Chapter Five

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You know, it's strange you didn't let your friend come with us.

I sighed and and turned down a side street.

"I sent him along with Bram and Colette so we could talk like actual people." I looked over just as Mike materialized out of thin air to sit in the passenger seat.

"I'm just saying. Plus he sort of gives me the creeps and I wanted to be able to keep an I eye on him."

"Who? Cameron? He wouldn't hurt my brother. He's my most trusted advisor." Cameron had come over just as we were leaving. When I told him what we were doing he insisted that he come too so I sent him with Bram.

"Most trusted advisor or not, he's weird." Mike looked over at me, his frame flickering in and out of focus.

"Oh shut it or I'll open a window and watch you go flying out." Mike's laugh filled my head. "Besides, we need as many people searching as possible."

"I agree. I just find it strange." The sun had just dipped below the horizon the moment they headed out.

"Where do you think she is?"

"Lina? Probably getting herself into massive trouble like always." He snorted a laugh but I could hear the worry in his voice

"That's what worries me." The road was pitch black, only illuminated by the headlights on my car. "I just wish I knew where she was. That girl drives me up a wall sometimes." Mike chucked and nodded.

"Me too. But you can't help but love her." It was my turn to nod.

"I know." It was strange to talk about Rozalina like this. Mike and I both love her, there is no denying that, but I think we can put aside our differences. For now. "I'm sorry you died." I cleared my throat and clutched the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry what was that?" He put a hand to his ear and leaned closer.

"You heard me asshole." I mumbled. Mike laughed and threw himself back against the seat.

"Yeah I did but I wanted to hear you say it again." I glared at him but a smile spread across my face.

"You're not that bad you know. Except for the fact that you took Roze away from me."

"I think you win in this situation." Mike looked at me soberly. "I'm dead. She can't have a relationship with a ghost."

"I wouldn't be so sure." I sighed. "She hates me." Mike laughed softly.

"You're so naïve Alexander." Turned to him for a second before sliding my eyes back to the road.

"What do you mean?"

"I've seen the way she looks at you, like you're the only star in the night sky. She never looked at me like that, not the way she looked at you." Mike chuckled softly. "I guess I always knew that if it came down to a choice she'd pick you."

"I don't think tha-" He interrupted me.

"You're wrong." From the corner of my eye I saw him looking at me, a glimmer of defence sparked in him. "She may say she hates you but it's a front. Lina loves you." If I were alive blood would be rushing to my face, coloring my cheeks pink.

"She loved you too. In her own way I suppose." We sat in silence the rest of the way. I tracked her scent as far as I could before the sun started to make an appearance. Pulling up to a motel I rented a room and pulled the curtains shut. It was a long time before I finally fell asleep.

Rozalina's P.O.V.

Blood flowed freely from my nose as I stated up at Vivian. A smirk was spread across her lips, which were colored a deep purple.

"I'm going to break that pretty little face of yours so that when they find your body no one will be able to recognize you." She crouched down in front of me, flashing her fangs.

"Do it bitch." Vivian smacked my face. The sound of my jaw cracking rung out through the room. I tasted the sticky copper liquid fill my mouth. The devil woman paced in front of me, her heels clicking.

"That's not a very nice word now is Rozalina? I really think you should be nice to me." I lifted a hand and motioned her forward. When Vivian was close enough I spit the blood that had pooled in my mouth right into that smug face of hers. "You whore!" Grabbing my head in both of her hands she lifted her leg and hit me square in the face with her knee. I gasped and clutched my face, the chains shackled to me rattling. "You need to learn your place you filthy human." Vivian spat the last word out like it was venom. I could feel my left eye swelling, shutting itself.

"Me? Filthy?" I gasped, my voice coming out strangled and broken. "You're the one that slithers around through the dark, sinking your teeth into every helpless soul you pass." That was it. Before I could register her right arm shot out and her manicured hand wrapped around my throat. She was snarling, clutching my neck harder. I sceathed at her hand, gasping as my lungs fought for air.

"You worthless," she slammed my head into the cold, hard stone. "Lowlife," my skull made a sickening sound as it hit the floor again. "Waste of space." My head hit the stone three more time. I was dizzy, fighting to stay awake. Vivian stopped, bringing my face close to hers. "You crossed the wrong vampire." As I was tossed around like a rag doll my consciousness was slowly fading. I looked over, reaching for that familiar red hair, pleading with my good eye. Help... Me... Garth stood in the corner, observing. His face was passive. neutral but I could see in his eyes the pain he felt watching me. Please. That was the last thing I thought before I finally succumbed to the pain and let my vision go black.

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