like she enjoyed my pathetic situation. Then mom took me back in after a while.
These elders, meaning my parents and them were having a discussion about all the things. And suddenly my father plopped the question
"I actually wanted to ask you something" he told his friend.
Then he told him about the whole completing study situation I had. Uncle seemed to be in a lost thought. Then he looked over to his elderly mother(grand mom of the going to be groom).
She seemed a bit tense for a while, then she said.
"We dont mind that, but there is a reason we want our grandson to get married early. So we would want to have a little discussion about it in our family and then let you know. "
My dad says "ok" and afer few minutes they leave.

My mom seems to be lost.
Mom and dad are sitting in the living room and as I enter I ask dad what had had happened. I coudn't tell him that I was peeking out of the door.
So he tells me everything.
Mom suddenly tells "what if they are not okay with the idea and look for somebody else". ?
"Then its their loss, I dont want to compromise on my daughter's education in any way whatsoever and I feel they wont let this slip away. Trust me I know my friend that's why I am telling this. Stop thinking about it so much" papa says out of the blue.

And for a moment his words calm my mother and myself. I dont know why, but it did. Then i slip these things out of my mind. I have an exam on monday. I start to get irritated thinking about it. I hate having to learn like i could do things practically rather than sitting and writing for 3 hours about some chunks that i learnt.

I'm currently sitting in my room and texting. You know that's a kind of way to study. Like you have your book and your phone in your hand. That's called multi tasking. But the outcome of it depends upon the persons ability to do so. I m texting both rabiya and huma, telling them about the situation i was a while ago. They suggested me stupid things to get rid of the marriage. You know its when these times your friends make you laugh with these stupid illogical ideas that would never work, that you feel the warmth and need of a friendship. Then rabiya texts me about her break up with ridhaan. So fast? It was actually because he thought that it would be best to be together in a halaal way otherwise Allah might never make their relationship work. Good boy isn't it? Yeah good thought.

I go into yuhana 's room and dig her stuff. She keeps hiding these choclates in her drawers. She suddenly jerks up from her bed. And yells at me. I try to contemplate with her that i was only looking for choclates but she gets more angry. Ther has to be only 2 reason. 1.She's totally exhausted and gone mad out of studying so much, 2.she must be hiding something. Both the reason look convincing enough. I go back to my room.

Then I realise that even I would have done the same thing if i were in her place.

The next day goes around same, and its a sunday. There is this thing about sunday that i hate it and sometimes i like it. Ok whatever it is. I spend my day studying for tomorrow's exam. I text rabiya and huma. And that's all i do for today.As much as I try to get rid of every sneaky thought in my head to be able to concentrate on my studies. It just doesn't go. I go back to bed. Learning enough of the things i had to. And the rest of the things maybe i could do it in the morning. I keep an alarm for 5. And sleep. That's the thimg about studying you get sleep like randomly. And when you try too hard to sleep not one bit of that drowsiness comes your way.

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