Preparations and nervousness

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Its been a week since I met Ammar that day on the coffee shop. Since then I am not quite myself, I say this coz i can feel it myself topping it with people telling me. By people i mean huma and rabiya. They say they see that change in me,  of a lovesick puppy. Seriously, they should have atleast made the effort of coining me a better name. At the end of the day,  they are my friends. The thing they told which keeps, buzzing my brain all the time is that I have become way too positive for their liking. Liking,  which reminds, me of Ammar you might be wondering why.
         These days, all I do is text Ammar or my friends and just  do all the beauty stuff. Like i take care of my skin, of my hair much better than I used to. Which shocks me myself.
     since that day its become impossible to not think about Ammar in every minute and every second of my life. If that's possible?
  he keeps sending me these cute messages. I being the girl I am fall for it. We exchanged our skype accounts now so its like the whole day its texting and at night video chat. He is so busy all the time yet he finds time to talk to me. Sometimes he becomes annoying though when he teases me. But then that's acceptable from his behaviour. He tells me how he wants to go to Paris for our honeymoon, I blush. And god knows how he knows that i blush,  Maybe too much of skype sessions has caused this,  because he replies
"I bet,  your cheeks will be red by now"
"I did not blush"
"Who said you blushed, I was talking about the cold you seem to have. But, Are you implying the fact that you just blushed Miss.Aanisha? ?"
"Arghhh, I hate you "
"I know you don't ;)"
"I do, I hate you so much"
"prove it ;) "
And my methods of proving my fake hatred was silence. I'm not going to reply I decide. He needs to be tortured for a while.

"are you busy"?
Arghhh Boys, can they ever understand? Why are they so blisfully ignorant on things they should know. Well, they seem to know most of the things so why not understand what I Am trying to do.
"where are you? "
" Oh so you are trying to prove your point"
"keep trying coz I know its not gonna work"

Damn it,  I did not think she's going to ignore me so much. I hate it,  I can't stand being ignored.
What do I do.?
She's ignoring my skype calls too. I call her about 5 times. Giving up later. She's one stubborn head. I wont be able to see her today. I mentally pout. Its 12 in the night,  usually at this point our conversation starts. Yeah I start, and she gives one word replies. But When she texts, she texts without missing any details but on skype she goes haywire with what she should say and not. She's more comfortable with texting and me skyping. But hey,  I like skyping, coz I want to see her everyday,  And as you already would know  it was my idea, after a lot of insistence she agreed. I screenshot every expression of her face, her smile,  her blush, her annoyed look, her poker face,  her frown, her hyperventilation, how she bites her nails, how she pulls back her duppatta. Creepy isn't it. But i just don't want to forget any expression,  they are all so cute. My laptop's screen saver is her blush face. I love it so much that i couldn't resist but keep it.
    Now i miss her. Its been hours since she's replied.  It all happened in the afternoon,  i thought she will forget by now. But her stubborness seems to be in a different level. I think of ways to gain her attention, but I know she's smart enough to not fall for it.
   I don't get sleep. So I decide to pass my time by reading the old text messages. She's so obsessed with smileys, i wonder looking at the messages. One of the days, I am in the office with some important comitee meeting. My phone kept buzzing with her text messages. I did not even concentrate on what the presenter had to say. I asked him to email me the presentation. Then when i take out my phone to see what she had to say i had 125 messages. All of it being smileys. Animal smileys, anything and everything.  I laugh thinking of it,  she seemed to do it when she couldn't wait.
    I ask her what happened, she tells me something about her dress and her friends. And then she would say "sorry for bugging you". Then she won't reply to my messages for a long time, feeling guilty. Not that i complained, but she was someone who would herself ask question and answer herself. She won't let the person speak more, this only happened when she texted.
On skype she is extremely shy, that makes me want to pinch her cheeks. I was slowly tryimg to understand her, in a way no one ever could.
I roll around the bed,  sending her a message
*good night, though I am having trouble with sleep here ;)"
I then fall off and sleep thinking,  tommorow i will do something, something to make her talk. Hah. !!!

I get up in the morning,  and go pray fajr salat. After jogging a bit, when i come back.  There is this hustle and bustle at home,  with the dresses and jewelleries, ahh women, I mentally roll my eye.
   Then I realize that today Aanisha might be going with them for the measurement stuff for her dresses to the tailor. And also to the mall for getting dresses, my mom wanted to get dresses of her choice so she insisted to Aanisha's that she would take her shopping. Realising the chance I have got today, I immediately get dressed up and leave for office. Its 12 in the noon now, those people were to leave by 1.  so i decide to go to a store. And get all things done. Its 1 o clock now, I am in the office again doing some last minute preparations, I call ayni and again make her do things. She warns me that this is the last time she'l be helping me, i obviously ignore.  Immediately i leave to go to the mall. These malls i tell, I hate em. No matter how much i try avoid going here, i end up here.

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