Chapter Nine

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I know something you don't know. A single-song voice filled my ears. I willed it to go away. I know something you don't know! It was louder now. No more singing, only yelling. Open your eyes coward! My heavy lids lifted. She was staring at me with eyes like my own, her hair was a light shade of blonde. I'm you Lina. The girl smiled, it was pure evil. Let's play a game. I swallowed slowly and tried to foucus on her. Let's play: who is the craziest girl in this cell? I'll give you a hint. It's you. She began to laugh, a horrible sound that bounced off the walls and back into my head.

The girl, me, disappeared. I was alone again. I never knew what was real and what wasn't anymore. My thoughts swirled around my mind, thinning and wasting away. Sometimes they got twisted around, images flashed in my mind. The faces were distorted, blue eyes, then brown. Black hair, brown hair, red hair. Voices slithered through my mind. Pain was dull, I didn't feel much of anything anymore.

"Hey." I whispered. The girl was back. Her eyes, my eyes, we're gone. "What's my name?" That's another thing, I couldn't remember anything anymore. She smiled and crawled to me slowly.

You mean you don't remember? I said it a moment ago. I couldn't think back that far. Our name is Rozalina Malkovich. We are eighteen, maybe nineteen I don't remember. We are trapped in a cell - more like a dungeon by Vivian, Alexander's crazy ex. Alexander is the vampire you loved for a second I think. The information was gone before she even finished speaking.
"Thank you." I closed my eyes again. We're so tired Lina. So, so tired. We need to sleep. I nodded and did what she told me to.

Vivian's P.O.V.

"She's playing right into my hands." I smiled.

What do you mean? It asked.

"It's started. She's losing her mind." Leaning forward I watched as she talked to herself. Rozalina was curled up on the stone floor. Her body looked as if you hit her wrong she'll shatter.

Why do we waaaaaant her toooooo losssssssse her mind?

"Because then I can use her."

Usssssse her? I thought we were going toooooo eat her.

"We were going to but I've changed my mind. I don't want her dead. I want her compliant." The creature at my side hissed in dismay.

I'm hungryyyyyyy.

"I know." I patted it's head, calming it down. "I'll get you something. I promise."

Whyyyyyyy do you want her coooooompliant?

"Because Alexander is coming for her." I turned to my window. The stars were dull, the moon just a sliver in the sky. "And when he gets here all he'll find is a girl who has lost her mind and doesn't remember him."

Thaaaaaat will hurt him, nooooooo?

"It will. I'm over him, dear. All I want is to see the pain on that pretty little face of his." I scratched my nails down my desk, leaving marks in the wood. "He'll pay. I'll rip his heart out before I let him leave with her."

Alexander's P.O.V.

Has anyone ever told you that you rush into things too quickly?

"Once or twice yeah, its usually Cameron telling me that too."

Well he's not here because you didn't wait for the others so I'll say it. He cleared his throat. You rush into things too quickly!

"Don't care." I trudged up a grassy hill.

Of course you don't! No you're Alexander, the greatest vampire warrior this side of the crazy coin! A smile tugged at my lips.

"You trying to distract me Mike?"

Me? Never. Shaking my head I stopped. The air was thick, scents wafted up from the moor. Can you... -oh god this is embarrassing- can you smell her?

"That's what I'm trying to do." My brows drew together in confusion. "How was that question embarrassing?"

Because I asked if you could pick out the scent of the girl I loved.

"That's not weird Mike. That's called being concerned." I turned to catch a different wind direction.

Still, super creepy.

"You're super creepy Ghost Boy." I mumbled.

Hey, I may be dead but so are you so fight me.

"I don't need to fight you to know I'm better than you." Suddenly something caught my attention. It was the smell of roses and cookies. Rozalina always had the strangest smell, it wasn't unpleasant, just strange.

You've got her.

"Indeed I do." I took off, running as fast as I could, cutting through the Romanian forests. Rozalina's scent curled around me, wrapping me in a sort of blanket.

Good boy! Fetch!

"Mike I swear to whoever you believe in I will rip your eyes from their sockets of you keep playing like that."

Calm down, I'm only playing.

Suddenly the scent was gone. "I lost her."

How could you lose her?

"Because you would not shut that big mouth of yours I swear you've become more irritating in death."

You know it doll. I rolled my eyes and started retracing my steps. You know this is weird for me too right? I'm being pulled along by a string that's attached to you, if that's not weird then I don't know what is.

"I know. It is weird but we have to make this work."

I think we're fine the way we are now. It works for us.

"You're right."

Now, let's go get my girl.

"My girl." Mike chuckled.

"Whatever helps you sleep during the day."

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