Chapter Twenty

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I stared down at Vivian, a woman I used to envy, then despised. Now I feel nothing for this pathetic excuse for a higher being. I stepped inside the church, my black boots clicked on the floor. I smirked down at this creature as she stared up at me with disbelief in her eyes. Slowly she stood, leaving Alexander gaping at me on the ground. Power radiated from me as I walked slowly forward, my hips swaying from side to side. My past was forgotten. I was no longer a weak human left to the mercy of those around me. No. I was Rozalina Malkovich, the girl who fought for her friends. The girl who had to lose the things she loved most to understand what it was to truly live. And so here I was. Living. The vampire venom continuously coursed through my veins, keeping my heart beating.

I knew I wasn't a vampire. I was more powerful. The toe of my boot stopped inches from Vivian's own feet. The smile that I gave her was that of a cat, or rather a leopard, about to go in for the kill. The vampire across from me was shrinking ever so slightly away from me.

"What's wrong, Vivian?" I purred, much like she used to. "Not used to being the one wanting to tuck tail and run." I placed one clawed hand on my hip. No longer was I scrawny, simply straight lines and pale features. Now my figure was full, full and powerful. "Dont worry Viv. If I was you I would be scared too," I pulled my lips back to reveal rows of now perfectly white and straight teeth. Slowly they transformed into something more animal. More dangerous. Vivian took a step back as every single one of my teeth transformed into a razor sharp fang. "Because I'm about to rip you to shreds."

Alexander's P.O.V.

I watched as the woman I loved turned into a ferocious beast, ready to tear her opponent apart. No longer was Rozalina small and fragile, her body finally matched her spirit. She was simply incredible.

While Vivian looked vulgar and dirty in her skin tight attire Rozalina radiated raw and primal power. When her animalistic eyes flicked toward me something deep inside called me to her. It roared that I was to stand with her, not as someone better than her, but her equal. I vowed then and there that if we both made it out alive I would forever be by her side, if she would have me of course.

The growl that escaped Rozalina's lips was purely animal and it ignited a fire deep within me. I stood and took my place beside my queen though I trailed a little behind her. Vivian looked between Rozalina and I. She had no where to run and she knew it. The woman in front of me took a menacing step forward, causing Vivian to take a cowardly step back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ashley smirked from behind Vivian.

"You didn't really think we would let you get away after all of this chasing." Stella stepped forward. She has always reminded of a panther, especially now with that hungry glint in her eyes and her fangs shining in the moonlight.

"After all of this hunting." Freya stood next to her wife. They were both a force to be reckon with. I hoped I might finally have that for the eternity that is my life.

"And now we have you right where we want you." My brother hissed, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. He looked positively predator. "A mouse caught in a trap." He clicked his tongue and smiled a menacing sort of smile. "It was too easy really."

Vivian looked around wildly, as if she was frantically looking for a way to escape. I spoke up from behind Rozalina.

"You were never fit to rule, Vivian. You've always been a coward." I spat. "You were always insecure. Insecure in your position, in your social standing. Insecure in my feelings for you which I suppose pushed me away from you." I took a step forward, closer to Rozalina. I could smell her all around me, embracing me, pushing me, giving me strength. "And now I have found someone to be my true equal, perhaps even better than me."

"Oh definitely better." Rozalina mused. I could hear the smile in her words, feel the warmth radiating from her body. Despite the situation I smiled too.

"Yes, definitely better." I narrowed my eyes at Vivian, becoming serious once more. "You manipulated, lied, cheated. You instilled false power into yourself and that will be your downfall. Because deep down you're a scared little girl, wanting to be loved, wanting to be important." A single tear rolled down her cheek. "That comes to an end tonight." The false queen fell to her knees, finally crumbling. Tears came faster as she looked up, not at me, but at Rozalina.

"I pity you Vivian." Rozalina spoke softly as she stepped closer to the other woman's crumpled figure. "All you wanted was to belong but you went about gaining your place in all the wrong ways. You claimed your crimes were fueled out of love and want for Alexander but that's not entirely true, he's not that great of a prize." My friends laughed, breaking the tension of the moment.

"Hey!" I hissed. Rozalina turned to me with a playful smile across her lips. I felt a breeze caress my cheek as if she sent it to reassure me. I smiled back.

"In another life I would have agreed with you." Rozalina turned her attention back to the woman kneeling on the floor. "But you went about this the wrong way and the pain you caused me and those I love- it can not be forgiven." She was finally standing in front of Vivian. A woman so full of hatred and grief stared up at one full of hope and determination, and she looked at peace. And so it came down to the age old battle between light and dark.

Rozalina reached out and brushed away Vivian's relentless tears. She placed both hands on either side of Vivian's head. The woman made of death and shadow closed her eyes, taking in one last breath. Rozalina's grip tightened before she suddenly jerked sideways, taking Vivian's head with her.

The intake of breath.

The breaking of bone.

Somewhere far away a crow shrieked into the crisp, endless night.

And all the pain,

The suffering,

The grief, was gone.

And it was over.

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