What in the hell is wrong with that head of yours?

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As soon as I leave office,  I check my phone for the time, 1:38pm it says. I drive a little hastily and reach the place. I message Ayni to bring Aanisha whenever she gets the chance.
     Currently, I am standing in the fourth floor terrace of the complex. Apart from me the only people here is a half sleeping watchman and a couple behind the door.
Who are doing god knows what. Okay lets not be judgmental, they just seem to be talking. I Tell Ayni to leave Aanisha here and go. I have this feeling in my gut which tells me she wont leave. So I stand there, my spot fixed. I always loved challenges. I hear the sounds of laughter, I realise it must be ayni and her definately. So I see ayni and her come up to me, and ayni backs away immediately leaving the two of us alone.
Aanisha turns away, and i immediately climb towards the tank top into the half wall.
"Ok,  so you hate me right?  i yell
She turns again to give me a smirk, which turns into pure shock.
"What in the hell is wrong with you "
I Am currently standing near the edge of the tank top beneath which I can see people standing. They all look so miniature. My focus is on her though, her reaction matters the most.
"Talking are we? "
She is in so much of a horrified state she doesn't reply.
"Get down,  you idiot" she says suddenly
"Ok so I am the idiot now, well this idiot wants to know if you are talking or not"
I act like as though I might slip.
" you fool, get down right now or I am not talking to you for the rest of our lives."
"Is that possible,  what if i fall?"
Okay.  I know I am going over board. But its not everyday to see her this annoyed face front. And to be honest I like to test people of their limits. And moreover even if I fall back down, there's a wall projecting i will eventually land on that and not on the ground. But she doesn't need to know that. Its good she cannot see.
"Ammar,  if you don't come down, you see what i do "
"what will you do. I am just about to say this when i see her shivering and climbing the ladder like she's scared. Scared of what? Of me?  or for me?  its now that i decide that i shouldn't let her come up. Coz one
i) she will find out the safety wall
ii) I don't want her struggling so much
So i say
" okay okay, chill I am coming down". She climbs down the ladders followed by me immediately. I thought this was the only way to get her to talk, but then the looks of her face tells me her breathe being knocked out of her lungs.
As soon as  I come down, she hits me on the shoulders. Its not the first time though I mentally think. Though it feels like just a tap on the shoulders. I didn't realise she'd react so much.
"Are you stupid or mental. Chose one ? "
"Both, if that makes you happy" i reply realising chosing one of the adverbs would be dangerous now
We both stare at each other silently, she sighs giving up the stare.
"were you loaded by truck in childhood?"
"No not all, I think I fell from the stairs" I say with a straight face
"seriously, are we having this conversation"
" okay okay, sorry that was stupid I know, but I just wanted you to talk to me."
"I was going to eventually talk to you "
"Oh, but how was i supposed to know that. You ignored me so much"
" Can we just sit somewhere please?  "
I nod towards the direction of the lift.
"Lets go down to the basement to my car"
We walk towards the lift and go to my car and sit inside. I am surprised she agreed.
"So... Your not mad at me, right?
She shakes her head in response telling
"Though i'd really like to know if your head is stable or not"
I laugh..
" Can I ask you something? "
"Why were you ao scared, while climbing?
"Ahh so you caught me, I am acrophobic, i have this immense fear of height and I don't really like when someone stands at an awkard distance near death"
"I am sorry,  I din know that"
"Its okay"
"which reminds me that there's a lot i don't know about you or you about me, right? "
She nods her head, giving me a quizzcal look
"hey, i gotta go now,  Everyone might probably be wondering where we went"
"we?  "
"Me and Ayni ofcourse, duffer"
Her voice is so sweet, that even the word duffer sounds melodius to my ears. Does she know how much affect she has on me?
"okay got go,  Allahafiz." As soon as she gets out, I realise about the gift i bought her.
"hey wait "
"what is it?"
"i got something for you "
"really??" she gives me that heart-aching smile.
I take out the gift from the backseat and give it to her.
"I hope you like it"
"Ofcourse i will, thankyou.  I will have to go now. "
She takes my hand and presses it tightly, while thanking and leaves. I am so consumed in the touch and surprise of her bravery that i realise she's already left. I take my hand and kiss it. Like its the most precious thing in the world, not until now.
  All the while I was driving, I look at, my hand with a constant smile. I couldn't help. I drive back to office. Its 3:30 now so i go eat lunch.

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